Smart Allocation for Oracle Databases: Service details

Ops Center Automator User Guide

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Allocates set of volume on a storage system, and adds the volume to the disk group for Oracle ASM for Linux.

The following service template details apply to the Smart Allocation for Oracle Databases service template.

Software and setup prerequisites

For software and setup prerequisites, see Service template prerequisites.

Edit Service settings

The following table lists the Edit Service settings for the Smart Allocation for Oracle Databases service template.

Navigation pane Settings pane Description
Oracle Server Settings Oracle Type Specifies whether the target Oracle environment is a Single Instance environment or an Oracle RAC environment. Select Single Instance or Oracle RAC.
Oracle primary server name Specify the host name of the Oracle database primary server.
Oracle member server name Specify the host name of an Oracle database member server.
Oracle ASM instance ID Specify the Oracle ASM instance ID.
Oracle grid home directory path Specify the home folder path of the Oracle grid infrastructure.
Oracle grid user ID Specify an Oracle grid infrastructure user ID.
Disk group name Specify an Oracle ASM disk group name.
Oracle Grid User Password Specify the password for the Oracle grid infrastructure.
Host Settings Host Mode/Host Mode Options Specify the parameters for creating a new host group.
Number of Hosts Select the number of hosts to allocate volume.
Multiple Hosts Per Storage Port Select to share storage ports with multiple hosts.
Multiple Hosts Per Host Group Select to share host groups with multiple hosts.
Host Settings Specify information about the hosts where the volumes will be allocated.
Volume Settings Configuration Manager Connection Shows a table from which you can choose the Configuration Manager connection.
Storage System Selection Specify whether to select storage system at volume allocation. If you select Automatic, then a storage system will be selected automatically.
Storage System Specify the storage system.
Resource Group Selection Specify whether to select resource group at volume allocation. If you select Meta resource, then the meta resource group will be selected.
Resource Group Specify the resource group.
Pool Selection* Specify whether to select pool at volume allocation. If you select Automatic, then a pool will be selected automatically.
Pool Specify the pool.
Capacity Format Specify the volume capacity format as Block or Byte.
Volume Settings Specify the parameters for creating new volumes.
Volume Settings
Volume Usage Specify the volume usage to be assigned.
Number of Volumes Specify the number of volumes.
Volume Capacity When Byte is selected for Capacity Format, specify the volume capacity format in bytes. When Block is selected for Capacity Format, the volume capacity format is specified by the number of blocks.
Volume Label Specify the volume label.
LDEV Setting
LDEV ID Starts From Specify the startup LDEV ID as a hexadecimal number for the volume to allocate.
Virtual LDEV ID Starts From Specify the startup Virtual LDEV ID for the volume to allocate.
LUN Setting
LUN Starts From Specify the starting logical unit number assigned to the volume for a host.
Resource Criteria Resource Criteria Specify the Storage Port Configuration Expressions (Name and Value) that meets the specified criteria (Equals, Not Equals, Starts with, and Ends with) based on the selected condition (All or Any).
Device File Permission Settings Owner name for permissions Specify the owner name.
Group name for permissions Specify the group name.
Owner Permission Set the Owner permissions.
Group Permission Set the Group permissions.
Other permission Set the Other permissions.
Linux Conf File Directory Settings multipath.conf.path Specify the location of the multipath.conf.path file.
Operation Log Settings Directory path for work Specify the directory for work on the database server.
Directory path for log files on Ops Center Automator Specify the directory path used for temporary Ops Center Automator server log files.
User-Response Wait Settings TO addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the TO field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas; for example: mailA,mailB
CC addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the CC field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas; for example: mailA,mailB
BCC addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the BCC field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas; for example: mailA,mailB
Encoding Specify the encoding of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. The encodings you can specify are:
  • us-ascii
  • iso-2022-jp
  • shift_jis
  • euc-jp
  • utf-8
If you omit this property, utf-8 is set.
Subject line Specify the subject line of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response.
Email text Specify the body text of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response.
Additional dialog box text Enter additional text to appear in the response input dialog box, in text or HTML format. Supported HTML tags are anchor tags, bold tags, break tags, font tags, italics tags, and underline tags.
Response timeout time (minutes) Specify how long (in minutes) the service waits for a user response before timing out. In the event of a response timeout, the service ends abnormally. The range is between 1 and 20,160 minutes.
Fabric Settings Use Fabric Settings Select this option to enable fabric information collection.
Connections Specify the connection defined in the Web Service Connections on the Administration tab. If this value is omitted, the system uses all connections that are defined for the product name listed in the Web Service Connections.
Resource Groups Specify the switch management server resource group. Separate multiple values by commas.
Target Fabrics Specify the fabric name. Separate multiple values by commas. If this value is omitted, the system uses all the fabrics that the BNA monitors.
Use Existing Zone Specifies whether to select a predefined zone or any connectable path. If you select this option, the system selects paths within the range of the existing Zone setting. If you don not select this option, the system selects connectable paths regardless of the existing Zone setting.
Number of Hops Restriction Determines whether restrict path selection to within an assigned number of hops. When this property enabled, the service will fail if there is no path that matched the specified collection range.
Maximum Number of Hops When using the Number of Hops Restriction option, specify the collection range by the number of hops.
Zone Settings Update Zone Configurations Select this option to enable the modification of zone settings.
Use Existing Zone Aliases Select this option to use predefined Zone Aliases regardless of the naming conventions the user specifies. If you do not select this option, the system selects Zone Aliases that follow the naming conventions. In either case, if there are no existing Zone Aliases, the system creates new Zone Aliases that follow the naming conventions.
Update Current Active Zone Configuration Select this option to add a Zone to the active Zone Configuration.
Zone Configurations to Update To add a zone to a Zone Configuration other than the active configuration, specify the name of the Zone Configuration in which to add the zone.
Script for Zone Naming Specify the naming convention script that determines the Zone name for the path.
Script for Host Zone Alias Naming Specify the naming convention script that determines the Zone Alias name for the host port.
Script for Storage Zone Alias Naming Specify the naming convention script that determines the Zone Alias name for the storage port.

