Registering storage systems to an Ops Center API Configuration Manager connection

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number

You must register storage systems in advance before you can use them with the Ops Center API Configuration Manager and the Ops Center Automator storage automation services.

From the Configuration Manager Settings window on the Administration tab, you can:

  • Register and delete local storage systems.
  • Refresh and update local storage system status and information.
  • Register and delete remote storage system information.
Note: Ops Center API Configuration Manager uses various ports for communication between REST API clients, management servers, and storage systems. In addition, Ops Center API Configuration Manager uses additional ports for communications between the primary and secondary sites when a remote copy is performed.

Make sure that these ports are open before registering a storage system or submitting a service. If the proper ports are not open, registering a storage system might fail or the task might fail. For affected service templates, see Service template prerequisites.

For details, see "Ports used by the REST API" and "Ports used during remote copy operations" in the Hitachi Ops Center API Configuration Manager REST API Reference Guide.