Delete Virtual Machine: Service details

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number

This service template deletes a Virtual Machine.

The general steps for using this service template to delete a virtual machine are as follows:

  1. The power status of a virtual server is obtained.
  2. Verifies that the power status is off.
    1. If the power status is not off, the service template uses the User-Response Wait Plug-in to determine whether to turn off the power.
    2. A user with the Modify permission can specify an email destination, email message contents, timeout value, and information to show in the window by the User-Response Wait Plug-in.
    3. If the user selects Shutdown in the UI of the User-Response Wait plug-in, the service template shuts down the virtual server.
    4. If the user selects Cancel or if a response timeout occurs, the service ends abnormally without running the process on the virtual server.

    When the virtual server is being ended, the service template waits for the time (in seconds) specified in the VMware.checkPowerStateInterval property and verifies that the power is off, which it does up to the number of times specified in the vmware.checkPowerStateCount property. If the default values are not suitable, specify values that suit your environment. If there are multiple virtual servers, a virtual disk is added to each virtual server that satisfies the specified conditions. This processing is performed in parallel.

  3. Deletes the server.

    A maximum of 60 characters can be specified in the virtual server name property vmware.vmName.

Service Definition Properties

The following table lists the properties visible in the Service Definition window for the Delete Virtual Machine service template.

Property Key Property Name Description Required or optional
vmware.targetHost Host name of VMware vCenter control server Specify the host name or IP address of the server (a server with vSphere PowerCLI installed) that will be used to control VMware vCenter. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. R
vmware.vCenterServerName VMware vCenter server name Specify the host name or IP address of the VMware vCenter server. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. R
vmware.userName User name for VMware vCenter Server connection Specify the user name to use when connecting to the VMware vCenter server. R
vmware.password Password for VMware vCenter Server connection Specify the password to use when connecting to the VMware vCenter server. R
vmware.portNumber Port number for VMware vCenter Server connection Specify the port number to use when connecting to the VMware vCenter server (specifically, the port number of the VMware vCenter server's Web service). If you omit this property, the default value of the VMware vCenter server applies. O
vmware.protocol Protocol for VMware vCenter Server connection Specify the protocol to use when connecting to the VMware vCenter server. R
UserResponsePlugin.toAddress TO addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the TO field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas. Example: mailA,mailB O
UserResponsePlugin.ccAddress CC addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the CC field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas. Example: mailA,mailB O
UserResponsePlugin.bccAddress BCC addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the BCC field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas. Example: mailA,mailB O
UserResponsePlugin.mailSubject Subject line Specify the subject line of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. O
UserResponsePlugin.mailBody Email text Specify the body text of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. O
UserResponsePlugin.encodeType Encoding Specify the encoding of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. The encodings you can specify are us-ascii, iso-2022-jp, shift_jis, euc-jp, and utf-8. If you omit this property, utf-8 is set. O
UserResponsePlugin.dialogText Additional dialog box text Enter additional text to appear in the response input dialog box, in text or HTML format. Supported HTML tags are anchor tags, bold tags, break tags, font tags, italics tags, and underline tags. O
UserResponsePlugin.responseTimeOut Response timeout time (minutes) Specify how long (in minutes) the service waits for a user response before timing out. In the event of a response timeout, the service will end abnormally. R
vmware.checkPowerStateCount Power status check count Specifies the number of times to verify the power status when confirming that the virtual server is stopped. In combination with the power status verification interval, this determines the maximum wait time. R
vmware.checkPowerStateInterval Power status check interval Specifies the interval in seconds for verifying the power status when confirming that the virtual server is stopped. R

Service Definition and Submit Service Properties

The following table lists the properties visible in the Service Definition and Submit Service windows for the Delete Virtual Machine service template.

Property Key Property Name Description Required or optional
vmware.vmName Virtual server name Specify the name of the virtual server. This name is used to represent the virtual server in VMware vCenter server. It is not used as a host name by the OS. R
Note: Although some of the properties in the tables indicate that they can be omitted, they might be required when used in conjunction with some other property setting as indicated in the descriptions.


The following conditions must be met:

  • VMware vSphere ESXi (or VMware ESX Server) is managed by VMware vCenter Server.
  • Each virtual server name is unique among the vCenter servers.
  • VMwareTools is installed on the target virtual server.

Server requirements

To use this service template, the following servers are needed:

  • vCenter server: This is a server on which VMware vCenter Server is installed.
  • vCenter control server: This is a server on which VMware vSphere PowerCLI is installed.
  • Virtual server: This is a virtual server managed by the vCenter server and VMware vSphere ESX.

Software requirements

One of the following is required:

  • VMware vSphere PowerCLI 6.3 Release1, 6.0 Release3, 6.0 Release1
  • VMware PowerCLI 6.5 Release1
  • VMware PowerCLI 6.5.1, 6.5.4
  • VMware PowerCLI 10.1.0, 10.1.1

Usage guidelines

  • Do not run multiple instances of this service on the same virtual server.
  • If you specify HTML tags in UserResponseplugin.dialogText, the permitted tags and attributes are the same as those for the User-Response Wait plug-in.