Creating and assigning tags to services

Ops Center Automator User Guide

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You can add, modify, or remove tags when creating or modifying a service. Users with Develop or Admin roles can create or update a tag for a service.

You can assign tags to a service in the Edit Service window of a service. When a service is submitted, the associated tasks inherit the tags from its service and cannot be modified.

When a service is created from a service template, the service inherits the tags from the service template. The Admin or Develop role is required to create and update a tag for a service template. You cannot change the tags that are assigned by a predefined service template.

When creating a custom tag, assign a unique tag name. Duplicate tag names are not allowed. You can assign multiple tags to services templates and services.

  1. On the Services tab, click the service whose tags you want to modify to open the service preview window for that service.
  2. Click Edit to open Edit Service window.
  3. In the Settings pane, modify tags for the service in the Tags box. You can perform any of the following:
    • To add tags, expand the list and select the tags.
    • To remove a tag, click the "X" next to the tag.
    • To create a tag, scroll to the end of the tag list, select Create Tag, enter a name and tag group for the new tag, then click OK.
    • To create a tag group, first create a tag. Then scroll to the bottom of the Tag Group list, then click Create Tag Group to enter a tag group name. Click OK.
  4. Click Save.