You can obtain data subset information such as data subset ID, data subset type, and data availability.
Request line
GET baseURL/<Datasetname>&dataSubsetId=<DataSubsetId>
Request body
Not applicable.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
action | String | {retrieveDataSubset}
Specify the API function to be invoked. |
dataset | String | Dataset name. From 2 to 32 alphanumeric, underscore (_), and hyphen (-) characters are allowed. |
dataSubsetId | String | (Optional) Data subset ID.
From 2 to 32 alphanumeric, underscore (_), and hyphen (-) characters are allowed. If not specified, all data subset IDs are returned. |
utcOffset | String | (Optional) Offset from the coordinated universal time. The UTC offset is applicable for API request and response.
UTC+/-HH:MM Example: UTC+09:00 Default: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). |
Request example
GET / HTTP /1.1 Authorization:BasicZnJlZDpmcmVkx
Response body
{ "dataSubsetId":"", "dataSubsetType":"", "dataAvailability":{ "startTime":"", "endTime":"" } } { "code":"", "error":"" }
Response example
{ "dataSubsetId":"US-NorthAmerica", "dataSubsetType":"VMware", "dataAvailability":{ "startTime":"20141211_120000", "endTime":"20141213_120000" } }
Response parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
dataSubsetId | String | Data subset ID. |
dataSubsetType | String | Data subset type. |
dataAvailability | Object | Data availability for the given data subset. |
dataAvailability.startTime | String | Start time of the data is in the following format: yyyyMMdd_HHmmss
Time zone: UTC |
dataAvailability.endTime | String |
End time of the data is in the following format: yyyyMMdd_HHmmss Time zone: UTC |
code | String | Eight-digit hexadecimal error code. |
error | String | Error message. |
Status codes
Status code |
Message |
Description |
200 | OK | Request was successful, and the response body contains the requested log details. |
206 | PARTIAL CONTENT | Request is in progress, and the incremental content is available in the response body. |
400 | BAD REQUEST | Request URL or request body validation failed. Check the response body for details. |
401 | UNAUTHORIZED | Supplied authentication token is invalid or does not have the appropriate credentials to access the resource. |
404 | NOT FOUND | API server could not find a resource matching the request. |
405 | METHOD NOT ALLOWED | Request HTTP method is not allowed for the operation. |
500 | SERVER ERROR | API operation request failed. Check the response body for details. |
Response codes
The following table lists the common API response codes that might be generated through the standard API. If an error response is not listed, examine the HTTP status codes to determine the best method for addressing the issue.
Response code | Message | Condition |
220000E4 | Mandatory parameter {dataset} is not specified. | Parameter dataset is not specified. |
22040008 | Mandatory parameter {dataSubsetId} is not specified | Parameter dataSubsetId is not specified. |
2202000F | Invalid value is specified for parameter {dataSubsetId}. The {dataSubsetId} length must be between 2 to 32 characters. | Parameter dataSubsetId is less than 2 characters or more than 32 characters. |
2202000F | Invalid value is specified for parameter {dataSubsetId}. The {dataSubsetId} contains an invalid character. The valid characters are [alphanumeric, - , and _ ]. | Parameter dataSubsetId contains an invalid character. |
220000E9 | License is not valid. | License is not uploaded, or the uploaded license is invalid or expired. |
220000E9 | Authorization needed. | Request is sent with an invalid authentication token. |
220000E4 | Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist. | Request is sent for a dataset that does not exist. |
22050005 | DataSubset with {dataSubsetId} [US-NorthAmerica] does not exist. | Request is sent for a data subset 'US-NorthAmerica' that does not exist. |
220000E0 | HTTP method [POST] is not supported for action [retrieveDataSubset]. | Request is sent with an HTTP method other than GET. |
220400E2 | Application encountered an internal error. | API server encountered an unknown error. |