Online migration with Configuration Manager service templates

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number

The Ops Center Automator Online migration with Configuration Manager service templates are provided with the software and is preconfigured. These service templates use global-active device and enable you to automate portions of the online migration process.

You can watch a video on how to use these service templates.

Create Online Migration Pair
This service runs from the creation of zones to the creation of copy pairs for online host migration through Configuration Manager. After this service is complete, you must submit the Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair service to complete the migration.
Create Online Migration Pairs for Multiple Hosts
This service enables you to submit a Create Online Migration Pair service task for each specified host. After the auto-submitted tasks are complete, you must submit the Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair service for each task to complete the migration.
Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair
This service runs from the swap of copy pairs to the deletion of source volumes for online host migration through Configuration Manager. Before submitting this service, the Create Online Migration Pair service must be completed.
Clean up Online Migration Pair
This service enables you to clean up the resources created by the Create Online Migration Pair task.

Notes editing feature

The Create Online Migration Pair and Create Online Migration Pairs for Multiple Hosts services have a Notes feature to automatically describe the current migration progress. By checking Notes of these services, the user can determine the migration progress of the task (for example, whether the Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair task has been run) and decide the next action to take. The user can specify the first string of Notes as a filter to display the Create Online Migration Pair tasks in a specific migration progress.

Note: Whether the user runs the Create Online Migration Pair service or the Create Online Migration Pairs for Multiple Hosts service, the migration progress will be added only to Notes of the Create Online Migration Pair task.

The following strings are output to Notes:

  • Initial copy started: Indicates whether the Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair task can be run when the Create Online Migration Pair task is terminated (for example, due to a server restart).
  • Initial copy finished: Indicates whether the Create Online Migration Pair task has been finished.
  • Migration started (task id: task_id): Indicates whether the Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair task for the indicated task has been started.
  • Migration finished: Indicates whether the Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair task has been finished.
  • Cleanup started (task id: task_id): Indicates whether the Clean up Online Migration Pair task for the indicated task has been started.
  • Cleanup finished: Indicates whether the Clean up Online Migration Pair task has been finished.
Note: When using this feature, be aware of the following:
  • Filtering can be performed in the task list window.
  • The Online migration with Configuration Manager services must be in the same service group.
  • Notes can contain a maximum of 1024 characters.
  • Do not use Ops Center Automator to edit Notes of the Create Online Migration Pair tasks while the Create Online Migration Pair, Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair, and Clean up Online Migration Pair tasks are running.

Supported platforms

For information on supported platforms, see Service template supported platforms.

Note: For information on the supported platforms required to run multiple tasks concurrently, see Running multiple tasks.

Default ports

Port number Use

Secure communication from Ops Center Automator to Ops Center Administrator.

22015 Communication from Ops Center Automator client to Ops Center Automator server.
22016 Secure communication from Ops Center Automator client to Ops Center Automator server.
23450 Communication from Ops Center Automator to Ops Center API Configuration Manager.
23451 Secure communication from Ops Center Automator to Ops Center API Configuration Manager.
* Create Online Migration Pair