The Allocate Like Volumes with Configuration Manager service allocates volumes from the same storage system and the same resource group as the source volume. When searching for similar volumes, pools with the same physical properties such as drive type, drive speed, RAID level, chip type as the existing volume are considered.
Ops Center Automator has provisioning template that search for and create virtual volumes with similar physical characteristics as existing volumes. Existing volumes can be configured as a global-active device pair. You can select such pairs as existing volumes for the allocate like volumes service. The result of this service will be the same if you select primary or secondary volume. However, if the global-active device pair is selected as existing volumes, the pool that the existing volumes belongs to is selected by default. In this case, the copy group, the instance ID, and the UDP port will also be the same as the existing volume.
The new volumes are allocated using the same host and path as the existing volumes. If you have allocated at least one volume to a host, you can allocate new volumes for the same host by using the attributes of an existing volume as the default for new volumes. Use this template to create services when it is important to maintain the performance levels of the existing volumes.
When the target volumes are found, they are created and allocated using the same path of the source volume provided the LUN security settings throughout the path. If volumes are not found with the attributes of the existing volumes, then the template will suggest similar volumes located within the same resource group as the source volumes.
Ops Center Automator has the following service template to allocate like volumes:
Allocate Like Volumes with Configuration Manager
An intelligent allocation service that allocates new volumes to the host to which a specified source volume is allocated with same LUN path.