Change virtual server specifications (CPU and memory): Service details

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number
This service template changes the specified resource settings (CPU and memory) of a virtual server in a Hyper-V environment.

The general steps for using this service template are as follows:

  1. The service asks whether CPU and memory settings are to be changed. If you do not want to change either the CPU settings or the memory settings, the service ends abnormally.
  2. The service makes sure that the virtual server is stopped.

    If the virtual server is running, the User-Response Wait plug-in to verify whether the virtual server is to be shut down.

    Users who have Modify permission can use this plug-in to specify an email destination, message, timeout value, and information to be displayed.

    If you select Shutdown from the UI of the User-Response Wait plug-in, the virtual server is shut down.

    If you select Cancel or the response-wait processing times out, the task ends abnormally without changing the virtual server specifications.

  3. The target settings for the CPU and memory resources of the virtual server are changed. The settings that can be changed are as follows:
    • CPU settings that can be changed:
      • Number of virtual processors
      • Number of reserved virtual processor resources
      • Maximum number of virtual processor resources
      • Relative Weight setting of virtual processor resources
      • Processor compatibility
      • Maximum number of processors that can be used on a NUMA node
      • Maximum number of NUMA nodes that can be used by a socket
    • Memory settings that can be changed:
      • Startup RAM (MB)
      • Whether to enable dynamic memory
      • Minimum RAM for dynamic memory (MB)
      • Maximum RAM for dynamic memory (MB)
      • Buffer for dynamic memory
      • Memory weight
      • Maximum size of memory available on a NUMA node (MB)

Service Definition and Submit Service Properties

The following table lists the properties shown in the Service Definition window for the service template.

Property key Property name Description
hyperv.targetHost R Hyper-V server host name Specifies the host name or IP address of the Hyper-V server. IPv6 addresses are not supported.
UserResponsePlugin.toAddress O TO addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the TO field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas. For example: mailA,mailB
UserResponsePlugin.ccAddress O CC addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the CC field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas. For example: mailA,mailB
UserResponsePlugin.bccAddress O BCC addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the BCC field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas. For example: mailA,mailB
UserResponsePlugin.mailSubject O Subject line Specify the subject line of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response.
UserResponsePlugin.mailBody O Email text Specify the body text of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response.
UserResponsePlugin.encodeType O Encoding Specify the encoding of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. The encodings you can specify are us-ascii, iso-2022-jp, shift_jis, euc-jp, and utf-8. If you omit this property, utf-8 is set.
UserResponsePlugin.dialogText O Additional dialog box text Enter additional text to appear in the response input dialog box, in text or HTML format. Supported HTML tags are anchor tags, bold tags, break tags, font tags, italics tags, and underline tags.
UserResponsePlugin.responseTimeOut R Response timeout time (minutes) Specify how long (in minutes) the service waits for a user response before timing out. In the event of a response timeout, the service will end abnormally.

O: The property can be omitted. However, the property might be mandatory depending on what is specified for other properties. See the Description of each property.

R: Required

The following table lists the properties shown in the Service Definition and the Submit Service windows:

