The hcmds64dbtrans command backs up (exports) or restores (imports) the databases of Ops Center Automator. Use this command when reorganizing the databases of Ops Center Automator.
To back up (export) the Ops Center Automator databases, the syntax is:
hcmds64dbtrans /export /workpath working-folder-path /file archive-file-path [/auto]
To restore (import) the Ops Center Automator databases, the syntax is:
hcmds64dbtrans /import /type Automation /workpath working-folder-path [/file archive-file-path] [/auto]
- /export exports the databases.
- /workpath specifies the absolute path to a working folder that is temporarily used for exporting or importing. A folder on the local disk drive can only be specified. Use an empty folder for the working folder when you specify the /file option for exporting or importing.
- /file specifies the absolute path to the archive
file to which the data is exported or from which the data is imported. This
option is required if the /export option is specified.
The archive file is not created if the output file size exceeds 2 GB, or if the amount of disk space for a location in which the archive file is created is insufficient.
- /auto causes the command to automatically start and stop the services and databases of Ops Center Automator and the products using Common Component. If this option is omitted, the services and databases of Ops Center Automator and the products using Common Component are not automatically started and stopped.
- /import causes the command to import the databases. All the exiting authentication data is deleted before the data is imported.
- /type Automation specifies Automation as the name of the product whose database is to be imported.
- If the return code 3 is output by an export procedure, the database information remains in the folder specified for the /workpath option. To import this information, set the folder that you specified for the /workpath option at the time of the export procedure for the /workpath option for the import procedure. At this time, do not change the folder structure in the folder you specified for the /workpath option at the time of the export procedure. In addition, do not specify any value for the /file option when performing the import procedure.
- In the following cases, the folder specified for the /workpath option becomes empty, and the command is completed.
- When the return code 1, 2, 233, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240, or 255 is output by an export procedure
- When the return code 3 is output by an import procedure