Properties file format

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number

In the properties file, the property key and value used by the executed services can be defined in JSON and key=value format.

JSON format

"properties": [
      "keyName": "property-key",
      "displayName" : "property-display-name"
      "description" : "description-of-property"
      "type" : "property-type"
      "value": "property-value"
      "keyName": "property-key",
      "displayName" : "property-display-name"
      "description" : "description-of-property"
      "type" : "property-type"
      "value": "property-value"

Following are definition details for the JSON format:

  • The displayName, description, and type fields are optional.
  • When you specify "value": "", the property value is set to an empty value.
  • The value for the password type property can be in plain text or encrypted. The "value" field of the password type property is not exported for security reasons. The defined value is imported as is.
  • In the properties file, define only properties for which you want to set values. The values of properties that are not defined in the imported file remain unchanged. When exporting step properties, the type field is only output for the service component.

key=value format

To specify property values for a key=value properties file, use the following format:

property-key=property-value [line break]

Following are definition details of the key=value format:

  • Specify a property name and a property value on each line.
  • Lines starting with a hash mark (#) are handled as comment lines.
  • Lines that do not contain an equal mark "=" are handled as comment lines.
  • A line break needs to be added at the end of each property setting line.
  • Do not add line breaks in the middle of the property name and property value lines.
  • Characters are case-sensitive.
  • Even when a "\" is contained in strings like service and plug-in resource files, you do not must type "\\".
  • "\" is handled as a "\".
  • The characters at the beginning of a line up to the first equal sign (=) are treated as a property name.
  • The characters after the equal sign (=) after the property name, until the end of the line are treated as the property value.
  • The line break at the end of the properties file (EOF) is optional.
  • Empty lines (lines containing line breaks only) are ignored.
  • Both CR+LF and LF can be used as line breaks.
  • When using the property-key = [line break] format, the property value is set to an empty value.