API server response error codes and messages

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Common API response error codes and messages

The following table lists the common API response codes that might be generated through the standard API. If an error response is not listed, examine the HTTP status codes to determine the best method for addressing the issue.

Response code Message
120000E4 Mandatory parameter {dataset} not specified.
120000E9 License is not valid.
120000E9 Authorization needed.
120000E4 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist.
120000E0 Http method [POST] is not supported for action [retrieveDataset].
120000E2 Application encountered an internal error.
150000E4 Mandatory parameter {dataset} not specified.
1502000F Invalid value specified for parameter {clearSchema}.
150000E9 License is not valid.
150000E9 Authorization needed.
150000E4 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist.
150000E0 Http method [POST] is not supported for action [clearDataset].
150200E2 Application encountered an internal error.
210000E4 Mandatory parameter {dataset} not specified.
21010002 Invalid JSON Request.
21010008 Mandatory parameter {dataSubsetId} not specified.
2101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {dataSubsetId}. It must be of type string.
2102000F Invalid value specified for parameter {dataSubsetId}. {dataSubsetId} length must be between 2-32 characters.
2102000F Invalid value specified for parameter {dataSubsetId}. {dataSubsetId} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
21010008 Mandatory parameter {dataSubsetType} not specified.
2101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {dataSubsetType}. It must be of type string.
2102000F Invalid value specified for parameter {dataSubsetType}. {dataSubsetType} length must be between 2-32 characters.
2102000F Invalid value specified for parameter {dataSubsetType}. {dataSubsetType} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
2101000C Parameter {dataset} not supported.
210000E9 License is not valid.
210000E9 Authorization needed.
210000E4 Dataset with {name} [ds1] does not exist.
210000E0 Http method [GET] is not supported for action [createDataSubset].
21050004 DataSubset with {dataSubsetId} [US-NorthAmerica] already exists.
210100E2 Application encountered an internal error.
220000E4 Mandatory parameter {dataset} not specified.
22040008 Mandatory parameter {dataSubsetId} not specified.
2202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {dataSubsetId}. {dataSubsetId} length must be between 2-32 characters.
2202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {dataSubsetId}. {dataSubsetId} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
220000E9 License is not valid.
220000E9 Authorization needed.
220000E4 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist.
22050005 DataSubset with {dataSubsetId} [US-NorthAmerica] does not exist.
220000E0 Http method [POST] is not supported for action [retrieveDataSubset].
220400E2 Application encountered an internal error.
41050004 Attribute definition with {id}:[cpuUsage] already exists.
4102000F Invalid value specified for parameter {id}. {id} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
4102000F Invalid value specified for parameter {id}. Dynamic attributeId must start with [^].
4102000F Invalid value specified for parameter {id}. Specified regular expression is invalid.
41050004 Attribute definition with {id}:[cpuUsage] already exists.
41050004 Attribute definition with {id}:[^byteFlow_(\\d{1,5})_(\\d{1,5})_([A-Za-z]+[0-9]+)$] already exists.
4102000F Invalid value specified for parameter {id}. {id} length must be between 2-32 characters.
41020008 Mandatory parameter {type} not specified.
4102000F Invalid value specified for parameter {type}. Valid values: scalar and timeseries.
41020007 No regular expression is specified.
4102000F Invalid value specified for parameter {bandFactor}. Band factor must be one of [1.0, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001].
4102000F Invalid value specified for parameter {unit}. {unit} length must be between 2-32 characters.
4102000F Invalid value specified for parameter {unit}. {unit} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
4102000F Invalid value specified for parameter {name}. {name} length must be between 2-128 characters.
4102000C Parameter {bandFactor} not supported. Parameter {bandFactor} is only supported for timeseries attributes.
4102000F Invalid value specified for parameter {id}. Dynamic attributeId must start with [^].
4102000C Parameter {dynamic} not supported. Parameter {dynamic} is only supported for timeseries attributes.
41040007 No Attribute definition is specified.
41010002 Invalid JSON Request.
41050008 Mandatory parameter {id} not specified.
410000E9 License is not valid.
410000E9 Authorization needed.
410000E4 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist.
410000E0 Http method [PUT] is not supported for action [createAttributeDef].
410200E2 Application encountered an internal error.
42050005 Attribute definition with {id}:[cpuUsage] does not exist.
4202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {id}. {id} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are alphanumeric, -.
4202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {id}. {id} length must be between 2-32 characters.
42020007 No regular expression is specified.
42010002 Invalid JSON Request.
420000E9 License is not valid.
420000E9 Authorization needed.
420000E4 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist.
420000E0 Http method [PUT] is not supported for action [retrieveAttributeDef].
420100E2 Application encountered an internal error.
