hcmds64keytool command

Ops Center Automator User Guide

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The hcmds64keytool command can do the following:

  • Register the certificate in the JDK truststore by using the JDK keytool utility.
  • Verify the certificate registered in the keystore or truststore by using the JDK keytool utility.
  • Deletes the certificate from the JDK truststore by using the JDK keytool utility.
  • Exports the certificate from the JDK truststore by using the JDK keytool utility.

To register the certificate in the JDK truststore, the syntax is:

hcmds64keytool -import -alias alias-name -file file-name
 -keystore file-name -storepass password -storetype JKS

To verify the certificate registered in the keystore/truststore, the syntax is:

hcmds64keytool -list -v -keystore file-name -storepass password

To delete the certificate registered in the JDK truststore, the syntax is:

hcmds64keytool -delete -alias alias-name -keystore file-name -storepass password

To export the certificate from the JDK truststore, the syntax is:

hcmds64keytool -export -keystore file-name -alias alias-name -file file-name -storepass password


  • -alias specifies the name (Alias name) for identifying the certificate in the truststore. Alias name that already exists cannot be specified, so either change it to another name or delete it in advance.
  • -file specifies the input certificate (PEM or DER format). In the case of export, specify the output path of the certificate.
  • -keystore specifies the truststore file to be registered, verified, deleted, or exported.
  • -storepass specifies the password to access the registered certificate.
  • -storetype JKS specifies JKS as the store type of the truststore.