The hcmds64prmset command registers, changes, and cancels the registration of the host that manages the user accounts used to connect with Ops Center Automator. If you run this command, the information about the user accounts in the Common Component will be managed by the Common Component of the primary server. The host whose user accounts are managed by the primary server is called the secondary server. Run this command on the server that is set as the secondary server.
When registering the primary server or changing information about the registered primary server, the syntax is:
hcmds64prmset [/host host-name-or-IP-address] [/port port-number-(non-SSL-communication) | /sslport port-number-(SSL-communication)] [/check]
When canceling the primary server, the syntax is:
hcmds64prmset /setprimary
When displaying the registration information, the syntax is:
hcmds64prmset /print
- /host specifies the host name or IP address of the primary server. If SSL communication is enabled on the primary server, specify the same value as that of Common Name (CN) in the server certificate. If you change the host name of only the registered primary server, you can omit the /port or /sslport option.
- /port specifies the port number of HBase 64 Storage Mgmt Web Service of the primary server. Specify this option if SSL communication is disabled on the primary server. The default port number is 22015. If you change the port number of only the registered primary server, you can omit the /host option.
- /sslport specifies the port number of HBase 64 Storage Mgmt Web Service of the primary server. Specify this option if SSL communication is enabled on the primary server. The default port number is 22016. If you change the port number of only the registered primary server, you can omit the /host option.
- /check checks the connection to the primary server.
- /setprimary cancels the registered primary server. The host on which the command was run changes from the secondary server to the primary server.
- /print displays the following:
- The role of the host on which the command was run (primary or secondary)
- The host name (IP address) and port number of the primary server, if the role of the host is the secondary server.