43050005 Attribute definition with {id}:[cpuUsage] does not exist.
4302000F Invalid value specified for parameter {unit}. {unit} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
4302000F Invalid value specified for parameter {unit}. {unit} length must be between 2-32 characters.
4302000F Invalid value specified for parameter {name}. {name} length must be between 2-128 characters.
4302000F Invalid value specified for parameter {id}. {id} length must be between 2-32 characters.
43050014 Cannot update read-only 'Attribute definition'.
43040007 No Attribute definition is specified.
43010002 Invalid JSON Request.
43050008 Mandatory parameter {id} not specified.
420000E4 Mandatory parameter {dataset} not specified.
430000E9 License is not valid.
430000E9 Authorization needed.
430000E4 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist.
430000E0 Http method [GET] is not supported for action [updateAttributeDef].
430500E2 Application encountered an internal error.
44050005 Attribute definition with {id}:[cpuUsage] does not exist.
4402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {id}. {id} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are alphanumeric, -.
4402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {id}. {id} length must be between 2 to 32 characters.
44050011 Attribute definition deletion failed due to dependency on one or more Resource definition.
44050014 Cannot deleted read-only 'Attribute definition'.
44010002 Invalid JSON Request.
44040007 No Attribute definition is specified.
440000E9 License is not valid.
440000E9 Authorization needed.
440000E4 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist.
440000E0 Http method [PUT] is not supported for action [deleteAttributeDef].
440400E2 Application encountered an internal error.
31050004 Resource definition with {type}:[vm] already exists.
31010008 Mandatory parameter {type} not specified.
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {type}. It must be of type string.
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {type}. Resource {type}:[] length must be between 1-32 characters.
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {type}. {<?<} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {name}. It must be of type string.
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {name}. {name} length must be between 1 to 32 characters.
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attributes}. It must be of type JSON list of string.
3101000F createResourceDef failed for {type}:[host]. Create attribute definition for [cpuUsage].
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {relations}. It must be of type JSON list of string.
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {relations}. {<>?} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {relations}. Resource {type}:[] length must be between 1-32 characters.
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {additionalProperties}. It must be of type JSON object.
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {additionalProperties}. Maximum 128 additional properties can be provided in resource definition.
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {additionalProperties}. Additional properties key can not be one of [type, configAttributes, displayName, directRelations]
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {additionalProperties}. {@@} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {additionalProperties}. {} length must be between 1-32 characters.
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {additionalProperties values}. It must be of type string.
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {additionalProperties}. {key} length must be between 1-32 characters.
3101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {additionalProperties}. {>>} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
31020012 createResourceDef failed for {type}:[host]. Remove self relation from resource definition [host].
31020012 createResourceDef failed for {type}:[host]. Resource type [host] already has relation with [vm].
31010002 Invalid JSON Request.
310000E9 License is not valid.
310000E9 Authorization needed.
310000E4 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist.
310000E0 Http method [PUT] is not supported for action [createResourceDef].
310000E2 Application encountered an internal error.
32040005 Resource definition with {type}:[host] does not exist.
3202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {type}. Resource {type}:[!] contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
32040008 Mandatory parameter {type} not specified.
3202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {type}. Resource {type}:[IAmSuchABigStringWhichIsNotAllowedAsResourceTypeInMARSBM] length must be between 1-32 characters.
32010002 Invalid JSON Request.
320000E9 License is not valid.
320000E9 Authorization needed.
320000E4 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist.
320000E0 Http method [PUT] is not supported for action [retrieveResourceDef]
320000E2 Application encountered an internal error.
33010008 Mandatory parameter {type} not specified.
3301000F Invalid value specified for parameter {name}. It must be of type string.
3301000E [add1] is not a valid key in parameter {{attributes}}
3301000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attributes}. Atleast one correct key must be specified in {attributes}.
3301000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attributes}. It must be of type JSON object.
3301000F Invalid value specified for parameter {add}. It must be of type JSON array.
3301000F Invalid value specified for parameter {completeList}. It must be of type JSON array.
3301000F Invalid value specified for parameter {remove}. It must be of type JSON array.
3301000E [add1] is not a valid key in parameter {{relations}}.
3301000F Invalid value specified for parameter {relations}. Atleast one correct key must be specified in relations.
3301000F Invalid value specified for parameter {relations}. It must be of type JSON object.
3301000F Invalid value specified for parameter {add}. It must be of type JSON array.
3301000F Invalid value specified for parameter {completeList}. It must be of type JSON array.
3301000F Invalid value specified for parameter {remove}. It must be of type JSON array.
3301000F Invalid value specified for parameter {additionalProperties}. It must be of type JSON object.
3301000A Nothing specified for update.
