Create Service window

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number

The Create Service window enables you to select the parameters of your service and preview the result before saving. Admin, Develop, and Modify users can create services.

The Create Service window includes the following areas:

Overview pane

The Overview pane includes a written description of the template and a graphical representation of the hardware and data structure.

Navigation pane

The Navigation pane has settings groups that include General Settings and any other settings that are required or optional for the service. You can click a settings group to display and edit the settings in the Settings pane. You can also navigate through the settings groups using the links at the bottom of the Settings pane.

The settings groups vary according to the template or service upon which the service is based. If settings are required, a graphic warning will display in the settings group.

Settings pane

Use the Settings pane to edit or create the parameters for your service.

Note: If you are copying an existing service, the default values for the parameters will be different than if you are creating a service.
Settings/Parameters Description
Name Name to display in the Services tab.
Description Description of the service.
Status The status of the service. Two options are available for creating a service. Select Test for new services to allow only users in the Admin, Develop, or Modify role to submit the service.
Tags Tags act as filters in the Tag Search pane of the Services window. A service has one or more tags for the service (to a maximum of 256 characters). The tags you select for the service also apply to the tasks generated by the service.
Service Group

The service group of users who can access the service.

Note: If you are editing a service instead of creating a new service, you cannot change the Service Group. To change the Service Group, use the Copy action to copy the service.

Service Template The service template used by the service. You can click the template name to open the Template Preview, which includes detailed information about the template.

In the Template Preview, you can click View Flow to open the flow window for the template.

Advanced Options Scheduling options for the service.
  • Scheduling Options:
    • Immediate: Run the service when it is submitted.
    • Scheduled: Run the service one time.
    • Recurrence: Run the service multiple times.
  • Display Flow Detail for Submit User: Select to display.
Import Imports property values from a specified file.
Export Exports property values to a specified file.
Preview Opens a view of the service as it will appear to a user.
Save and Close Saves the service to the system and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels any changes and closes the window.