You can obtain information for alert definitions through a single request.
Request line
Request body
{ "defStatus":"" }
Request example using GET
Request example using POST
{ "defStatus":"subscribed" }
Request parameters
Parameters |
Values |
Description |
defStatus | String | (Optional) Filter by definition status: created, subscribed, unsubscribed, and disabled. |
owner | String | (Optional) Filter by definition owner (user who created the
alert). A valid user on the Analyzer detail view. Note: Any user can read alerts created by other users including admin. For the Common Services user, use the following format:user-name@CommonService For example: sysadmin@CommonService |
severity | String | (Optional) Filter by alert severity: critical or warning. |
from | String | (Optional) Retrieve definitions created in a certain time window. This is the start of the time window in yyyyMMdd_HHmmss. By default, this timestamp is in the UTC time zone unless the utcOffset parameter is specified. |
to | String | (Optional) Retrieve definitions created in a certain time window. This is end of the time window in yyyyMMdd_HHmmss. By default, this timestamp is assumed to be in the UTC time zone unless the utcOffset parameter is specified. |
utcOffset | String | (Optional) UTC offset for from and to timestamps. The valid UTC offset string example: UTC+05:30, UTC-08:00 |
namePattern | String | (Optional) Filter by alert name. Regex matching the name of the definition. |
resources | String[ ] | (Optional)
List of resource signatures. Retrieve alerts configured for resources provided in this list. Array of strings: Valid resource signatures for POST. This parameter cannot be specified using HTTP GET. |
alertIds | Integer[ ] | (Optional) Retrieve for specific list of alert IDs. If this list is provided, all the other parameters are ignored.
For HTTP GET, a comma-separated list of alert IDs. For HTTP POST, an array of alert IDs |
includeSubscription | Boolean | (Optional) Include subscription settings in output.
True or False Default: False |
includeResourceList | Boolean | (Optional) Include resources in output.
True or False Default: False |
resInstanceAlertsOnly | Boolean | (Optional) Retrieve definition of specific resource signatures.
True or False If the value is true, then the retrieved list contains only those alert definitions whose signature matches the resources list.Default: False |
Response body
{ "retrieved":[ { "alertId":, "name":"", "owner":"", "defStatus":"", "metric":"", "condition":"", "default_threshold":[ , ], "severity":"critical", "criteria":{ "type":"", "m":, "n":, "n_unit":"" }, "resource_type":"", "resources":[ { "signature":"", "threshold":[ , ] } ], "monitoring_window":{ "to":"", "from":"" }, "subscriptions":[ { "subscription":{ "syslog":{ "server":[ ] }, "email":{ "id":[ "" ], "damping":"" } }, "user":"" } ], "advanced_properties":{ "category":null, "breadcrumb":null, "probe_type":null, "probe_ids":null, "sub_category":null, "category_resource_type":null, "category_tree_filter":null, "from_tree":false, "resource_filter":null, "parent_resource_key":null, "dynamic_resource_key":null, "resource_pattern":null, "resource_only":true } }, ] }
Response example
{ "retrieved":[ { "alertId":2, "name":"Sample AlertDef 2", "owner":"admin", "defStatus":"subscribed", "metric":"cpuUsage", "condition":"bt", "default_threshold":[ 30.0, 60.0 ], "severity":"critical", "criteria":{ "type":"m/n", "m":3, "n":5, "n_unit":"minutes" }, "resource_type":"vm", "resources":[ { "signature":"vm#vm2", "threshold":[ 20.0, 90.0 ] } ], "monitoring_window":{ "to":"23:59", "from":"10:00" }, "subscriptions":[ { "subscription":{ "syslog":{ "server":[ ] }, "email":{ "id":[ "" ], "damping":"no_damping" } }, "user":"admin" } ], "advanced_properties":{ "category":null, "breadcrumb":null, "probe_type":null, "probe_ids":null, "sub_category":null, "category_resource_type":null, "category_tree_filter":null, "from_tree":false, "resource_filter":null, "parent_resource_key":null, "dynamic_resource_key":null, "resource_pattern":null, "resource_only":true } }, { "alertId":1, "name":"Sample AlertDef 1", "owner":"admin", "defStatus":"subscribed", "metric":"cpuUsage", "condition":"bt", "default_threshold":[ 10.0, 100.0 ], "severity":"critical", "criteria":{ "type":"m/n", "m":3, "n":5, "n_unit":"minutes" }, "resource_type":"vm", "resources":[ { "signature":"vm#vm1", "threshold":[ 10.0, 100.0 ] }, { "signature":"vm#vm2", "threshold":[ 10.0, 100.0 ] } ], "monitoring_window":{ "to":"23:59", "from":"10:00" }, "subscriptions":[ { "subscription":{ "syslog":{ "server":[ ] }, "email":{ "id":[ "" ] "damping":"no_damping" } }, "user":"admin" } ] } ] }
{ "retrieved": [ { "alertId": 57, "name": "test_string_10", "owner": "admin", "defStatus": "unsubscribed", "metric": "dataSaving", "condition": "having", "default_threshold": [ "Compression" ], "severity": "critical", "resource_type": "raidPool", "isSystemLevelAlert": false } ] }
Status codes
Status code |
Message |
Description |
400 | BAD REQUEST | Request URL or request body validation failed. Check the response body for details. |
Response codes
Response code | Message | Condition |
A2020006 | Invalid {from} is specified. | Invalid from timestamp. |
A2020006 | Invalid {to} is specified. | Invalid to timestamp. |
A2020003 | Mandatory parameter {from} is not specified. | If to timestamp is specified but from is not specified. |
A2020003 | Mandatory parameter {to} is not specified. | If from timestamp is specified but to is not specified. |
A2020006 | Invalid {defStatus} is specified. | Invalid defStatus. |
A2020006 | Invalid {severity} is specified. | Invalid severity. |
A2020006 | Invalid {namePattern} is specified. | Invalid regex is specified in the namePattern. |
A2020015 | Time window is not specified for the utcOffset. | Time window is not specified for utcOffset. |
A2020006 | Invalid {utcOffset} is specified. | Invalid utcOffset. |
A2000013 | Application encountered internal error. | API server encountered an internal error. |
A2020019 | Found invalid properties [resource, unknownKey]. | Invalid key is specified. |