Using the AllocateVolumesAndSetIOControl playbook

Ops Center Automator User Guide

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This sample playbook will submit the following services.

  • Allocate Volumes with Smart Provisioning (02.82.00)
  • Set IO Control (02.20.00)
  1. Configure ansible.cfg and environment variables.
  2. Confirm whether the service to run exists in advance. If it does not exist, create it.
  3. Deploy the linkage module.
  4. Encrypt auth_info.yml with the ansible-vault command.
  5. Enable SSL settings between Ops Center Automator and Ansible and between Common Services and Ansible
  6. Edit the values to match the running environment. The files where the variables are set are as follows.
    File path To set

    Service settings

    Task settings

    Service parameters


    Service settings

    Task settings

    Service parameters

    connection_info_var/automation_software_server1 Ops Center Automator server and Common Services server information
    connection_info_var_/auth_info.yml Authenication information (for Vault)
  7. Run the following command:
    $ansible-playbook AllocateVolumesAndSetIOControl_Playbook.yml --extra-vars "@connection_info_var/automation_software_server1.yml" --extra-vars "@connection_info_var/auth_info.yml" --ask-vault-pass