This service generates a report showing the Virtual Storage Machine (VSM) configuration details for multiple sites, which can be output in .cvs file format to a specified file location.
Software and setup prerequisites
For software and setup prerequisites, see Service template prerequisites.
Edit Service settings
The following table lists the Edit Service settings for the Export Virtual Storage Machine Configuration Across Sites service template.
Navigation pane | Settings pane | Description |
Virtual Storage Machine Settings: | Virtual Storage Machine: | Specifies the Virtual Storage Machine from a list of pull-down options. |
Report Output File Path: | Specifies the file path for the report output. |
Submit Service Request settings
The following table lists the Submit Service Request settings for the Export Virtual Storage Machine Configuration Across Sites service template.
Navigation pane | Settings pane | Description |
Virtual Storage Machine Settings: | Virtual Storage Machine: | Specifies the Virtual Storage Machine from a list of pull-down options. |
Report Output File Path: | Specifies the file path for the report output. |
The configuration report gives the name of the Virtual Storage Machine and Physical Storage Machine along with the serial numbers and relevant details for specific machines.