Deploy and Setup OS on Virtual Machine: Service details

Ops Center Automator User Guide

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This service template adds a virtual server to a VMware vSphere environment by using a template.

The general steps for using this service template to deploy and set up an OS on a Virtual Machine are as follows:

  1. A virtual server is created using an existing template.
  2. The initial information for the virtual server is specified.
    1. Specifies initial information for the OS (such as computer name and company name). Depending on the virtual server's OS, the service template specifies the following settings:

      For a Windows-based OS, as initial OS settings, the service template specifies a computer name, company name, and organization name. The service template uses sysprep to clear the system information for the virtual server and then specifies the OS information.

      For Linux OS, as initial OS settings, the service template specifies a computer name.

    2. Specifies the IP address of the virtual server. You can specify a maximum of two IP address for a virtual server. The order in which IP addresses are set depends on the number of NICs on the virtual server as follows:
      1. If the virtual server has one NIC, and the management and application IP addresses are both specified, the service template sets the IP address for management in the NIC preferentially. Note that the application IP address is discarded. If only a management IP address or only an application IP address is specified, the service template sets the specified IP address in the NIC.
      2. If the virtual server has two NICs, and the management and application IP addresses are both specified, the service template sets the management IP address in the first NIC set in the virtual server's OS and the application IP address in the second NIC set in the virtual server's OS. If only a management IP address or only an application IP address is specified, the service template sets the specified IP address in the first NIC set in the virtual server's OS.
  3. If multiple IP addresses are specified for the virtual server, the service template sets a static route for the virtual server's OS.
  4. A port group is specified for the virtual server.

When the OS of the virtual server to create is a Windows-based OS:

  • An organization name and an owner name are required. If no organization name is specified, "Organization" is assumed; if no owner name is specified, "Owner" is assumed.
  • Entry and re-entry of an OS user password are required. If one of them is omitted or if the entered passwords do not match, "Password123" is set as the password.
  • WORKGROUP or DOMAIN must be selected from the OS.selectWorkgroupDomain selection list. If neither WORKGROUP nor DOMAIN is selected, "WORKGROUP" is set as the workgroup. If no workgroup name or domain name is entered, "WORKGROUP" is set as the workgroup.
  • When WORKGROUP is selected from the OS.selectWorkgroupDomain selection list, a maximum of 15 bytes can be specified for the workgroup name. If the specified workgroup name exceeds 15 bytes, "WORKGROUP" is assumed.
  • When DOMAIN is selected from the OS.selectWorkgroupDomain selection list, a domain name, domain user name, and domain password are required. If any one of them is omitted or a specified value is not valid, "WORKGROUP" is set as the workgroup.

When the OS of the virtual server to create is Linux OS:

  • When the OS of the virtual server to be created is Linux OS, a domain name and DNS suffix are required. If the specification is omitted, "localdomain" is assumed.

When the OS of the virtual server to create is a Windows-based OS or Linux OS:

  • All four of IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server must be specified. If any one of them is omitted, none of them is set.
  • If the OS information acquisition repeat count is omitted, "72" is assumed.
  • If the OS information acquisition repeat interval is omitted, "5" is assumed.
  • You must specify both the current port group name and the new port group name. If either is omitted, the port group is not renamed. If there are multiple port groups with the same name, only one of them is renamed.
  • All three of destination IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway must be specified. If any one of them is omitted, a static route is not set.
  • A maximum of 60 characters can be specified in the virtual server name property (vmware.vmName).

Service Definition Properties

The following table lists the properties visible in the Service Definition window for the Deploy and Setup OS on Virtual Machine service template.

Property Key Property Name Description Required or optional
vmware.targetHost Host name of VMware vCenter control server Specify the host name or IP address of the server (a server with vSphere PowerCLI installed) that will be used to control VMware vCenter. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. R
vmware.vCenterServerName VMware vCenter server name Specify the host name or IP address of the VMware vCenter server. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. R
vmware.userName User name for VMware vCenter Server connection Specify the user name to use when connecting to the VMware vCenter server. R
vmware.password Password for VMware vCenter Server connection Specify the password to use when connecting to the VMware vCenter server. R
vmware.portNumber Port number for VMware vCenter Server connection Specify the port number to use when connecting to the VMware vCenter server (specifically, the port number of the VMware vCenter server's Web service). If you omit this property, the default value of the VMware vCenter server applies. O
vmware.protocol Protocol for VMware vCenter Server connection Specify the protocol to use when connecting to the VMware vCenter server. R
windows.orgName Organization (company name): Windows only Specify the organization name for the virtual server OS (Windows-based OS only). When there is no input, "Organization" is set up. O
windows.ownerName Owner name: Windows only Specify the owner name for the OS on the virtual server (Windows-based OS only). When there is no input, "Owner" is set as the Owner name. O
OS.selectWorkgroupDomain Select workgroup or domain :

