Navigating the interface

Ops Center Automator User Guide

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The Hitachi Ops Center Automator user interface (UI) is organized into six primary areas: global menu area, global tabs area, navigation pane, application pane, global monitoring bar, and search.

Ops Cemter Automator with callouts

Global menu area

The global menu area has menus for accessing various features provided by Hitachi Ops Center Automator.

The global menu area is always visible, regardless of which window is active. Its two icons provide access to high-level actions and online help. The menus are:

  • Tools (): Click and choose from the following options:
    • Service Builder: Open Service Builder. This option is available to Admin and Develop users.
    • Reset Preferences: If you have changed some display settings such as customized dashboard layout to display your preferred reports or modified the column settings in the Services tab, and you want to undo your changes, you can restore the display setting to the original (default) settings. If you select Reset Preferences, you will be logged off of the current session. You must log on again to view the default settings.
  • User (): Click and choose from the following options:
    • User Profile: Open the user profile.
    • Online Help: Open Help with the navigation pane visible.
    • About: Open the About window to view license information.
    • Log out: Log out of the application.

Global tabs

The Dashboard and Tasks tabs are always visible, regardless of which window is active. Access to Services, Service Templates, and Administration tabs is dependent on the user role assigned. The tabs provide access to services, tasks, and administrative functions.

Navigation pane

This pane varies with the active tab. From the navigation pane, you can access resources and frequently used tasks.

Application pane

This pane varies with the active tab. The application pane shows summary information, resource objects, and details about the current task.

Global monitoring bar

This bar is always visible, regardless of which window is active. It has links to information about submitted tasks.


This box is available on the Service, Tasks, and Service Templates tab and gives keyword and criteria-based search functions.