deleteremoteconnection command

Ops Center Automator User Guide

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The deleteremoteconnection command deletes the agentless connection-destination definitions registered through Ops Center Automator based on the definition ID derived with the listremoteconnections command.


The deleteremoteconnection command performs the following function:

  • Deletes a succession of agentless connection-destination definitions based on their definition IDs. To determine the definition ID of the agentless connection-destination definition, use the listremoteconnections command.


deleteremoteconnection {/id Definition ID  
[/user UserName | /user UserName /passwordfile PasswordFile] 
[/authmode local | external] 
| /help} 
Note: You are prompted to enter the password in interactive mode if you do not specify the passwordfile option.


  • Ops Center Automator users must have Admin permissions.
  • Only users who have OS administrator permissions (members of the Administrators group) are allowed to run the deleteremoteconnection command.
  • If a user who does not have the necessary permissions runs the command, the following message is visible requesting promotion of the user's permissions:
KNAE03226-W The user does not have permission to execute the command.


Option Description

Specifies the single-byte numerical definition ID (between 1 - 64 characters) of the agentless connection-destination definition information to be deleted. If the specified ID does not exist, an error is generated.


Specifies the name of the user (must have Admin permission) executing the command. The user name can consist of any single-byte alphanumeric characters including ( ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^ _ |) from 1 - 256 characters in length. The user name is case sensitive.


Specifies a password file (with absolute or relative path) that includes the encrypted user credentials for the selected user.

/authmode local | external Specify the authentication type, either local or external. Specify local to authenticate locally with Automator. Specify external to authenticate with Common Services. If this option is not specified, Ops Center Automator operates in the authentication mode specified by the command.auth.mode of

Storage destination


Return codes

The following table lists the deleteremoteconnection command return codes and descriptions.

Return code Description
0 The command succeeded.
1 The argument is not valid.
2 The command stopped.
3 The service status is not valid.
4 An exclusion error has occurred.
5 Communication failed.
6 Authentication failed.
14 The user does not have permission to run the command.
17 The interactive input value is not valid.
240 Failed to delete an agentless connection-destination definition
255 The command stopped due to an error other than the ones listed in this table.

Usage example: - To delete the agentless connection-destination definition of the ID specified for the parameter

deleteremoteconnection /id 12345 /user xxxxx

Example: Output of normal deletion

KNAE03000-I The deleteremoteconnection command will now start.
KNAE03001-I The deleteremoteconnection command ended normally.

Example: Output of abnormal deletion

KNAE03000-I The deleteremoteconnection command will now start.
KNAE03002-E The deleteremoteconnection command ended abnormally (12345).