Windows only

Specify whether the virtual server belongs to a workgroup or domain (Windows-based OS only). O
OS.workgroupNameDomainName Workgroup/domain name Specify the name of the workgroup or domain of virtual server. A workgroup is specified a maximum of 15 characters. A domain of a maximum of 63 characters is specified in a Windows-based OS. In Linux OS, a domain of a maximum of 256 characters is specified. O
OS.domainUserName Domain user name: Windows only Specify the domain user name for the virtual server (Windows-based OS only). When "DOMAIN" is chosen by selection of a workgroup/domain, it is necessary to input. O
OS.domainUserPassword Domain password: Windows only Specify the domain password for the virtual server (Windows-based OS only). When "DOMAIN" is chosen by selection of a workgroup/domain, it is necessary to input. O
OS.dnsSuffix DNS suffix: Linux only Specify the DNS suffix of the virtual server (Linux OS only). When there is no input, "localdomain" is set as the DNS suffix. O
OS.subnetMaskMan Subnet mask (management LAN) Specify the subnet mask for the management LAN of the virtual server. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. O
OS.defaultGWMan Default gateway (management LAN) Specify the default gateway for the management LAN of the virtual server. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. O
OS.dnsMan DNS server IP address (management LAN) Specify the IP address of the DNS server for the management LAN of the virtual server. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. O
OS.subnetMask2 Subnet mask (for second NIC) Specify the 2nd subnet mask for the virtual server. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. O
OS.defaultGW2 Default gateway (for second NIC) Specify the 2nd default gateway for the virtual server. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. O
OS.dns2 DNS server IP address (for second NIC) Specify the 2nd IP address of the DNS server for the virtual server. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. O
OS.subnetMask3 Subnet mask (for third NIC) Specifies the subnet mask that is set for the third NIC recognized by the OS on the virtual server. IPv6 addresses are not supported. O
OS.defaultGW3 Default gateway (for third NIC) Specifies the default gateway that is set for the third NIC recognized by the OS on the virtual server. IPv6 addresses are not supported. O
OS.dns3 DNS server IP address (for third NIC) Specifies the IP address of the DNS server that is set for the virtual server. In a Windows-based OS, this value is set on the third NIC recognized by the OS. IPv6 addresses are not supported. O
OS.subnetMask4 Subnet mask (for fourth NIC) Specifies the subnet mask that is set for the fourth NIC recognized by the OS on the virtual server. IPv6 addresses are not supported. O
OS.defaultGW4 Default gateway (for fourth NIC) Specifies the default gateway that is set for the fourth NIC recognized by the OS on the virtual server. IPv6 addresses are not supported. O
OS.dns4 DNS server IP address (for fourth NIC) Specifies the IP address of the DNS server that is set for the virtual server. In a Windows-based OS, this value is set on the fourth NIC recognized by the OS. IPv6 addresses are not supported. O
OS.destIPAddress Destination IP of static route Specify the destination IP address of the static route. O
OS.subnetMaskStaticRoute Subnet mask (static route) Specify the subnet mask for the static route. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. O
OS.defaultGWStaticRoute Default gateway (static route) Specify the default gateway for the static route. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. O
vmware.checkOSInitCount Number of tries to acquire OS information Specify the number of times the service tries to acquire OS information to confirm that the OS has been initialized. The maximum wait time is determined by this property and the property that defines the checkOSInitCountInterval. O
vmware.checkOSInitCountInterval Interval for acquiring OS information (minutes) Specify the interval at which the service tries to acquire OS information to confirm that the OS has been initialized. O

Service Definition and Submit Service Properties

The following table lists the properties visible in the Service Definition and Submit Service windows for the Deploy and Setup OS on Virtual Machine service template:

Property Key Property Name Description Required or optional
vmware.vmName Virtual server name Specify the name of the virtual server. This name is used to represent the virtual server in VMware vCenter server. It is not used as a host name by the OS. R
vmware.templateName Template name Specify the name of the template on which the virtual server is to be based. R
vmware.vmHostName ESX server name Specify the ESX server name to be visible in the Hosts and Clusters inventory view managed by VMware vCenter server. R
vmware.dataStoreName Datastore name Specify the datastore name. R
vmware.resourcePoolName Resource pool name Specify the resource pool, vApp, or cluster where the virtual server will be provisioned. O
vmware.portGroupName Port group name Specify the name of the port group currently assigned to the virtual server. O
vmware.portGroupNameNew Port group name (updated) Specify a new port group name to assign to the virtual server. O
OS.computerName Computer/host name Specify the computer name (host name) used by the OS. The computer name of a maximum of 15 characters is specified, in the case of a Windows-based OS. The computer name of a maximum of 63 characters is specified, in the case of Linux OS. R
OS.osUserPassword Administrator password: Windows-specific Specifies the Administrator password specified in the OS (Windows-based OS systems only). If nothing is entered, "Password123" is specified. O
OS.osUserPasswordReEnter Re-enter Administrator password: Windows-specific Re-enter the Administrator password specified in the OS (Windows-based OS systems only). If nothing is entered, "Password123" is specified. O
OS.productKey OS product key :Windows-based OS only Specify the OS product key (for Windows-based OS virtual servers) in the format XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX (Windows-based OS only). O
Linux.adminPassword OS root user password :Linux OS only Specify the root user's password of OS for carrying out a OS setting verification. For creating Linux OS virtual server, specifying the root user's password is mandatory. O
OS.ipAddressMan IP address (management LAN) Specify the IP address for the management LAN of the virtual server. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. O
OS.ipAddress2 IP address (for second NIC) Specify the 2nd IP address for the virtual server. You cannot specify an IPv6 address. O
OS.ipAddress3 IP address (for third NIC) Specifies the IP address that is set for the third NIC recognized by the OS on the virtual server. IPv6 addresses are not supported. O
OS.ipAddress4 IP address (for fourth NIC) Specifies the IP address that is set for the fourth NIC recognized by the OS on the virtual server. IPv6 addresses are not supported. O
OS.timeZoneWin Time zone: Windows-based OS setting Specifies the time zone that the OS on the virtual server is set to (for Windows-based OS only). If nothing is entered, the time zone "International Date Line West" is used. O
OS.timeZoneLin Time zone: Linux OS setting Specifies the time zone that the OS on the virtual server is set to (for Linux OS only). If nothing is entered, the time zone in the template is used. O