3302000F Invalid value specified for parameter {type}. Resource {type}:[!!] contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
3302000F Invalid value specified for parameter {type}. Resource {type}:[IAmSuchABigStringWhichIsNotAllowedAsResourceTypeInMARSBM] length must be between 1-32 characters.
3302000F Invalid value specified for parameter {name}. {name} length must be between 2-32 characters.
3302000F Invalid value specified for parameter {type}. Resource {type}:[] length must be between 1-32 characters.
3302000F Invalid value specified for parameter {type}. Resource {type}:[!@] contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
33020010 Resource definition updation failed due to self relation. Remove self relation from resource definition [host].
33020010 Resource definition updation failed due to already existing relation. Resource type [host] already has relation with [vm].
33020012 updateResourceDef failed for {type}:[h]. Number of additional properties can not be more than 128 in a resource definition.
33020012 updateResourceDef failed for {type}:[h]. Additional properties key cannot be one oftype,configAttributes,displayName or directRelations
33020012 updateResourceDef failed for {type}:[h]. Invalid keys for additional properties. Keys :[{!@}]
33020012 updateResourceDef failed for {type}:[h]. Invalid keys for additional properties. Keys :[{}]
33020012 updateResourceDef failed for {type}:[h]. Value(s) for following additional properties are invalid. :[{12}]
33020012 updateResourceDef failed for {type}:[h]. Value(s) for following additional properties are invalid. :[{12}]
33020012 updateResourceDef failed for {type}:[h]. Value(s) for following additional properties are invalid. :[{12}]
33050014 Cannot update read-only 'Resource definition' .
33050005 Resource definition with {type}:[host] does not exist .
33010002 Invalid JSON Request.
330000E9 License is not valid.
330000E9 Authorization needed.
330000E4 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist.
330000E0 Http method [GET] is not supported for action [updateResourceDef] .
330000E2 Application encountered an internal error.
3402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {type}. Resource {type}:[!] contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
34050008 Mandatory parameter {type} not specified.
3402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {type}. Resource {type}:[IAmSuchABigStringWhichIsNotAllowedAsResourceTypeInMARSBM] length must be between 1-32 characters.
34050005 Resource definition with {type}:[vm] does not exist.
34050014 Cannot delete read-only 'Resource definition'.
34050011 Resource definition deletion failed due to dependency on one or more other resources.
34030007 No Resource definition is specified.
34010002 Invalid JSON Request.
340000E9 License is not valid.
340000E9 Authorization needed.
34050005 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist.
340500E0 Http method [PUT] is not supported for action [deleteResourceDef].
340000E2 Application encountered an internal error.
51010002 Invalid JSON Request.
51010008 Mandatory parameter {meta} not specified.
5101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {meta}.
5101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {ts}.
5101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {ts} .
5101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {dataSubsetId}.
51010005 DataSubset with {id}:[ds11] does not exist.
5101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {fullSubsetData}.
5101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {fullSubsetFor}.
51010008 Mandatory parameter {resources} not specified.
5101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {resources}
5101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {fullSubsetData}. If {fullSubsetFor} is specified, then {fullSubsetData} must be true.
5101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {fullSubsetFor}. If {fullSubsetFor} is specified, then it must not be empty.
51010006 Resource definition [vm] does not exist.
5101000F Invalid value specified for parameter {signature}.
510000E9 License is not valid.
510000E9 Authorization needed.
510000E4 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist.
510000E0 Http method [GET] is not supported for action [createOrUpdateResourceData].
510000E2 Application encountered an internal error.
52010002 Invalid JSON Request.
52010009 At least one of {resSignatures}, {resType}, {attrId}, {attrValue} parameters must be specified.
5201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {resSignatures}. It must be of type JSON list of string.
5201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {resType}. It must be of type string.
5201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrId}. It must be of type string.
5201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrValue}. It must be of type string.
5201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrValue}. It must be of type string.
5201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {snapshotTime}. It must be of type string.
5201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {snapshotTime}. Parameter {snapshotTime} must be in yyyyMMdd_HHmmss format.
5201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {snapshotTime}
5202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {resSignatures}
5202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrValue}. If {attrId} is specified, then {attrValue} must be specified.
5202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrId}. If {attrValue} is specified, then {attrId} must be specified.
5202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {resType}. Resource {type}:[h$%] contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
5202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {resType}. Resource {type}:[] length must be between 1-32 characters.
5202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrId}. {attrId} length must be between 2-32 characters.
5202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrId}. {attrId} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
5202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrValue}. {attrValue} length must be between 1-4000 characters.
