Get Lists of Users from Multiple Servers: Service details

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number

This service template acquires a list of Windows-based OS or Linux OS users and servers listed in a CSV file.

The general steps for using this service template to get a list of users from multiple servers are as follows:

  1. A list of Windows-based OS or Linux OS servers is obtained from the specified column in the CSV file. State the column name in the first line of the CSV file. State the data in the 2nd through 100th lines. At least one column must state the host name or IP address. Here is an example:
    Host name
  2. No more than 99 host names or IP addresses can be stated in a CSV file and the total character string length of host names or IP addresses + the host count cannot exceed 1,017 characters.
  3. The fields read are verified for the following conditions. If any of these conditions are met, the task fails.
    1. A field exceeds 1024 in character string length.
    2. A field contains the following special characters , < > | ; & * ? ` % or a double quote (") not at an end of a field, or a backslash (\) at the end of a field.
    3. A field contains a control character (0x00 through 0x1f.)
  4. An OS user list is output in text format to the specified file for each Windows-based OS or Linux OS server. The name of the file is OS_Users_XXXX, where XXXX specifies the host name or IP address as stated in the string specified in the CSV file. For Windows-based OS, the output format of the file is the same as the output result of the net user command.
  5. The OS user list file is transferred to the folder specified by the local server. The transfer source file on the Windows-based OS or Linux OS server is deleted.
    Note: If reading a CSV fails, wait for the seconds specified in the OS.fileOpenRetryInterval property, and then repeat the number of times specified in the OS.fileOpenRetryCount property to try again for reading a file. If necessary, modify the property values for your system environment.

Service Definition Properties

The following table lists the properties shown in the Service Definition window for the Get Lists of Users from Multiple Servers service template.

Property Key Property Name Description Required or optional
OS.fileOpenRetryCount Retry count for reading a file: Windows specific Specifies the number of times to try again when reading a file fails (only applicable to Windows-based OS). This value multiplied by the interval between tries gives the maximum waiting time. If "0" is specified, another try is not performed. R
OS.fileOpenRetryInterval Retry interval for reading a file: Windows specific Specifies the interval in seconds between tries when reading a file fails (only applicable to Windows-based OS). R

Service Definition and Submit Service Properties

The following table lists the properties shown in the Service Definition and Submit Service windows for the Get Lists of Users from Multiple Servers service template.

Property Key Property Name Description Required or optional
OS.excelFileName CSV file name (local) Specifies the full path name of the CSV file where the list of servers is managed. R
OS.Column1 Column number for the server names Specifies the column number in the CSV file as a number from 1 through 255. R
OS.userType OS user type Specify "local" or "domain" as the OS user type. This property only takes effect when the server acquiring the list of OS users is running Windows-based OS. O
OS.listOutputFolderNameRemote_Windows Output folder for Windows OS (remote) Specifies the full path of the folder on the Windows-based OS server where the list of OS users is output. The remote file is deleted after the transfer. The output folder must be specified if the servers where the user list is acquired include a Windows-based OS server. O
OS.listOutputDirectoryNameRemote_Linux Output directory for Linux (remote) Specifies the full path of the folder on the Linux OS server where the list of OS users is output. The remote file is deleted after the transfer. The output folder must be specified if the servers where the user list is acquired include a Linux OS server. O
OS.listOutputFolderNameLocal Output folder name (local) Specifies the full path name of the file where the list of OS users is output. R
Note: Although some of the properties in the tables indicate that they can be omitted, they might be required when used in conjunction with some other property setting as indicated in the descriptions.

Server requirements

To use this service template, the following servers are needed:

  • Windows-based OS or Linux OS servers.

Usage guidelines

  • To run this service, the local server (loopback address resolved by localhost) and the server acquiring the list of OS users must be set as agentless connection destinations.
  • IP addresses in the CSV file must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • If the OS of the server acquiring the list of OS users is Linux OS, do not use multibyte characters in properties.
  • Because of ODBC driver restrictions, the following characters within parenthesis cannot be used in CSV file names: ([ ] ! `) .
  • If you specify multibyte characters and the OS of the server acquiring the list of OS users is Windows-based OS, specify a value for the Windows-based OS output folder (remote) property that is no longer than 248 bytes.
  • If you specify multibyte characters, specify a value for the output folder name (local) property that is no longer than 256 bytes.
  • When the folder names specified as remote and local already exist, the existing folders are overwritten. Also, when there is a file by the same name in the folder, it is also overwritten. For this reason, verify that folder names are specified correctly.
  • If there is no folder at the path specified as remote, the folder is created. The created folder is left undeleted. If it is not used periodically, delete it.