Email Notification Plug-in

Ops Center Automator Service Builder User Guide

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The Email notification plug-in sends emails to the specified destination.

This plug-in enables the connection to the SMTP server to transmit email with the specified recipient, subject, and body.


The following information is obtained from built-in service share properties. Therefore, set the values for these items in advance in the System Settings view.

  • Address of the SMTP server
  • Port number
  • User ID
  • Password
  • Originator of the notification email

Cautionary notes

  • Even if you do not specify the toAddress, ccAddress, and bccAddress properties, the return code will be 0.
  • The mail address to be specified differs from the value of the built-in service share properties. Therefore, make sure that you specify at least one of the toAddress, ccAddress, and bccAddress properties.
  • If any of the toAddress, ccAddress, and bccAddress properties has an email address specified that is not valid, email transmission will fail to all the addresses.
  • If you use machine-dependent characters or characters that are incompatible between character sets in the mailSubject or mailBody property, the characters are replaced with question marks (?) or other characters. In this scenario, either change the characters in the email, or change the encoding.
  • The following characters might not be converted correctly:

  • If the execution of a task is stopped while the plug-in is executing, the status of the task becomes Failed or Completed when the processing of the email notification plug-in finishes. The status of steps and tasks after plug-in execution has finished depends on the return code of the step and the condition for executing subsequent steps. You can set a Subsequent-step Execution Condition in the Create Step dialog box or the Edit Step dialog box.

Return codes

The Email Notification Plug-in generates the following return codes:

Return Code Description
0 Ended normally.
65 The connection with the Ops Center Automator server failed. For example, the Ops Center Automator server might have stopped while the plug-in was being run.
66 The following user is mapped to the Ops Center Automator user:
  • A user who does not belong to the Administrators group.
  • A user other than the built-in Administrator who belongs to the Administrators group, in an environment with UAC enabled.
68 No information about the target job execution ID exists.
69 An environment variable of the task-processing engine cannot be acquired.
70 The connection with the SMTP server failed.
78 Authentication failed.
79 Email transmission failed.
80 Task execution has stopped.
81 The plug-in was called in a status that is not valid.
82 The request message from the task-processing engine cannot be correctly parsed.
83 The environment of the Ops Center Automator server is corrupted.
84 Information about the specified plug-in cannot be obtained.
86 The specified property value is not valid.
127 Another error has occurred.

Property list

The following properties are available for the Email Notification Plug-in:

Property key Property name Description Default value I/O type Required
toAddress To Addresses Specify the email addresses of recipients to enter in the TO attribute, using no more than 1,024 characters. When specifying multiple addresses, separate them with commas. -- Input O
ccAddress Cc Addresses Specify the email addresses of recipients to enter in the CC attribute, using no more than 1,024 characters. When specifying multiple addresses, separate them with commas. -- Input O
bccAddress Bcc Addresses Specify the email addresses of recipients to enter in the BCC attribute, using no more than 1,024 characters. When specifying multiple addresses, separate them with commas. -- Input O
encodeType Encoding Specify the encoding of the email as one of the following:
  • us-ascii
  • iso-2022-jp
  • shift_jis
  • euc-jp
  • utf-8
utf-8 Input R
mailSubject Subject Specify the subject line of the email using no more than 256 characters. -- Input R
mailBody Body Specify the body text of the email using no more than 1,024 characters. -- Input O