Configuring Web Service Connections

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number

You can add or edit a web service connection.

  1. From the Administration tab, click Connection Settings > Web Service Connections.
  2. Click Add or Edit and enter the following:
    • Category
      Note: When using a service that links with the FC switch management service, select BNA, DCNM, or FOS_PrimarySwitch as the category.
    • Name
      Note: When using a service that links with the FC switch management service, enter the same name as the input value of "Connection Names" or "Connections" for the service.
    • IP Address/Host Name
    • Protocol
      Note: When you use https with Web Service connections, you must first import certificates for the Web Service Connection and import certificates into the Java truststore. For detailed information, see the Hitachi Ops Center Automator Installation and Configuration Guide.
    • Port
    • User ID
    • Password
  3. To use a proxy server, select the Use Proxy Server check box and enter the following information:
    • IP Address/Host Name
    • Port
    • Authentication
    • Authentication Type
    • User ID
    • Password
      Note: You can change the password in the Edit window once the web service connection is added.
  4. Enter assigned infrastructure groups.
  5. (Optional) You can test the connection with the values you specified by clicking Test. After starting the test, a notification balloon appears above the Test button indicating whether the connections completed successfully. To stop the testing process, click Stop Test.
  6. Click OK.
    Note: You can verify the status of the current connections from the Web Service Connections window, which shows the status (Successful, Error, and Unknown) and the time when the connection was last established. To update the display of current connection, click Refresh.