Alert API response error codes and messages

Ops Center Analyzer Detail View REST API Reference Guide

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The following table lists the alert API response codes that might be generated through the standard API. If an error response is not listed, examine the HTTP status codes to determine the best method for addressing the issue.
Response code Message
A1020003 Mandatory parameter {name} not specified.
A1020003 Mandatory parameter {metric} not specified.
A1020008 Attribute definition with id:[unknownAttribute] does not exist.
A1020004 At least one of {resource_type, resource_mql} parameters must be specified.
A1020009 Resource definition with type:[unknownResourceType] does not exist.
A102000A Resource definition with type [vm] doesn't contain [diskMaxTotalLatency] metric.
A1020003 Mandatory parameter {condition} not specified.
A1020003 Mandatory parameter {criteria} not specified.
A1020006 Invalid {criteria} specified.
A1010003 Mandatory parameter {default_threshold} not specified.
A1020006 Invalid {condition} specified.
A1020006 Invalid {resource_mql} specified.
A1010007 Invalid {threshold} specified for resource [vm#vm1].
A104000C Failed to add resource [vm#vm10] as resource does not exist.
A1010006 Invalid {monitoring_window} specified.
A1010005 Invalid {emailIds} specified [yyy,].
A1010006 Invalid {damping} specified.
A1010005 Invalid {sysLogServer} specified [hostName].
A1020018 Resource [ldev#sig2] not present.
A1020019 Found unknown properties [resources, unknownKey].
A2020006 Invalid {from} specified.
A2020006 Invalid {to} specified.
A2020003 Mandatory parameter {from} not specified
A2020003 Mandatory parameter {to} not specified.
A2020006 Invalid {defStatus} specified.
A2020006 Invalid {severity} specified.
A2020006 Invalid {namePattern} specified.
A2020015 Timewindow not specified for the utcOffset.
A2020006 Invalid {utcOffset} specified.
A2020006 Invalid {from} specified.
A2020006 Invalid {to} specified.
A2020003 Mandatory parameter {from} not specified.
A2020003 Mandatory parameter {to} not specified.
A2020006 Invalid {severity} specified.
A2020015 Timewindow not specified for the utcOffset.
A2020006 Invalid {utcOffset} specified.
A2000013 Application encountered internal error.
A2020019 Found unknown properties [resources, unknownKey].
A5010005 Invalid {emailIds} specified [yyy,].
A5010006 Invalid {damping} specified.
A5010006 Invalid {alertId} specified.
A5010005 Invalid {sysLogServer} specified [host Name].
A5040010 Alert definition with id:[12] not found.
A5020019 Found unknown properties [resources, unknown Key].
A6040010 Alert definition with id:[12] not found.
A604000D User [admin] is already unsubscribed from alert definition [1].
A6020019 Found unknown properties [resources, unknownKey].
A304000C Failed to add resource [vm#vm16] as resource does not exist.
A304000B Failed to remove resource [vm#vm5]. It does not exist in alert definition with id:[2].
A3040010 Alert definition with id:[12] not found.
A3020019 Found unknown properties [resources, unknownKey].