User-Response Wait Plug-in

Ops Center Automator Service Builder User Guide

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The User-Response Wait Plug-in enables a user to select the processing of the succeeding step when running the service.

To select the processing, the user uses the Respond dialog box. You can also set up email notification to notify the user that a task is waiting for a response.

You can access the Respond dialog box as follows:

  • Link from the URL in the response wait notification mail
  • Link from the Tasks view


The following information is obtained from built-in service share properties. Therefore, to notify the user when a task is waiting for a response, set the values for these parameters in advance in the System Settings view.

  • Address of the SMTP server
  • Port number
  • User ID
  • Password
  • Originator of the notification email

Cautionary notes

  • The email reporting that a task is waiting for a user response is not sent if any of the following applies:
    • No value is set in the built-in service share property.
    • SMTP has not been set up.
    • None of the toAddress, ccAddress, and bccAddress properties are specified.
    • An email address that is not valid is specified in any of the toAddress, ccAddress, and bccAddress properties.
  • The mail address to be specified differs from the value of the built-in service share properties. Therefore, make sure that you specify at least one of the toAddress, ccAddress, and bccAddress properties.
  • Do not stop the user-response wait plug-in while the Respond dialog box is visible and waiting for a response. Stopping it causes an error even if the operator selects processing for the subsequent step.
  • A URL that links to the Respond dialog box is automatically entered in the body of the notification email. If more than one step in a task is waiting for a response, each step that runs the user-response wait plug-in has a different URL, with each URL visible in the Respond dialog box for that step.
  • When you respond in other than the URL that links to the Respond dialog box, if there are multiple responses waiting, the response must be input from the oldest waiting response.
  • You cannot change the layout of the Respond dialog box.
  • Any return code from the properties labelButton1 to labelButton9 is considered an abnormal end, and error information is output to the task log. For the labelButton0 property and the properties labelButton1 to labelButton9, if the output log level is 10 or 20, the output details in the task log differ depending on the response result.
  • If you use machine-dependent characters or characters that are incompatible between character sets in the mailSubject or mailBody property, the characters are replaced with question marks (?) or other characters. In this scenario, either change the characters in the email, or change the encoding.
  • The following characters might not be converted correctly:

  • Even if the task is stopped or forcibly stopped, when you run Retry the Task From the Step After the Failed Step, the subsequent steps are run without response input. To prevent subsequent steps from being run,we recommended that you uncheck Retry under [Available Actions] in the Create/Edit Service window.
  • When specifying users who can respond with the responseUser property, note the following:
    • If a task is run by specifying only non-existent users or the user who submitted the task for the responseUser property, the task cannot be responded to using any user. In this case, you must stop or forcibly stop the task.
    • You cannot respond as the user who submitted the task, even in the Service Builder Debug window. To run subsequent plug-ins of User-Response Wait Plug-in on the Service Builder Debug window, either do not specify a value for the responseUser property or run User-Response Wait Plug-in in dry-run mode.

Return codes

The User-Response Wait Plug-in generates the following return codes:

Return Code Description
0-9 Returns the return code corresponding to the labelButton1 to labelButton9 properties. If a timeout occurs while waiting for a response, the value specified in the timeOutDefault property is returned as the return code. Therefore, the meaning of the return code depends on the service template that is using the plug-in.
10-63 If a timeout occurs while waiting for a response, the value specified in the timeOutDefault property is returned as the return code.
65 The connection with the Ops Center Automator server failed. For example, the Ops Center Automator server might have stopped while the plug-in was being run.
66 The following user is mapped to the Ops Center Automator user:
  • A user who does not belong to the Administrators group.
  • A user other than the built-in Administrator who belongs to the Administrators group, in an environment with UAC enabled.
68 No information about the target job execution ID exists.
69 An environment variable of the task-processing engine cannot be acquired.
80 Task execution has stopped.
81 The plug-in was called in a status that is not valid.
82 The request message from the task-processing engine cannot be correctly parsed.
83 The environment of the Ops Center Automator server is corrupted.
84 Information about the specified plug-in cannot be obtained.
86 The value set for the mapping parameter in the Response Input dialog box is contrary to the property restriction.
127 Another error has occurred.

Property list

The following properties are available from the User-Response Wait Plug-in:

