Registering a local storage system to an Ops Center API Configuration Manager connection

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number

Verify the following:

  • A Web Service connection exists for the Ops Center API Configuration Manager server on which you plan to register the storage system in Connection Settings > Web Service Connections on the Administration tab.

    See Configuring Ops Center API Configuration Manager connections for more information.

  • You have an account with Administrator user group (built-in group) permissions on the storage system.
  1. On the Administration tab, select Storage Service Settings > Configuration Manager Settings.
  2. From the Configuration Manager Connections section at the top of the window, select the Ops Center API Configuration Manager connection to which you want to add a storage system.
  3. At the top of the Local Storage System section, click Register.
  4. In the Register Local Storage System dialog box, enter the following information for the storage system:

    The dialog content changes depending on the storage system model you select.

    • Model: Select the storage system model from the Model list.
    • Serial Number: Enter the storage system serial number.
    • Target Controller: Select the controller operated by Configuration Manager from the Controller list.
    • Controller1 IP Address: Specify the IPv4 or IPv6 IP address of storage system controller 1.
    • Controller2 IP Address: Specify the IPv4 or IPv6 IP address of the storage system controller 2.
    • Link with SVP: Select this check box to enable SVP integration.
    • SVP IP Address: Enter the storage system SVP IP address.
    • RMI Port: Specify the storage system RMI port number. The default port number is 1099.
    • Enable SSL communication with SVP: Optionally, select the check box to enable SSL.

      If this option is selected, the following item is shown:

      • SVP HTTPS Port: Specify the port number that SVP uses for HTTPS communication. The default port number is 443.
    • Receive configuration-change notifications from the storage system: Select the check box to receive configuration change notifications from the storage system.
      Note: If the database of the Ops Center API Configuration Manager used for the search function does not match the resource information of the storage system, service templates might not work properly.

      Therefore, you should enable Receive configuration-change notifications from the storage system.

  5. Click OK.
    Note: If storage system information such as the IP address or port number changes, you must delete the storage system and register it again.