* If you select Automatic for Pool Selection in the Volume Settings panel of the Edit/Submit Service window, the pool is automatically selected using the following criteria:

  1. Select the pool with the largest free pool capacity after volume allocation.
  2. If the free pool capacity is the same, select the pool on the storage system with the lower priority in the following table.
  3. If no storage port is found where an LU path with the selected storage system and pool combination can be created, go back to 1 and select the next candidate pool.
Priority Storage model
1 VSP 5200, 5600, 5200H, 5600H
2 VSP 5100, 5500, 5100H, 5500H
3 VSP F1500, VSP G1500, VSP G1000
4 VSP E1090, VSP E1090H
5 VSP E990
6 VSP E790, VSP E790H
7 VSP E590, VSP E590H
8 VSP F900, VSP G900
9 VSP F700, VSP G700
10 VSP F370, VSP G370
11 VSP F350, VSP G350
12 VSP F800, VSP G800, VSP N800
13 VSP F400, VSP F600, VSP G400, VSP G600, VSP N400, VSP N600
14 VSP G200

Submit Service settings

The following table lists the Submit Service settings for the Smart Allocation for Oracle Databases service template.

Navigation pane Settings pane Description
Oracle Server Settings Oracle Type Specifies whether the target Oracle environment is a Single Instance environment or an Oracle RAC environment. Select Single Instance or Oracle RAC.
Oracle primary server name Specify the host name of the Oracle database primary server.
Oracle member server name Specify the host name of an Oracle database member server.
Oracle ASM instance ID Specify the Oracle ASM instance ID.
Oracle grid home folder path Specify the home folder path of the Oracle grid infrastructure.
Oracle grid user ID Specify an Oracle grid infrastructure user ID.
Disk group name Specify an Oracle ASM disk group name.
Host Settings Host Mode/Host Mode Options Specify the parameters for creating a new host group.
Number of Hosts Select the number of hosts to allocate volume.
Multiple Hosts Per Storage Port Select to share storage ports with multiple hosts.
Multiple Hosts Per Host Group Select to share host groups with multiple hosts.
Host Settings Specify information about the hosts where the volumes will be allocated.
Volume Settings Configuration Manager Connection Shows a table from which you can choose the Configuration Manager connection.
Storage System Selection Specify whether to select storage system at volume allocation. If you select Automatic, then a storage system will be selected automatically.
Storage System Specify the storage system.
Resource Group Selection Specify whether to select resource group at volume allocation. If you select Meta resource, then the meta resource group will be selected.
Resource Group Specify the resource group.
Pool Selection* Specify whether to select pool at volume allocation. If you select Automatic, then a pool will be selected automatically.
Pool Specify the pool.
Capacity Format Specify the volume capacity format as Block or Byte.
Volume Settings Specify the parameters for creating new volumes.
Volume Settings
Volume Usage Specify the volume usage to be assigned.
Number of Volumes Specify the number of volumes.
Volume Capacity When Byte is selected for Capacity Format, specify the volume capacity format in bytes. When Block is selected for Capacity Format, the volume capacity format is specified by the number of blocks.
Volume Label Specify the volume label.
LDEV Setting
LDEV ID Starts From Specify the startup LDEV ID as a hexadecimal number for the volume to allocate.
Virtual LDEV ID Starts From Specify the startup Virtual LDEV ID for the volume to allocate.
LUN Setting
LUN Starts From Specify the starting logical unit number assigned to the volume for a host.
Resource Criteria Resource Criteria Specify the Storage Port Configuration Expressions (Name and Value) that meets the specified criteria (Equals, Not Equals, Starts with, and Ends with) based on the selected condition (All or Any).
Device File Permission Settings Owner name for permissions Specify the owner name.
Group name for permissions Specify the group name.
Owner Permission Set the Owner permissions.
Group Permission Set the Group permissions.
Other permission Set the Other permissions.
Linux Conf File Directory Settings multipath.conf.path Specify the location of the multipath.conf.path file.
Operation Log Settings Directory path for work Specify the directory for work on the database server.
Directory path for log files on Ops Center Automator Specify the directory path used for temporary Ops Center Automator server log files.
User-Response Wait Settings TO addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the TO field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas; for example: mailA,mailB