Property key Property name Description Default value I/O type Required
toAddress To Addresses Specify the email addresses of recipients to enter in the TO attribute, using no more than 1,024 characters. When specifying multiple addresses, separate them with commas. -- Input false
ccAddress Cc Addresses Specify the email addresses of recipients to enter in the CC attribute, using no more than 1,024 characters. When specifying multiple addresses, separate them with commas. -- Input false
bccAddress Bcc Addresses Specify the email addresses of recipients to enter in the BCC attribute, using no more than 1,024 characters. When specifying multiple addresses, separate them with commas. -- Input false
mailSubject Subject Specify the subject line of the email using no more than 256 characters. -- Input false
mailBody Body Specify the body text of the email using no more than 1,024 characters. -- Input false
encodeType Encoding Specify the encoding of the email as one of the following:
  • us-ascii
  • iso-2022-jp
  • shift_jis
  • euc-jp
  • utf-8
utf-8 Input false
dialogText Response Input Dialog Box Specify the information to display in the Respond dialog box. You can specify the information in text or HTML format. -- Input true
responseTimeOut Response Timeout Specify the time, between 1 and 20,160 (in minutes), before timeout occurs while waiting for a response. 1440 Input true
timeOutDefault Default Return Value Specify the return code to return when a timeout occurs while waiting for a response. When the timeout period has passed, this value is returned as the return code. For example, when 0 is specified and the timeout period elapses, the processing corresponding to the option associated with the labelButton0 property will be run. Specify a return code in the range from 0 to 63. 0 Input true
labelButton0 Label Button 0 Specify the option label for the response that generates return code 0, using a maximum of 256 characters. You can display options that meet the user's functional needs in the Respond dialog box. -- Input false
labelButton1 Label Button 1 Specify the option label for the response that generates return code 1, using a maximum of 256 characters. You can display options that meet the user's functional needs in the Respond dialog box. If you omit this property, the corresponding option is not visible. -- Input false
labelButton2 Label Button 2 Specify the option label for the response that generates return code 2, using a maximum of 256 characters. you can display options that meet the user's functional needs in the Respond dialog box. If you omit this property, the corresponding option is not visible. -- Input false
labelButton3 Label Button 3 Specify the option label for the response that generates return code 3, using a maximum of 256 characters. you can display options that meet the user's functional needs in the Respond dialog box. If you omit this property, the corresponding option is not visible. -- Input false
labelButton4 Label Button 4 Specify the option label for the response that generates return code 4, using a maximum of 256 characters. you can display options that meet the user's functional needs in the Respond dialog box. If you omit this property, the corresponding option is not visible. -- Input false
labelButton5 Label Button 5 Specify the option label for the response that generates return code 5, using a maximum of 256 characters. you can display options that meet the user's functional needs in the Respond dialog box. If you omit this property, the corresponding option is not visible. -- Input false
labelButton6 Label Button 6 Specify the option label for the response that generates return code 6, using a maximum of 256 characters. you can display options that meet the user's functional needs in the Respond dialog box. If you omit this property, the corresponding option is not visible. -- Input false
labelButton7 Label Button 7 Specify the option label for the response that generates return code 7, using a maximum of 256 characters. you can display options that meet the user's functional needs in the Respond dialog box. If you omit this property, the corresponding option is not visible. -- Input false
labelButton8 Label Button 8 Specify the option label for the response that generates return code 8, using a maximum of 256 characters. you can display options that meet the user's functional needs in the Respond dialog box. If you omit this property, the corresponding option is not visible. -- Input false
labelButton9 Label Button 9 Specify the option label for the response that generates return code 9, using a maximum of 256 characters. you can display options that meet the user's functional needs in the Respond dialog box. If you omit this property, the corresponding option is not visible. -- Input false
responseUser Users who can respond Specify the users who can respond1, using a maximum of 1024 characters. The specifiable characters are half-width alphanumeric characters and symbols

(! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^ _ |).

When specifying multiple users, separate them with commas. The user who submitted the service cannot respond even if that user is specified.

If no users are entered, then all users can respond, including the user who submitted the service.2
-- Input false
  1. When specifying the users authenticated by Common Services, specify the users in the following format:
    Authentication type What to specify
    User directory (Active Directory) Specify the User ID at login.
    User directory (LDAP server)
    Local users
    ID provider (OIDC) Specify the User ID in UPN format.
    ID provider (SAML) Specify the User ID in the Claim Issuance Policy setting for AD FS and NameID Policy Format in Common Services.

    For details, see the Hitachi Ops Center Installation and Configuration Guide.

    When specifying the users authenticated by Common Component, specify the User ID at login.

    Note: When responding by the users authenticated by Common Component, be sure to log in with the value specified for the responseUser property. When specifying a user registered in an external authentication server or external authorization server, if the login format is different from the format specified for the responseUser property, such as User ID including the domain name or User ID not including the domain name, response input cannot be done.
  2. If the minimum length of the responseUser property is set to 1 or more, it cannot be set to empty (default value). When using this property, it is recommended that the minimum length of the property be set to 1 or more in order to make the setting of responseUser mandatory in the Create/Edit Service and Submit Service Request windows. See Specify the property settings for details.

HTML tags and attributes that can be specified in the dialogText property

When specifying the display contents in the dialogText property in HTML format, use the tags listed in the following table:

Tag Attribute Notes and restrictions
Anchor tag (<a>) When using the <a> tag, the target attribute must be left blank. If this tag is not specified, a page is loaded into the Response Input dialog box.
href -
target Specify "_blank."
Bold tag (<b>) -
Break tag (<br>) -
Font tag (<font>) color -
face -
size -
Italic tag (<i>) -
Underline tag (<u>) -
Form tag (<form>) -
Input tag (<input>) It is common to be enclosed with form tags, but since it is not required to be sent, there is no need to be enclosed with form tags.
name If you specify the service property key, you can change the mapping parameter of the service property specified in the Response Input dialog box while waiting for a response.
type "text", "check box", "radio" can be specified.
value When the type attribute is "check box", "radio", set the value attribute. The value set in the value attribute of the item checked with the check box or the radio control element becomes the mapping parameter of the service property specified by the name attribute.
Select tag (<select>) name If you specify the service property key, you can change the mapping parameter of the service property specified in the Response Input dialog box while waiting for a response.
Option tag (<option>) Use select tags to enclose.
value The value set in the value attribute of the item selected in the select menu or the list box becomes the mapping parameter of the service property specified by the name attribute of the select tag.