You can request audit logs based on a specific search criteria. The audit log contains the following information: date, request ID, dataset, user, user agent, HTTP method, client IP, action, request length, response code, and service time.
Request line
POST baseURL/<Datasetname>
Request body
{ "tw":"", "requestId":"", "user":"", "clientIp":"", "responseCode":"", "serviceTime":[ , ] }
Request example
POST / HTTP /1.1 Authorization: Basic ZnJlZDpmcmVk
{ "user":"admin", "responseCode":"200", "serviceTime":[ 10, 20 ] }
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
action | String | getAuditLogs
Specify the API function to be invoked. |
dataset | String | Dataset name. From 2 to 32 alphanumeric, underscore (_), and hyphen (-) characters are allowed. |
tw | String | (Optional) JSON list of string where the first element represents the audit start time and the second element represents end time for audit.
Date format: yyyyMMdd_HHmmss Time zone: UTC By default the last 24 hours are considered for audit. |
requestId | String | Request ID of the requested audit log.
Default: * |
user | String |
User name of the requested audit log .If you want audit logs for the specific username, then do not use the regular expression special characters in the user name. Default: * |
clientIp | String | Client IP address of the requested audit log.
Default: * |
responseCode | String | HTTP response code of the requested audit log.
Default: * |
serviceTime | Integer |
(Optional) Service time range of the requested audit log. List of service time where elements in the list represent the minimum and maximum service time. Default: 0 (Java integer maximum value) |
Response body
[ { "date":"", "requestId":"", "dataset":"", "user":"", "userAgent":"", "HTTPMethod":"", "clientIP":"", "action":"", "requestLength":"", "responseCode":, "serviceTime": } ]
Response example
[ { "date":"20150615_092909", "requestId":"363041533_8", "dataset":"defaultDs", "user":"admin", "userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.124 Safari/537.36", "HTTPMethod":"POST", "clientIP":"", "action":"createResourceDef", "requestLength":"375", "responseCode":200, "serviceTime":14 }, { "date":"20150615_100850", "requestId":"924518978_17", "dataset":"defaultDs", "user":"admin", "userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.124 Safari/537.36", "HTTPMethod":"POST", "clientIP":"", "action":"getAuditLogs", "requestLength":"12", "responseCode":200, "serviceTime":11 }, { "date":"20150615_124609", "requestId":"213068087_52", "dataset":"defaultDs", "user":"admin", "userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.124 Safari/537.36", "HTTPMethod":"POST", "clientIP":"", "action":"createResourceDef", "requestLength":"375", "responseCode":200, "serviceTime":10 } ]
Response parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
date | String |
Time stamp of the request. Format: yyyyMMdd_HHmmss Time zone: UTC |
requestId | String | Request ID. |
dataset | String | Dataset name. |
user | String | User name that requested the request. |
userAgent | String | User agent name from which the request is received. |
HTTPMethod | String | HTTP method used for the request. |
clientIP | String | Client IP address from where this API request is received. |
action | String | Action used for this API request. |
requestLength | String | Request length. |
responseCode | Integer | HTTP response code. |
serviceTime | Integer | Total time required to execute the request. |
Status codes
Status code |
Message |
Description |
200 | OK | Request was successful, and the response body contains the requested log details. |
206 | PARTIAL CONTENT | Request is in progress, and the incremental content is available in the response body. |
400 | BAD REQUEST | Request URL or request body validation failed. Check the response body for details. |
500 | SERVER ERROR | API operation request failed. Check the response body for details. |
Response codes
The following table lists the common API response codes that might be generated through the standard API. If an error response is not listed, examine the HTTP status codes to determine the best method for addressing the issue.
Response code | Message | Condition |
82010002 | Invalid JSON Request. | Specified JSON input is invalid. |
8201000C | Parameter {query, startTime, endTime} not supportedParameter {query, startTime, endTime} are not supported. | Invalid parameters. |
8201000F | Invalid value specified for the parameter {tw}. | Specified value for the parameter tw is not of a JSON list of string. |
8201000F | Invalid value specified for the parameter {tw}. The parameter [tw] must have only two elements. | Specified JSON list for the parameter tw does not contain 2 elements. |
8201000F | Invalid value specified for parameter {tw}. The parameter [tw] must contain start and end time in yyyyMMdd_HHmmss format. | Specified JSON list for the parameter tw does not contain start time or end time in valid format . |
8201000F | Invalid value specified for parameter {tw}. The endTime must be after the startTime. | Specified endTime is before the specified startTime. |
8201000F | Invalid value specified for the parameter {requestId}. | Specified value for the parameter requestId is not of type string. |
8201000F | Invalid value specified for the parameter {dataset}. | Specified value for the parameter dataset is not of type String. |
8201000F | Invalid value specified for the parameter {user}. | Specified value for the parameter user is not of type string. |
8201000F | Invalid value specified for the parameter {clientIP}. | Specified value for the parameter clientIP is not of type string. |
8201000F | Invalid value specified for the parameter {action}. | Specified value for the parameter action is not of type string. |
8201000F | Invalid value specified for the parameter {responseCode}. | Specified value for the parameter responseCode is not of type string. |
8201000F | Invalid value specified for the parameter {serviceTime}. | Specified value for the parameter serviceTime is not JSON list of integer. |
8201000F | Invalid value specified for the parameter {serviceTime}. The parameter [serviceTime] must have two element. | Specified JSON list for the parameter serviceTime does not contain two elements. |
8201000F | Invalid value specified for parameter {serviceTime}. The maximum serviceTime must be greater than minimum. | Specified minimum service time is greater than maximum service time. |
8201000C | Parameter {userAgent} is not supported. | Unsupported parameter specified. |
820000E2 | Application encountered an internal error. | API server encountered an unknown error. |