Get List of Virtual Machines from VMware vSphere: Service details

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number

This service template obtains a list of virtual server information.

If no ESX server name is specified, the service template obtains information about all virtual servers on all ESX servers in the specified vCenter server. By specifying a specific ESX server name, only information for that specific server is obtained.

The general steps for using this service template to obtain a listing of virtual server information are as follows:

  1. A list of virtual server information is output in CSV format to a temporary file in the remote system.
  2. The temporary file is forwarded from the remote system to a specified output file on the local system.
  3. The temporary file is deleted from the remote system. The service template outputs the following items to a CSV file (the items are separated by the comma):
    1. ESX server name (header name: HostName)
    2. Virtual server name (header name: VMName)
    3. Virtual server power status (header name: PowerState)
    4. Number of CPUs in the virtual server#1 (header name: NumCpu)
    5. Virtual server memory capacity (MB) (header name: MemoryMB)

    #1: The number of CPUs depends on the VMware vCenter Server version:

    If the VMware vCenter Server version is 4.1 or earlier, this is the number of virtual processors.

    If the VMware vCenter Server version is 5.0 or later, this is the total number of cores (number of virtual sockets × number of cores per socket).

Service Definition Properties

The following table lists the properties visible in the Service Definition window for the Get List of Virtual Machines from VMware vSphere service template.

Property Key Property Name Description Required or optional
vmware.targetHost Host name of VMware vCenter control server Specify the host name or IP address of the server (a server with vSphere PowerCLI installed) that will be used to control VMware vCenter. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. R
vmware.vCenterServerName VMware vCenter server name Specify the host name or IP address of the VMware vCenter server. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. R
vmware.userName User name for VMware vCenter Server connection Specify the user name to use when connecting to the VMware vCenter server. R
vmware.password Password for VMware vCenter Server connection Specify the password to use when connecting to the VMware vCenter server. R
vmware.portNumber Port number for VMware vCenter Server connection Specify the port number to use when connecting to the VMware vCenter server (specifically, the port number of the VMware vCenter server's Web service). If you omit this property, the default value of the VMware vCenter server applies. O
vmware.protocol Protocol for VMware vCenter Server connection Specify the protocol to use when connecting to the VMware vCenter server. R

Service Definition and Submit Service Properties

The following table lists the properties visible in the Service Definition and Submit Service windows for the Get List of Virtual Machines from VMware vSphere service template.

Property Key Property Name Description Required or optional
vmware.vmHostName ESX server name Specify the ESX server name to show in the Hosts and Clusters inventory view managed by VMware vCenter server. O
vmware.listOutputFileNameRemote Output file name (remote) Specifies the full path name of the temporary file to output virtual server information to the VMware vCenter control server. R
vmware.listOutputFileNameLocal Output file name (local) Specifies the full path name of the file on the local server for acquiring the virtual server information. R
Note: Although some of the properties in the tables indicate that they can be omitted, they mmight be required when used in conjunction with some other property setting as indicated in the descriptions.


The following conditions must be met:

  • VMware vSphere ESXi (or VMware ESX Server) is managed by VMware vCenter Server.
  • Each virtual server name is unique among the vCenter servers.
  • VMwareTools is installed on the target virtual server.

Server requirements

To use this service template, the following servers are needed:

  • vCenter server: This is a server on which VMware vCenter Server is installed.
  • vCenter control server: This is a server on which VMware vSphere PowerCLI is installed.
  • Virtual server: This is a virtual server managed by the vCenter server and VMware vSphere ESX.

Software requirements

One of the following is required:

  • VMware vSphere PowerCLI 6.3 Release1, 6.0 Release3, 6.0 Release1
  • VMware PowerCLI 6.5 Release1
  • VMware PowerCLI 6.5.1, 6.5.4
  • VMware PowerCLI 10.1.0, 10.1.1

Usage guidelines

  • If the file name specified for the remote or the local system already exists, that file is overwritten. In addition, the file in the remote system is deleted. For this reason, you must make sure that the specified file names are correct.
  • If there is no folder on the specified path in the remote system, a folder is created. Any folder that is created remains and is not deleted; for this reason, you must delete unneeded folders periodically.