Note: Although some of the properties in the tables indicate that they can be omitted, they might be required when used in conjunction with some other property setting as indicated in the descriptions.

The following conditions must be met:

  • Conditions for the settings on VMware vSphere ESXi (or VMware ESX Server)
    • A data store is registered.
    • A port group is set up. For a port group that is set up for the virtual server, specify a port group on the network using a standard virtual switch (vNetwork or vSphere standard switch.)
    • The template used for deployment is already created.
    • If the virtual server is stored in a resource pool, and the resource pool, cluster, and vApp names are unique. The same name cannot be assigned to more than one resource pool, cluster, and vApp although their types are different, such as a duplication of a cluster name and a vApp name or a duplication of a cluster name and a resource pool name.
    • Data store name.
    • Resource pool name.
    • vApp name.
  • Conditions for the template used for deployment:
    • VMware Tools are installed.
    • The running of remote commands is allowed by the settings (administrative share for Windows-based OS and SSH for Linux OS is enabled.)
    • NICs are configured (up to two).
    • The reception of and response to pings is allowed.
    • For a Windows-based OS, the administrator password is left blank.
    • For a Windows-based OS, run sysprep. To run sysprep, the maximum number of Windows-based OS initializations (three times) must not be reached.
    • When you convert a virtual server to a template, first ensure that the virtual server is stopped.
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  • Condition of the virtual server:
    • The virtual server name is not duplicated under the management of an identical vCenter.
  • The authentication information of the virtual server to deploy is registered to the agentless connection destination definition in the "Management" tab in advance.

Server requirements

To use this service template, the following servers are needed:

  • vCenter server: This is a server on which VMware vCenter Server is installed.
  • vCenter control server: This is a server on which VMware vSphere PowerCLI is installed.
  • ESX server: Server on which VMware vSphere ESXi (or VMware ESX Server) is installed.
  • Virtual server: This is a virtual server managed by the vCenter server and VMware vSphere ESX.

Software requirements

One of the following is required:

  • VMware vSphere PowerCLI 6.3 Release1, 6.0 Release3, 6.0 Release1
  • VMware PowerCLI 6.5 Release1
  • VMware PowerCLI 6.5.1, 6.5.4
  • VMware PowerCLI 10.1.0, 10.1.1

Usage guidelines

  • The specified port group must be able to communicate with the local server. If there are multiple NICs for the virtual server, set one of the NICs to a port group that can communicate with the local server.
  • Whether OS initialization processing is completed is determined by whether the information set in the OS can be acquired. The time required for determining completion of initialization depends on the value specified for the OS information acquisition repeat interval (vmware.checkOSInitCountInterval property) and the specification of the OS information acquisition repeat count (vmware.checkOSInitCount property). If the specified value is too small, a timeout might occur even during OS initialization. Adjust the value for the performance of the virtualization environment being used. Initially, specify the settings so that the OS information acquisition repeat interval is at least a few hours.
  • Do not specify for the IP addresses to set with values that are not valid as IP addresses in the virtual server's OS, such as management and application IP addresses. For example, network addresses, broadcast addresses, and special addresses such as and cannot be specified. If an address is entered that is not valid, the virtual server deployment processing results in an error. For a management IP address, specify an IP address that can be used to communicate with the local server. Be aware that even though the correct address is specified, deployment might fail.
  • While the virtual server is being deployed, do not use any other service to modify it. Doing so might cause deployment of the virtual server to fail. Also, do not modify the virtual server directly from a vCenter server.
  • When you are deploying Linux OS, specify a root password for the template OS in the Linux.adminPassword property (using the permitted characters.)
  • Do not specify in advance any template information that is specified when the virtual server is created. If a computer name or host name and IP address are already set in the template, virtual server creation might fail. If virtual server creation fails (for example, static route processing results in an error), delete the virtual server, re-create a template in which no computer name, host name, or IP address is set, and then run the service again.
  • The IP addresses are set as described in Function. However, depending on the order in which NICs are set in the virtual server's OS, the IP addresses might not be set as intended. After you create the virtual server, verify whether the correct IP addresses are set. If the correct IP addresses are not set, change them manually.