52000005 Resource definition with {resType}:[vm] does not exist
52000005 Attribute definition with {attrId}:[name] does not exist
5200000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrId}. Specified Attribute definition is not of type scalar
520000E9 License is not valid
520000E9 Authorization needed
520000E4 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist
520600E6 Requested resource not found
520000E4 Http method [PUT] is not supported for action [retrieveResourceData]
520000E2 Application encountered an internal error
54010002 Invalid JSON Request
54020009 At least one of {resType}, {attrId}, {attrValue}, {dataSubsetId} parameters must be specified
5402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrValue}. If {attrId} is specified, then {attrValue} must be specified.
5402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrId}. If {attrValue} is specified, then {attrId} must be specified.
5402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {resType}
5402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {resType}. Resource {type}:[] length must be between 1-32 characters.
5402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {resType}. Resource {type}:[#] contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
5402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrId}
5402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrId}. {attrId} length must be between 2-32 characters.
5402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrId}. {attrId} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
5402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrValue}
5402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrValue}. {attrValue} length must be between 1-4000 characters.
5402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {dataSubsetId}
5402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {dataSubsetId}. {dataSubsetId} length must be between 2-32 characters.
5402000F Invalid value specified for parameter {dataSubsetId}. {dataSubsetId} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
54000005 Resource definition with {resType}:[vm] does not exist
54000005 Attribute definition with {attrId}:[name] does not exist
5400000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrId}. Specified Attribute definition is not of type scalar
54050005 DataSubset with {dataSubsetId}:[ds1] does not exist
540000E9 License is not valid
540000E9 Authorization needed
540000E4 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist
54000005 Resource definition with {resType}:[h] does not exist
54000005 Attribute definition with {attrId}:[abc] does not exist
54050005 DataSubset with {dataSubsetId}:[ds] does not exist
540000E0 Http method [GET] is not supported for action [deleteResourceData]
540000E2 Application encountered an internal error
56010002 Invalid JSON Request
56010009 At least one of {resSignatures}, {resType}, {attrId}, {attrValue} parameters must be specified
5601000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrValue}. It must be of type string.
5601000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrId}. It must be of type string.
5601000F Invalid value specified for parameter {resType}. It must be of type string.
5601000F Invalid value specified for parameter {resSignatures}. It must be of type JSON list of string.
5602000F Invalid value specified for parameter {resSignatures}
5602000F Invalid value specified for parameter {resType}. Resource {type}:[h$%] contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
5602000F Invalid value specified for parameter {resType}. Resource {type}:[] length must be between 1-32 characters.
5602000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrValue}. If {attrId} is specified, then {attrValue} must be specified.
5602000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrId}. If {attrValue} is specified, then {attrId} must be specified.
5602000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrId}. {attrId} length must be between 2-32 characters.
5602000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrId}. {attrId} contains invalid characters. Valid characters are [alphanumeric, - and _].
5602000F Invalid value specified for parameter {attrValue}. {attrValue} length must be between 1-4000 characters.
5601000F Invalid value specified for parameter {endTime}
560000E9 License is not valid
560000E9 Authorization needed
56000005 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist
56060000 Not found
560000E0 Http method [PUT] is not supported for action [expireResourceData]
560000E2 Application encountered an internal error
62010008 Mandatory parameter {query} not specified
6201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {query}. Query : vm[memory rx .*]
62010008 Mandatory parameter {startTime} not specified
6201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {startTime}
6201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {startTime}
62010008 Mandatory parameter {endTime} not specified
6201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {endTime}
6201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {endTime}
6202000F Invalid value specified for parameter {startTime, endTime}. endTime must be after startTime.
62010002 Invalid JSON Request
620000E9 License is not valid
620000E9 Authorization needed
620000E4 Dataset with {name}:[ds1] does not exist
620000E0 Http method [GET] is not supported for action [query]
620000E2 Application encountered an internal error
72020008 Mandatory parameter {requestId} not specified
720600E6 Response is not present in cache for the given requestId
720000E9 License is not valid
720000E9 Authorization needed
720600E6 Response is not present in cache for the given requestId
720600E2 Application encountered an internal error
82010002 Invalid JSON Request
8201000C Parameter {query, startTime, endTime} not supportedParameter {query, startTime, endTime} not supported
8201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {tw}
8201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {tw}. Parameter [tw] must have only two elements.
8201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {tw}. Parameter [tw] must contain start and end time in yyyyMMdd_HHmmss format.
8201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {tw}. endTime must be after startTime.
8201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {requestId}
8201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {dataset}
8201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {user}
8201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {clientIP}
8201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {action}
8201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {responseCode}
8201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {serviceTime}
8201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {serviceTime}. Parameter [serviceTime] must have only two element.
8201000F Invalid value specified for parameter {serviceTime}. Maximum serviceTime must be greater than minimum.
8201000C Parameter {userAgent} not supported
820000E2 Application encountered an internal error