Configuring email and log settings

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number

The system settings are used to configure the email notifications and log parameters in Ops Center Automator. The Admin role is required to configure the system settings.

Email notifications are sent to users when a task fails ("Failed" status) or a task detects an error ("In Progress (with Error)" status). Also, Ops Center Automator needs for the SMTP Server settings to send an email.

  1. On the Administration tab, click System Settings.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. In the Email section, enter the following information. For email addresses, you can specify multiple email addresses separated with commas:
    • Server Address: SMTP server name or IP address. Ops Center Automator supports SMTP Servers on which SMTP-AUTH (Only PLAIN, LOGIN, and DIGEST-MD5 are supported as the authentication method) is set. (Required)
    • Server Port: SMTP server port number. (Required)
    • User ID: for the email account. (Required)
    • Password: for the email account. (Required)
    • From: sender's email address.
    • To: recipient's email address.
    • Cc: copy to email address.
    • Bcc: blind copy to email address.
  4. Click System Parameters to expand the section and update the following settings:
    • E-mail notification: ON or OFF.
    • Task Threshold Settings
      • Severe: output for only severe logs.
      • Information: Output for severe and informational logs. (Default)
      • Fine: Output for detailed logs for tracing purposes.
      • Finer: Output for highly detailed logs for tracing purposes.
      • Debug: Output for all log levels including debug logs.
  5. Click Save.