Edit Service Template Attributes dialog box

Ops Center Automator Service Builder User Guide

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When editing or creating a service template, you can view and specify additional details for the service template.

The following table describes the dialog box fields, subfields, and field groups from the Edit Service Template Attributes dialog box. A field group is a collection of fields that are related to a specific action or configuration.

When you enter information in a dialog box, if the information is not valid, errors that include a description of the problem appear at the right side of the box.




Key Name -

The key name for the service template.

Version -

The version of the service template.

Vendor ID -

The vendor ID of the service template.

Display Name* -

The name of the service template that is visible to the user.

Vendor Name -

The vendor name of the service template.

Description -

The description of the service template.

Tags -

Tags associated with the service template.

Advanced Options Icon

An image file (48 pixels × 48 pixels) using PNG format. A default image is provided but you can change the icon by clicking Change. You can return to the default icon by clicking Restore Default Icon.

Custom File/Custom File package

The custom files give information that is visible for the Service Details dialog box and the overview associated with the service. Click Browse to upload a file in .html, .js, .css, or .jpeg format. If for some reason, you want to delete the custom file associated with template, click Delete.

Service Details File Name

Specifies the name of the file that gives the information for the Service Details dialog box.

Service Overview File Name

Specifies the name of the file that contains the information for the overview associated with the service template that is presented to the user.

Available Scheduling Options:

The schedule for executing the task can be: Immediate, Schedule, or Recurrence.

Available Action:

You can choose to allow the user to Forcibly Stop the execution of a service when the processing a step hangs for some reason or allow the user to Retry the processing of the service template from a failed step, or from the point just after the last failed step.

Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.