During the processing of a service template, you can generate an email with a specified notification or the contents of some output by using plug-ins.
You can use the Email Notification Plug-in to send an email to specified recipients notifying them when a specific condition occurs and that includes information that has been output from a task or process. For example, you can send the result of a LUN path configuration associated with the Allocate Volume Service to a specified email address. When using this plug-in, you specify the address for the recipient, a subject line, and the body of the email which can consist of a predefined message or the output from a previous step. You can also specify the encoding for the formatting of the email.
Details about the email sender are defined in the SMTP server settings. Before using the Email Notification Plug-in to send an email, you must specify the correct email details from the Email settings, accessed through the System Settings, available from the Administration tab.
To generate an email: