Ops Center Automator CLI commands

Ops Center Automator User Guide

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Ops Center Automator gives a set of CLI commands.

Note: When the Ops Center Automator server is using the Linux OS, read "/" to "-" is used for each argument.

When running Ops Center Automator in a Windows-based OS, navigate to <system-drive>\Program Files\hitachi\Automation\bin, (when running Linux OS, navigate to /opt/hitachi/Automation/bin) then open the command prompt to run the following Ops Center Automator CLI commands.


The backupsystem command backs up the system configuration and database information in the specified folder.

The syntax is:

backupsystem {/dir directoryname [/auto] | /help}


  • /dir is an absolute or relative folder path that contains backup data.
  • /auto directs the Ops Center Automator, Common Component services and database to start and stop automatically.
Note: Before running the backupsystem command in a cluster environment, you must run the following command to take the group where the Automator service is registered offline and disable failover.
Common-component-Installation-folder\ClusterSetup\hcmds64clustersrvstate.bat /soff /r group-name


The deleteremoteconnection deletes the agentless connection-destination definitions registered through Ops Center Automator based on the definition ID derived with the listremoteconnections command.

The syntax is:

deleteremoteconnection {/id definition-ID [/user username | /user username  /passwordfile passwordfile] 
[/authmode local | external] | /help}
Note: You are prompted to enter the password in interactive mode if you do not specify the passwordfile option.


  • /id is the single-byte numerical ID (between 1 - 64 characters in length) of the agentless connection-destination definition information to delete; if the specified ID does not exist, an error is generated.
  • /user is a user ID.
  • /passwordfile is a password file (with absolute or relative path) that includes the encrypted user credentials for the selected user.
  • /authmode local | external specifies the authentication type, either local or external. Specify local to authenticate locally with Automator. Specify external to authenticate with Common Services. If this option is not specified, Ops Center Automator operates in the authentication mode specified by the command.auth.mode of command_user.properties.


The deleteservicetemplate command deletes a service template.

The syntax is:

deleteservicetemplate {/name service-template-key-name /vendor 
vendor-ID /version XX.YY.ZZ [/user username | /user username  /passwordfile passwordfile] 
[/authmode local | external] | /help}
Note: You are prompted to enter the password in interactive mode if you do not specify the passwordfile option.


  • /name is the key name of a service template.
  • /vendor is the vendor ID of a service template.
  • /version is a version of a service template.
  • /user is a user ID.
  • /passwordfile is a password file (with absolute or relative path) that includes the encrypted user credentials.
  • /authmode local | external specifies the authentication type, either local or external. Specify local to authenticate locally with Automator. Specify external to authenticate with Common Services. If this option is not specified, Ops Center Automator operates in the authentication mode specified by the command.auth.mode of command_user.properties.


The encryptpassword command creates a file that includes an encrypted user name and password. You can specify the password file instead of the password for any Ops Center Automator command that allows the /passwordfile option.

The syntax is:

encryptpassword {[/user username] /passwordfile passwordfile [/authmode local | external ] | /help }
Note: You are prompted to enter the password in interactive mode.


  • /user is the ID of the user who is added to the password file.
  • /passwordfile is the name of the password file (with absolute or relative path) that includes the encrypted user credentials.
  • /authmode local | external specifies the authentication type, either local or external. Specify local to authenticate locally with Automator. Specify external to authenticate with Common Services. If this option is not specified, Ops Center Automator operates in the authentication mode specified by the command.auth.mode of command_user.properties.


The importservicetemplate command imports a service template.

The syntax is:

{/file service-template [/user username | /user username  /passwordfile passwordfile] [/authmode local | external ] | /help}
Note: You are prompted to enter the password in interactive mode if you do not specify the passwordfile option.


  • /file is the service template file to import.
  • /user is a user ID.
  • /passwordfile is a password file (with absolute or relative path) that includes the encrypted user credentials.
  • /authmode local | external specifies the authentication type, either local or external. Specify local to authenticate locally with Automator. Specify external to authenticate with Common Services. If this option is not specified, Ops Center Automator operates in the authentication mode specified by the command.auth.mode of command_user.properties.


The listremoteconnections command outputs a listing of the agentless connection-destination definitions registered in Ops Center Automator to a CSV formatted file.

The syntax is:

listremoteconnections {/file output-file [/user username | /user username  /passwordfile passwordfile] [/authmode local | external ]
 | /help}
Note: You are prompted to enter the password in interactive mode if you do not specify the passwordfile option.


  • /file is the path of the file to which the list is output; if the specified file already exists, an error is generated.
  • /user is the name of the user executing the command. The user name can consist of any single-byte alphanumeric characters including ( ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^ _ |) from 1 - 256 characters in length. The user name is case sensitive.
  • /passwordfile is a password file (with absolute or relative path) that includes the encrypted user credentials for the selected user.
  • /authmode local | external specifies the authentication type, either local or external. Specify local to authenticate locally with Automator. Specify external to authenticate with Common Services. If this option is not specified, Ops Center Automator operates in the authentication mode specified by the command.auth.mode of command_user.properties.


The listservices command exports a list of services or a list of service templates to a CSV file.

The syntax is:

listservices {/output {services | servicetemplates} /file output-file 
[/encoding encoding] [/user username | /user username  /passwordfile passwordfile] [/authmode local | external ] | /help}
Note: You are prompted to enter the password in interactive mode if you do not specify the passwordfile option.


  • /output is either services (export services) or servicetemplates (export service templates).
  • /file is the output file path.
  • /encoding is the encoding of the output file, either UTF-8 or Shift_JIS.
  • /user is a user ID.

    The Submit role is required to output services list. The Modify role is required to output service templates list.

  • /passwordfile is a password file (with absolute or relative path) that includes the encrypted user credentials for the selected user.
  • /authmode local | external specifies the authentication type, either local or external. Specify local to authenticate locally with Automator. Specify external to authenticate with Common Services. If this option is not specified, Ops Center Automator operates in the authentication mode specified by the command.auth.mode of command_user.properties.


The listtasks command exports a list of services or a list of tasks to a CSV file.

The syntax is:

listtasks {[/startrange {yyyy-mm-dd | ,yyyy-mm-dd 
| yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy-mm-dd}] /output {tasks |
 histories | taskdetails} {/file outputfile 
| /taskdetaildir directoryname} [/encoding encoding]
 [/user username | /user username  /passwordfile passwordfile] [/authmode local | external] | /help}
Note: You are prompted to enter the password in interactive mode if you do not specify the passwordfile option.


  • /startrange is the date range of the task start date. Use this to limit the contents of the list to tasks run within a specific period of time.
  • /output is either of the following output data types: tasks (export tasks), histories (export histories), taskdetails (export task with properties)
  • /file is an output file with an absolute or relative path.
  • /taskdetaildir is an output file with an absolute or relative path. /taskdetaildir is required instead of /file when /output taskdetails is specified.
  • /encoding is the encoding of the output file, either UTF-8 or Shift_JIS
  • /user is a user ID. The Admin role is required to output taskdetails.
  • /passwordfile is the absolute or relative path of the password file.
  • /authmode local | external specifies the authentication type, either local or external. Specify local to authenticate locally with Automator. Specify external to authenticate with Common Services. If this option is not specified, Ops Center Automator operates in the authentication mode specified by the command.auth.mode of command_user.properties.


The restoresystem command restores the system configuration and database information from the specified folder where the data was backed up.

The syntax is:

restoresystem {/dir directoryname [/auto] | /help}


  • /dir is an absolute or relative folder path that contains data that is backed up by the backupsystem command
  • /auto directs the Ops Center Automator, Common Component services and database to start and stop automatically.
Note: Before running the restoresystem command in a cluster environment, you must run the following command to take the group where the Automator service is registered offline and disable failover.
Common-component-Installation-folder\ClusterSetup\hcmds64clustersrvstate.bat /soff /r group-name


The setremoteconnection command adds or updates agentless connection-destination definitions in Ops Center Automator through a CSV file.

The syntax is:

setremoteconnection {/file input-file
[/user username | /user username  /passwordfile passwordfile] 
[/authmode local | external] | /help}
Note: You are prompted to enter the password in interactive mode if you do not specify the passwordfile option.


  • /file is the path of the file that contains the agentless connection-destination definitions to be added or updated; if the specified file does not exist, an error is generated. Absolute paths and relative paths are both acceptable.
  • /user is the name of the user executing the command. The user name can consist of any single-byte alphanumeric characters including ( ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^ _ |) from 1 - 256 characters in length. The user name is case sensitive.
  • /passwordfile is a password file (with absolute or relative path) that includes the encrypted user credentials for the selected user.
  • /authmode local | external specifies the authentication type, either local or external. Specify local to authenticate locally with Automator. Specify external to authenticate with Common Services. If this option is not specified, Ops Center Automator operates in the authentication mode specified by the command.auth.mode of command_user.properties.


The setupcluster command sets up an Ops Center Automator cluster environment.

The syntax is:

setupcluster {/exportpath exportpath | /help}

where :

  • /exportpath is the absolute or relative path of the folder on a shared disk used to store the database and server information.


The stoptask command stops a running task.

The syntax is:

stoptask {/taskid task-ID [/user username | /user username  /passwordfile passwordfile] [/authmode local | external] | /help}
Note: You are prompted to enter the password in interactive mode if you do not specify the passwordfile option.


  • /taskid is a task ID. You can confirm the task ID from the Task Details window, output of submittask command, output of listtasks command.
  • /user is a user ID.
  • /passwordfile is the absolute or relative path of the password file.
  • /authmode local | external specifies the authentication type, either local or external. Specify local to authenticate locally with Automator. Specify external to authenticate with Common Services. If this option is not specified, Ops Center Automator operates in the authentication mode specified by the command.auth.mode of command_user.properties.


The submittask submits a task for a service.

For more information, see the submittask command section.