Viewing task details

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number

The detailed task information includes a summary, submit information, results from output properties, log, and notes. Detailed task information is available for active and test tasks. Detailed task information is not available for archived tasks.

On the Tasks tab, select a task from the Tasks or Debug view, then click Show Details.

The following controls are available:

  • Input Response: Click to respond if a task is in Waiting for Input status.
  • Archive: Click to archive the task.
  • Mark as "To Do": Click to mark as To Do (red flag) to the task row in the Debug pane. This can be used if the task needs attention from an administrator.
  • Unmark "To Do": Click to remove the flag.
  • More Actions: Click to access additional options that affect the selected task.

The following table describes the task information that is provided in the Task Details window.

Property Description
Summary tab
Task ID The auto-generated 16-digit identification number of a task.
Task Name The name of the task.
Status The current status of the task.
Description The description of the task.
Service Click the link to open the service preview, where you can view information about the service. Admin and Develop users can also access the Template Preview and the template flow in the Service Builder Edit view in Automator Service Builder.
Submitted By Name of the user who submitted the service.
Schedule Type The schedule type of a task, for example, Immediate indicates that the task is scheduled for immediate execution. Scheduled means that the task is scheduled for future execution.
Details Details pertaining to the task.
Submit Time Time when the service was submitted.
Start Time The start time of the task.
Completion Time Completion time of the task.
Submitted Data tab Displays the parameters set for the task when submitted and can vary depending on the service.
Results tab Displays the results of any output properties that were set.
Flow tab Shows the flow of steps
Log tab The log information might be useful in debugging. You can copy a section or save the entire log by clicking Download and then specifying the location of the log file.
Notes tab An HTML text editor is provided to enter additional information regarding the task. For example, a user might need to add information that can be viewed by an administrator when assistance is needed with a task.