Add a virtual server (virtual disk): Service details

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number
This service template creates a virtual disk in a Hyper-V environment and then adds that virtual disk to a virtual server.

The general steps for using this service template are as follows:

  1. The task obtains the status of the virtual server.
  2. The task confirms that the virtual server is not running.

    If the virtual server is not running, the task continues processing. In all other cases, the task runs the User-Response Wait plug-in to verify whether the virtual server is to be shut down.

    If you select Shutdown from the UI of the User-Response Wait plug-in, the virtual server is shut down. If you select Shutdown for a virtual server that is not running, the task ends abnormally without making any changes on the virtual server.

    If you select Cancel or the wait for a user response times out, the task ends abnormally without making any changes on the virtual server.

  3. The task creates a virtual disk file in the Hyper-V environment.

    The task can create dynamic (variable-size) or fixed (fixed-size) virtual disks. It cannot create differential virtual disks or pass-through (physical) disks.

    If you specify the property hyperv.vHardDiskFolderPath, a new virtual disk file is created in the folder path specified by the property. If you do not specify this property, a new virtual disk is saved in the default virtual-disk storage folder set on the Hyper-V server.

    If you specify a path that includes non-existent folders, those folders are automatically created.

  4. The task connects the virtual disk to the virtual server.

    You can add virtual disks to a SCSI controller but not to an IDE controller.

    The method for connecting a virtual disk to a SCSI controller varies depending on whether the SCSI controller ID number (the property hyperv.scsiControllerNumber) and SCSI controller location number (the property hyperv.scsiLocationNumber) are specified.

    • If neither the SCSI controller ID number nor SCSI controller location number is specified:

      The Hyper-V server automatically connects the virtual disk to an available SCSI controller.

    • If only the SCSI controller ID number is specified:

      The Hyper-V server automatically connects the virtual disk to any location (0 to 63) of the specified SCSI controller.

    • If only the SCSI controller location number is specified:

      The Hyper-V server automatically connects the virtual disk to the specified SCSI controller location of an available SCSI controller (0 to 3).

    • If both the SCSI controller ID number and SCSI controller location number are specified:

      The virtual disk is connected to the specified location of the specified SCSI controller.

Service Definition and Submit Service Properties

The following table lists the properties shown in the Service Definition window for the service template.

Property key Property name Description
hyperv.targetHost R Hyper-V server host name Specifies the host name or IP address of the Hyper-V server. IPv6 addresses are not supported.
UserResponsePlugin.toAddress O TO addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the TO field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas. For example: mailA,mailB
UserResponsePlugin.ccAddress O CC addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the CC field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas. For example: mailA,mailB
UserResponsePlugin.bccAddress O BCC addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the BCC field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas. For example: mailA,mailB
UserResponsePlugin.mailSubject O Subject line Specify the subject line of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response.
UserResponsePlugin.mailBody O Email text Specify the body text of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response.
UserResponsePlugin.encodeType O Additional dialog box text Enter additional text to appear in the response input dialog box, in text or HTML format. Supported HTML tags are anchor tags, bold tags, break tags, font tags, italics tags, and underline tags.
UserResponsePlugin.dialogText O Domain user name Specify the user name for the domain that the virtual server belongs to. This item must be specified if DOMAIN is selected as the type of entity that you want the virtual server to belong to.
UserResponsePlugin.responseTimeOut R Response timeout time (minutes) Specify how long (in minutes) the service waits for a user response before timing out. In the event of a response timeout, the service will end abnormally.
O: The property can be omitted. However, the property might be mandatory depending on what is specified for other properties. See the Description of each property.

R: Required

The following table lists the properties shown in the Service Definition and the Submit Service windows:

Property key Property name Description
hyperv.vmName R Virtual server name Specifies the name of the virtual server. (This is the name of the virtual server as it is displayed in Hyper-V. This is not the host name in the OS.)
hyperv.vHardDiskName R Virtual Disk File Name Specify the file name of the virtual disk to be created. Specify "vhd" or "vhdx" as the file extension.
hyperv.vHardDiskFolderPath O Virtual disk storage folder path Specify the full path to the folder that stores the created virtual disk. If you omit this specification, the virtual disk is stored in the virtual disk folder specified for the Hyper-V server.
hyperv.vHardDiskType R Virtual disk type Specifies the virtual disk type. Specify one of the following: dynamic (an adjustable-size virtual disk is created) or fixed (a fixed-size virtual disk is created).
hyperv.capacity R Size (GB) Specifies the size of the virtual disk, in gigabytes (GB).
hyperv.scsiControllerNumber O SCSI controller number Specifies the SCSI controller number of the virtual server that adds the virtual disk. Specify the SCSI controller number as an integer from 0 in the order that the SCSI controllers were added to the virtual server (displayed in the Hyper-V Manager).
hyperv.scsiLocationNumber O SCSI controller location number Specifies the location number of the SCSI controller of the virtual server that adds the virtual disk. Specify the SCSI controller location number as an integer for the unused locations of SCSI controllers that were added to the virtual server.
O: The property can be omitted. However, the property might be mandatory depending on what is specified for other properties. See the Description of each property.

R: Required


  • The name of each virtual server on the Hyper-V server must be unique.
  • The Operating System Shutdown service of Hyper-V Integration Services must be enabled on the target virtual server.
  • There must be an available SCSI controller on the virtual server.

Server requirements

  • Hyper-V server

    A server on which Hyper-V is installed.

  • Virtual server

    A virtual server managed by Hyper-V.

Usage guidelines

  • This service template does not initialize the virtual disks that are added to the virtual server. If necessary, log in to the OS of the virtual server and initialize the disks.
  • Do not concurrently run multiple instances of this service on the same virtual server.
  • You can specify HTML tags for the property UserResponseplugin.dialogText. The specifiable tags and attributes are the same as those for the User-Response Wait plug-in. For details, see "User-Response Wait Plug-in" in the Hitachi Ops Center Automator Service Builder User Guide.
  • You cannot add any virtual disk files that have already been created on a Hyper-V server.
  • If you select Shutdown from the UI of the User-Response Wait plug-in, the OS of the virtual server is forcibly shut down. Data in files that are being edited on the virtual server will not be saved.
  • If another virtual disk is already connected to the specified SCSI controller location of the specified SCSI controller, this task ends abnormally.
  • For second-generation virtual servers, you can add only virtual disks that are in VHDX file format. If you try to connect a created VHD file to a second-generation virtual server, this task ends abnormally.