Property key Property name Description
hyperv.vmName R Virtual server name Specifies the name of the virtual server. (This is the name of the virtual server as it is displayed in Hyper-V. This is not the host name in the OS.)
hyperv.selectVmCpuChange R Whether to change the virtual server CPU settings To change the virtual server CPU settings, select "yes". If you do not want to change the virtual server CPU settings, select "no".
hyperv.selectVmMemoryChange R Whether to change the virtual server memory settings To change the virtual server memory settings, select "yes". If you do not want to change the virtual server memory settings, select "no".
hyperv.cpuCount O Number of virtual processors Specify the number of virtual processors to be set on a virtual server. Specify an integer of 1 or greater.
hyperv.cpuReserve O Number of reserved virtual processor resources Specify the number of virtual processor resources reserved by each virtual server. Specify an integer that does not exceed "Maximum number of virtual processor resources" within the range from 0 to 100.
hyperv.cpuMaximum O Maximum number of virtual processor resources Specify the maximum number of virtual processor resources that can be used by each virtual server. Specify an integer that is equal to or greater than "Number of reserved virtual processor resources" within the range from 0 to 100.
hyperv.cpuRelativeWeight O Relative weight of virtual processor resources Specify the relative weight of virtual processor resources among virtual servers. Specify an integer in the range from 0 to 10,000.
hyperv.cpuCompatibilityForMigrationEnabled O Processor compatibility To enable processor compatibility, specify "true". To disable processor compatibility, specify "false". If specification is omitted, the current setting does not change.
hyperv.cpuMaximumCountPerNumaNode O Maximum number of processors that can be used on a NUMA node Specify the maximum number of processors that can be used on a virtual NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Architecture) node. Specify an integer of 1 or greater.
hyperv.nodeMaximumCountPerNumaSocket O Maximum number of NUMA nodes that can be used by a socket Specify the maximum number of virtual NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Architecture) nodes that can be used by one socket. Specify an integer of 1 or greater.
hyperv.memoryStartupMegaBytesO Startup RAM (MB) Specify (in MB) the amount of memory to be used during the startup of the virtual server. Specify an integer of 8 or greater that is a multiple of 2.
hyperv.dynamicMemoryEnabled O Whether to enable dynamic memory To enable dynamic memory on the virtual server, specify "true". To disable dynamic memory on the virtual server, specify "false". If specification is omitted, the current setting does not change.
hyperv.dynamicMemoryMinimumMegaBytes O Minimum RAM for dynamic memory (MB) Specify (in MB) the minimum amount of dynamic memory. Specify a multiple of 2 in the range from 8 to the "Startup RAM" value. Specify this item only when dynamic memory is enabled.
hyperv.dynamicMemoryMaximumMegaBytes O Maximum RAM for dynamic memory (MB) Specify (in MB) the maximum amount of dynamic memory. Specify a multiple of 2 that is not smaller than 8 and the "Startup RAM" value. Specify this item only when dynamic memory is enabled.
hyperv.dynamicMemoryBuffer O Buffer for dynamic memory Specify the percentage of memory to be reserved as the buffer for dynamic memory of Hyper-V. Specify an integer in the range from 5 to 2,000. Specify this item only when dynamic memory is enabled.
hyperv.memoryPriority O Memory weight Specify the priority that is applied when available memory is allocated to multiple virtual servers. Specify an integer in the range from 0 to 100.
hyperv.memoryMaximumAmountMegaBytesPerNumaNode Maximum size of memory available on a NUMA node (MB) Specify (in MB) the maximum amount of memory that can be used on a virtual NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Architecture) node. Specify an integer of 8 or greater.

O: The property can be omitted. However, the property might be mandatory depending on what is specified for other properties. See the Description of each property.

R: Required


The name of each virtual server on the Hyper-V server must be unique within a single Hyper-V server.

Server requirements

  • Hyper-V server

    A server on which Hyper-V is installed.

  • Virtual server

    A virtual server managed by Hyper-V.

Usage guidelines

  • Do not run multiple instances of this service simultaneously on the same virtual server.
  • You can use certain HTML tags when specifying the property UserResponseplugin.dialogText. The tags and attributes that can be used are the same as those that can be used for the User-Response Wait plug-in. For details, see "User-Response Wait Plug-in" in the Hitachi Ops Center Automator Service Builder User Guide.
  • The maximum number of virtual processors that can be set for a virtual server differs depending on the Hyper-V server.
  • The values that can be specified for the memory-related settings of a virtual server differ depending on the Hyper-V server.
  • IIf the service ends abnormally, some CPU or memory settings might have been changed.
  • If you select "yes" for the property hyperv.selectVmCpuChange and then run the service without entering a value for any CPU-related setting, the service ends abnormally. Similarly, if you select "yes" for the property hyperv.selectVmMemoryChange and then run the service without entering a value for any memory-related setting, the service ends abnormally.
  • If you select "Shutdown" from the UI of the User-Response Wait plug-in, the virtual server shuts down. Data in the files that are currently being edited on the virtual server will not be saved.