CC addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the CC field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas; for example: mailA,mailB
BCC addresses Specify the email addresses to enter in the BCC field of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. Separate multiple addresses with commas; for example: mailA,mailB
Encoding Specify the encoding of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response. The encodings you can specify are:
  • us-ascii
  • iso-2022-jp
  • shift_jis
  • euc-jp
  • utf-8
If you omit this property, utf-8 is set.
Subject line Specify the subject line of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response.
Email text Specify the body text of notification emails sent when the service is waiting for a user response.
Additional dialog box text Enter additional text to appear in the response input dialog box, in text or HTML format. Supported HTML tags are anchor tags, bold tags, break tags, font tags, italics tags, and underline tags.
Response timeout time (minutes) Specify how long (in minutes) the service waits for a user response before timing out. In the event of a response timeout, the service ends abnormally. The range is between 1 and 20,160 minutes.
Fabric Settings Use Fabric Settings Select this option to enable fabric information collection.
Connections Specify the connection defined in the Web Service Connections on the Administration tab. If this value is omitted, the system uses all connections that are defined for the product name listed in the Web Service Connections.
Resource Groups Specify the switch management server resource group. Separate multiple values by commas.
Target Fabrics Specify the fabric name. Separate multiple values by commas. If this value is omitted, the system uses all the fabrics that the BNA monitors.
Use Existing Zone Specifies whether to select a predefined zone or any connectable path. If you select this option, the system selects paths within the range of the existing Zone setting. If you don not select this option, the system selects connectable paths regardless of the existing Zone setting.
Number of Hops Restriction Determines whether restrict path selection to within an assigned number of hops. When this property enabled, the service will fail if there is no path that matched the specified collection range.
Maximum Number of Hops When using the Number of Hops Restriction option, specify the collection range by the number of hops.
Zone Settings Update Zone Configurations Select this option to enable the modification of zone settings.
Use Existing Zone Aliases Select this option to use predefined Zone Aliases regardless of the naming conventions the user specifies. If you do not select this option, the system selects Zone Aliases that follow the naming conventions. In either case, if there are no existing Zone Aliases, the system creates new Zone Aliases that follow the naming conventions.
Update Current Active Zone Configuration Select this option to add a Zone to the active Zone Configuration.
Zone Configurations to Update To add a zone to a Zone Configuration other than the active configuration, specify the name of the Zone Configuration in which to add the zone.
Script for Zone Naming Specify the naming convention script that determines the Zone name for the path.
Script for Host Zone Alias Naming Specify the naming convention script that determines the Zone Alias name for the host port.
Script for Storage Zone Alias Naming Specify the naming convention script that determines the Zone Alias name for the storage port.

* If you select Automatic for Pool Selection in the Volume Settings panel of the Edit/Submit Service window, the pool is automatically selected using the following criteria:

  1. Select the pool with the largest free pool capacity after volume allocation.
  2. If the free pool capacity is the same, select the pool on the storage system with the lower priority in the following table.
  3. If no storage port is found where an LU path with the selected storage system and pool combination can be created, go back to 1 and select the next candidate pool.
Priority Storage model
1 VSP 5200, 5600, 5200H, 5600H
2 VSP 5100, 5500, 5100H, 5500H
3 VSP F1500, VSP G1500, VSP G1000
4 VSP E1090, VSP E1090H
5 VSP E990
6 VSP E790, VSP E790H
7 VSP E590, VSP E590H
8 VSP F900, VSP G900
9 VSP F700, VSP G700
10 VSP F370, VSP G370
11 VSP F350, VSP G350
12 VSP F800, VSP G800, VSP N800
13 VSP F400, VSP F600, VSP G400, VSP G600, VSP N400, VSP N600
14 VSP G200