About tasks

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number

Tasks perform the functions of the service such as allocate or create volumes, or commence replication. Tasks are generated automatically when a service is submitted. You can monitor the progress of a task as it runs its function through completion.

The dashboard gives a quick way to monitor the tasks. From the dashboard, you can view the tasks that were generated by the services you submitted, or see the tasks that need a response. The Global Monitoring Bar Area found at the bottom of every tab in Ops Center Automator shows a collective summary of the task status.

You can manage tasks from the Tasks tab. Active tasks are categorized by the tags that were assigned to its service and by task status. Tasks that were generated by testing services are found on the Debug tab. Archived tasks are found under the History tab. Various actions are available to manage tasks such as stopping, canceling, or resubmitting tasks.

Each task has task details to provide more in-depth information about the task and its relationship to the service. The details contain information such as the task name, description, type of schedule, start time, and the status of each functional step of the task. This is useful information when monitoring or troubleshooting a task.

A task monitoring area is shown beneath the main tasks that gives details for each step associated with a task. From here, you can see the status of the steps and, if necessary, determine at which step a failure has occurred.