Specify Execution Condition dialog box

Ops Center Automator Service Builder User Guide

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You can specify the steps that run next in a flow based on a condition.

The following table describes the dialog box fields, subfields, and field groups. A field group is a collection of fields that are related to a specific action or configuration.

When you enter information in a dialog box, if the information is not valid, errors that include a description of the problem appear at the right side of the box.

Name Description Editability
Step Name Name of the step for which the condition is defined. Not Allowed
Condition Name Name of the conditional expression that is to be evaluated. By default, this is the next step name. Allowed
Description Brief description of the condition that is being evaluated. Allowed
Value Specifies the condition using valid expressions that are applied to service properties. Allowed

Following are the valid operators.

Symbol/String Meaning Notes
OR Logical OR
  • The operator can be uppercase or lowercase.
  • A space is required on either side of the OR operator.
  • A mixing of logical AND is not allowed. But, logical OR is allowed.
AND Logical AND
  • The operator can be uppercase or lowercase.
  • A space is required on either side of the AND operator.
  • A mixing of logical OR is not allowed. But, logical AND is allowed.
= Equal sign
  • The operator can be a string or a numeric value.
  • A space is required on either side of the = operator.
  • A full-width number is considered a string.
!= Not equal to sign
  • The operator can be a string or a numeric value.
  • A space is required on either side of the != operator.
  • A full-width number is considered a string.
<= Less than or equal
  • Only numerical values are allowed.
  • A space is required on either side of the <= operator.
  • A full-widths number is not allowed.
>= Greater than or equal
  • Only numerical values are allowed.
  • A space is required on either side of the >= operator.
  • A full-width number is not allowed.
< Less than
  • Only numerical values are allowed.
  • A space is required on either side of the < operator.
  • A full-width number is not allowed.
> Greater than
  • Only numerical values are allowed.
  • A space is required on either side of the > operator.
  • A full-width number is not allowed.
equals Equal sign
  • Only string values are allowed.
  • The operator can be uppercase or lowercase.
  • A space is required on either side of the "equals" operator.
not equals Not equal to sign
  • Only string values are allowed.
  • The operator can be upper or lower case.
  • A space is required on either side of the "not equals" operator.
contains Contain
  • Only string values are allowed.
  • The operator can be uppercase or lowercase.
  • A space is required on either side of the "contains" operator.
not contains Does not contain
  • Only string values are allowed.
  • The operator can be uppercase or lowercase.
  • A space is required on either side of the "not contains" operator.
\ Escape
  • Interprets and distinguishes an operator symbol as a string.
  • Insert the escape operator before each word in an expression that is to be treated as a string (for example, "a \not\equals b").
  • If treating a double quotation mark (") as a string, specify (\").
  • If treating a backslash as a string, specify (\\).