hcmds64getlogs command

Ops Center Automator User Guide

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The hcmds64getlogs command acquires maintenance information on the management server.

The syntax is:

hcmds64getlogs /dir folder-name [/types Automation] [/arc archive-file-name] [/logtypes log-file-type[ log-file-type ...]] 


  • /dir specifies the absolute path to the folder on a local disk that contains collected maintenance information. If the folder has already been created, empty the folder.

    The maximum length of a path name that can be specified is 41 bytes. You can specify any printable ASCII character excluding certain special characters. You cannot specify the following characters:

    \ / : , ; * ? " < > | $ % & ' `

    However, you can specify backslashes (\), colons (:), and forward slashes (/) in Windows, or forward slashes (/) in Linux as a path delimiter. Do not specify a path delimiter at the end of a path name.

    In Windows, to specify a space character in a path name, enclose the path name in double quotation marks ("). In Linux, you cannot specify a space character in a path name.

  • /types Automation specify Automation if the maintenance information for only Ops Center Automator can be collected. When specifying this option, also specify the log file type log for the /logtypes option. If this option is not specified, the Ops Center Automator server and all products using Common Component installed on the same management server is collected.
  • /arc specifies the name of the archive files to be created. If you do not specify this option, the default file name is HiCommand_log_64.

    For the file name, you can specify any printable ASCII character excluding certain special characters. You cannot specify the following characters:

    \ / : , ; * ? " < > | $ % & ' `

    In Linux, you cannot specify a space character in a file name.

  • /logtypes specifies the types of log files to acquire when log files of a particular type cannot be collected due to a failure.
    • log: Specify this to acquire .jar files and .hdb.jar files only.
    • db: Specify this to acquire .db.jar files only.
    • csv: Specify this to acquire .csv.jar files only.

    To specify multiple types, separate them by a space.

    If you omit this option, all log files will be acquired.

Tip: When this command is run, the KAPM05318-I or KAPM05319-E message is output. In addition, maintenance information (log file and database file) is acquired and four archive files (.jar, .hdb.jar, .db.jar, and .csv.jar) are output in the folder specified in the /dir option.


  • Do not interrupt this command while it is running.
  • If the hcmds64getlogs command is interrupted, this command has ended before this command completed due to insufficient free space in the folder specified in the /dir option. In this case, make sure that the folder has enough free space, and then execute this command again.
  • Do not run more than one hcmds64getlogs command at the same time.
  • When Ops Center Automator is running in a cluster configuration, execute this command on both the active host and standby host. You can run this command even if the Ops Center Automator server is not running. Therefore, even if an error occurs in a cluster configuration, you can collect log information without switching nodes. However, if the database is not running, you cannot obtain the database information.
  • If the same option is specified more than one time, only the first option is effective.