Create High Availability Pair for Migration: Service details

Ops Center Automator User Guide

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This service creates a high availability pair from a Virtual Storage Machine (VSM) between two storage systems for data migration.

Software and setup prerequisites

For software and setup prerequisites, see Service template prerequisites.

Edit Service settings

The following table lists the Edit Service settings for the Create High Availability Pair for Migration service template.

Navigation pane Settings pane Description
Migration Source Settings: Source Configuration Manager Connection: Shows a table from which you can choose the source Configuration Manager Connection used for migration.
Source Storage System: Shows a table from which you can choose the source storage system.
Source Volumes Filter: Specifies filters to narrow down the selection of source volumes. You can filter by key (LDEV ID, Label, or Pool ID), using an operator, or by a specific value.
Join Filters by: Specifies either "and" or "or" for joining filters.
Source Volumes: Shows a table from which you can choose the source volumes. Your selections are shown after the table.
Migration Target Settings: Target Configuration Manager Connection: Shows a table from which you can choose the target Configuration Manager connection used for the migration.
Target Storage System: Shows a table from which you can choose the target storage system.
Pool: Shows a table from which you can choose the pool.
Volume Label: Specifies the volume label.
LUN Starts from: Specifies the starting value for the LUN. If necessary, you can specify a Single Value, Multiple Values, or a Range.
Host Settings: Target Host Group/iSCSI Target: Specifies the option of using an existing, or creating a new Target Host Group/iSCSI Target. You can choose an existing target from the provided table or, when creating a new target, you can specify the Host Group Settings depending on the port type you select.
Existing Host Groups Or iSCSI Targets: Shows a table from which you can choose an existing Host Group/iSCSI Target. Your selections are shown after the table.
Port Type: Specifies either Fibre or iSCSI as the port type.
Host Group Settings:

Specifies the parameters needed to create a new Host Group/iSCSI target.

Port: -- Specifies the port of the host group target.

WWN Settings: -- Specifies the WWN settings when using the Fibre port setting.

Host Group Name: -- Specifies the host group name when using the Fibre port type.

iSCSI Settings: -- Specifies the iSCSI settings when using the iSCSI port type.

iSCSI Target Name: -- Specifies the iSCSI target name when using the iSCSI port type.

Host Mode: -- Specifies the host mode.

Host Mode Options: -- Specifies the host mode options.

Copy Group Settings Target Copy Group: Specifies the option of using an existing, or creating a new Copy Group.
Copy Group: Shows a table from which you can choose an existing Copy Group.
Copy Group Name: Specifies the name when creating a new Copy Group.
Copy Pair Name: Specifies the Copy Pair name.
Quorum Disk ID: Specifies the Quorum disk ID.
Path Group ID: Specifies the Path Group ID.
Consistency Group: Uses a Consistency Group when the check box is checked.
Consistency Group ID: Specifies the Consistency Group ID when the Consistency Group check box is checked.
MU Number: Specifies the MU number.
Copy Pace: Specifies a Copy Pace from 1 to 15.
Perform Initial Copy: Performs an Initial Copy when the check box is checked.
Note: Ops Center Automator automatically sets the ALUA attribute as follows for data migration:
  • P-VOL -- Active/Optimized
  • S-VOL -- Active/Non-optimized

If necessary, you can set the ALUA attribute manually to continue using high availability technology after using this service.

Submit Service Request settings

The following table lists the Submit Service Request settings for the Create High Availability Pair for Migration service template.

Navigation pane Settings pane Description
Migration Source Settings: Source Configuration Manager Connection: Shows a table from which you can choose the source Configuration Manager Connection used for migration.
Source Storage System: Shows a table from which you can choose the source storage system.
Source Volumes Filter: Specifies filters to narrow down the selection of source volumes. You can filter by key (LDEV ID, Label, or Pool ID), using an operator, or by a specific value.
Join Filters by: Specifies either "and" or "or" for joining filters.
Source Volumes: Shows a table from which you can choose the source volumes. Your selections are shown after the table.
Migration Target Settings: Target Configuration Manager Connection: Shows a table from which you can choose the target Configuration Manager connection used for the migration.
Target Storage System: Shows a table from which you can choose the target storage system.
Pool: Shows a table from which you can choose the pool.
Volume Label: Specifies the volume label.
LUN Starts from: Specifies the starting value for the LUN. If necessary, you can specify a Single Value, Multiple Values, or a Range.
Host Settings: Target Host Group/iSCSI Target: Specifies the option of using an existing, or creating a new Target Host Group/iSCSI Target. You can choose an existing target from the provided table or, when creating a new target, you can specify the Host Group Settings depending on the port type you select.
Existing Host Groups Or iSCSI Targets: Shows a table from which you can choose an existing Host Group/iSCSI Target. Your selections are shown after the table.
Port Type: Specifies either Fibre or iSCSI as the port type.
Host Group Settings:

Specifies the parameters needed to create a new Host Group/iSCSI target.

Port: -- Specifies the port of the host group target.

WWN Settings: -- Specifies the WWN settings when using the Fibre port setting.

Host Group Name: -- Specifies the host group name when using the Fibre port type.

iSCSI Settings: -- Specifies the iSCSI settings when using the iSCSI port type.

iSCSI Target Name: -- Specifies the iSCSI target name when using the iSCSI port type.

Host Mode: -- Specifies the host mode.

Host Mode Options: -- Specifies the host mode options.

Copy Group Settings Target Copy Group: Specifies the option of using an existing, or creating a new Copy Group.
Copy Group: Shows a table from which you can choose an existing Copy Group.
Copy Group Name: Specifies the name when creating a new Copy Group.
Copy Pair Name: Specifies the Copy Pair name.
Quorum Disk ID: Specifies the Quorum disk ID.
Path Group ID: Specifies the Path Group ID.
Consistency Group: Uses a Consistency Group when the check box is checked.
Consistency Group ID: Specifies the Consistency Group ID when the Consistency Group check box is checked.
MU Number: Specifies the MU number.
Copy Pace: Specifies a Copy Pace from 1 to 15.
Perform Initial Copy: Performs an Initial Copy when the check box is checked.