Obtain virtual server information list: Service details

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number
This service template obtains a list of information about virtual servers in a Hyper-V environment.

The general steps for using this service template are as follows:

  1. A list of virtual server information is output to a temporary file in CSV format on the specified remote PC. The file is encoded in the default encoding of the system on the Hyper-V server.
  2. The temporary file on the remote PC is transferred to an output file on the local PC.
  3. The temporary file on the remote PC is deleted.

    The following items are output to the file in CSV (comma-separated value) format:

    • Name of the Hyper-V server (header name: ComputerName)
    • Name of the virtual server (header name: VMName)
    • State of the virtual server (header name: State)
    • CPU usage (%) of a virtual server (header name: CPUUsage)
    • Size of the memory (in MB) allocated to the virtual server (header name: MemoryAssigned)
    • Running time of the virtual server (header name: Uptime)
    • Status of the virtual server (header name: Status)
    • Number of virtual processors on the virtual server (header name: ProcessorCount)
    • Startup RAM (in MB) of the virtual server (header name: MemoryStartup)
    • Whether dynamic memory is enabled on the virtual server (header name: DynamicMemoryEnabled)

Service Definition and Submit Service Properties

The following table lists the properties shown in the Service Definition window for the service template.

Property key Property name Description
hyperv.targetHost R Hyper-V server host name Specifies the host name or IP address of the Hyper-V server. IPv6 addresses are not supported.
R: Required

The following table lists the properties shown in the Service Definition and the Submit Service windows:

Property key Property name Description
hyperv.listOutputFileNameRemote R Output file name (remote) Specifies, as a full path, the temporary file name for when virtual server information is output to the Hyper-V server.
hyperv.exportedVmName R Output file name (local) Specifies the name of the file (in full-path format) that contains the virtual server information to be saved to the local server.
R: Required

Server requirements

  • Hyper-V server

    A server on which Hyper-V is installed.

  • Virtual server

    A virtual server managed by Hyper-V.

Usage guidelines

  • If you specify an existing file for the remote or local file, the existing file will be overwritten. In addition, the file on the remote PC will be deleted, so make sure the specified file name is correct.
  • If you specify a remote file path that includes non-existent folders, those folders are automatically created. These folders are not automatically deleted. Periodically delete these folders if they are unnecessary.
  • If two or more virtual servers have the same name, you will not be able to distinguish these virtual servers in the output CSV file.