Analyzer detail view classifies metrics into two types: configuration metrics and performance metrics. Configuration metrics do not change frequently such as resources Status, Capacity, and so on. Performance metrics change frequently such as IOPS, response time, and so on. You can create an alert definition for critical parameters of the configuration and performance metrics.
Refer to, Hitachi Ops Center Analyzer Detail View Metrics Reference Guide for a list of the configuration metrics for which you can create an alert definition.
You can create multiple alert definitions through a single request.
If the owner of an alert definition is deleted, then the alert definition ownership is transferred to the built-in administrator user. (The user name for the built-in administrator account is admin.)
Request line
Request payload is an array of alert definition JSON objects.
Request body
[ { "name":"", "metric":"", "resource_mql":"", "resource_type":"", "resources":[ { "signature":"", "threshold":[ ] }, { "signature":"" } ], "severity":"", "condition":"", "default_threshold":[ ], "criteria":{ "type":"", "m":, "n":, "n_unit":"" }, "monitoring_window":{ "from":"", "to":"" }, "subscription":{ "email":{ "id":[ "", "" ], "damping":"" }, "syslog":{ "server":[ "", "" ] }, "snmp":{ "manager”: [ "hostname", "IP" ] } } } ]
Request example
[ { "name":"Production VMs High CPU Usage", "metric":"cpuUsage", "resource_mql":"ldev[=type rx virtual]", "resource_type":"ldev", "resources":[ { "signature":"XXXXX", "threshold":[ 90 ] }, { "signature":"XXXXX" } ], "severity":"critical", "condition":"gt", "default_threshold":[ 80 ], "criteria":{ "type":"m/n", "m":3, "n":5, "n_unit":"minutes" }, "monitoring_window":{ "from":"08:00", "to":"17:59" }, "subscription":{ "email":{ "id":[ "xxx", "yyy" ], "damping":"no_damping" }, "syslog":{ "server":[ "hostname:portNo:TCP", "IP:portNo:UDP" ] }, "snmp":{ "manager”: [ "hostname", "IP" ] } } } } ]
Request example of the configuration metrics with string value (having condition)
[ { "name": "test_string_10", "severity": "critical", "resource_type": "raidPool", "metric": "dataSaving", "condition": "having", "default_threshold": [ "Compression" ], "resources": [ { "signature": "raidPool#421358-14" } ] } ] Response JSON: { "created": [ { "name": "test_string_10", "id": 57 } ] }
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the alert. Alphanumeric, underscore (_), space characters are allowed
Name must be must be unique across all alert definitions with maximum length of 100 characters. |
metric | String | Attribute ID on which the alert is created.
Valid attribute ID, must be present in AttributeDef and associated with resources for which the alert is to be created. Dynamic attribute is not supported. |
condition | String | Alert condition:
gt for greater than,
lt for less than, and
bt for between.
Alert condition for string metric: If the metric type is string, then you must provide the condition as having. |
default_threshold | Float[ ] | Threshold for which condition is to be evaluated.
This value can be overridden by the value in the resource object. For the bt condition, two values must be specified in the array. The first value in the array is lower bound and the second one is upper bound. Both these values are inclusive in violation computation. Float:
default_threshold (for having condition) | String | The threshold field for having condition supports alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) , comma (,), colon (:), at (@), slash (/), dot (.), and space. |
criteria | Object | Criteria to determine the alert condition violation.
Note: The criteria parameter is not required while setting the alert definition for configuration metric. |
criteria:type | String | Type of criteria. Default value is
m/n. Only supported option is
m = number of samples n = duration |
criteria:m | Integer | Number of samples (threshold violations). Value of M in m/n criteria. 0 < m <= samples in N time window. |
criteria:n | Integer | Length of a time-window. Value of N in m/n criteria. |
criteria:n_unit | String | (Optional) Unit of time-window N. 0 < n <= 60 minutes |
resource_mql | String | (Optional) MQL for resource selection. It is useful for setting alerts on a tree node for all nodes of a certain type. You do not have to maintain a list of resources because the Analyzer detail view transparently manages the additions and deletions. The resource MQL is run every time a configuration import occurs, and alert definitions are attached to the newly added resources matching MQL only on configuration import. |
resource_type | String | (Optional) A valid resource type value . This is useful if you want to apply an alert on all resources. |
resources | Object[ ] | (Optional) Array of resource objects on which alert is to be defined.
All resources should be of the following type: resource_type. |
resources:signature | String | Signature of a resource. |
resources:threshold | Float[ ] | (Optional) Resource specific threshold of the alert. This overrides the
resources:threshold (for having condition) | String | (Optional) Resource specific threshold of the alert. This overrides the
The threshold field for having condition supports alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) , comma (,), colon (:), at (@), slash (/), dot (.), and space. |
severity | String | (Optional) Severity of the alert: warning or critical
Default: critical |
monitoring_window | Object | (Optional) Restrict alert evaluation to certain hours of the day. This can be specified in half hour increments. Both from and to values are inclusive. Alert monitoring window is based on UTC timezone. Be sure to select the appropriate time window. If applicable, also consider the Daylight Saving Time. For example, if the Analyzer detail view UI timezone is set to Pacific Time (GMT-08:00) and you want to add alert for time window 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM, then set alert monitoring_window:from and monitoring_window:to as 05:00 PM to 03:00 AM, respectively. Note: The monitoring_window parameter is not required while setting the alert definition for configuration metric. |
monitoring_window:from | String | (Optional) Start time of the monitoring window.
The time specification must be in HH:MM format. Valid values for HH range from 00 to 23, and valid values for MM are 00 and 30. |
monitoring_window:to | String | (Optional) End time of the monitoring window.
The time specification must be in HH:MM format. Valid values for HH range from 00 to 23, and valid values for MM are 29 and 59. |
subscription | Object[ ] | (Optional) Details of the alert subscription, that describes how you want to subscribe the alert notification. For example, email, snmp, or syslog. |
subscription:email:id | String[ ] | (Optional) Array of email IDs. |
subscription:email:damping | String | (Optional) Specify if you want to send individual violation or in a group. (no_damping, state_change, hourly_gist, daily_gist) |
subscription:snmp:manager | String | IP addresses or host names of SNMP Managers. <host>: Either host name or IP address of the SNMP Manager. |
syslog:server | String[ ] | (Optional) Array of IP address or host name of the Syslog server.
Array of strings, each representing a server in “<host>:<port number>:<protocol>” format.
Response body
On successful alert creation, ID is generated and is returned in response. This ID acts as a primary key for further API calls.
{ "created":[ { "id":1, "name":"Sample AlertDef One" } ] }
Response example with an error
{ "created":[ { "id":1, "name":"Sample AlertDef One" } ], "failed":[ { "reason":"Attribute definition with id:[unknownAttribute] does not exist.", "name":"Sample AlertDef Two", "code":"A1020008" } ] }
Status codes
Status code |
Message |
Description |
277 | PARTIAL OK | Request completed successfully with some failures. Check the response body for details. |
500 | SERVER ERROR | API operation request failed. Check the response body for details. |
Response codes
Response code | Message | Condition |
A1020003 | Mandatory parameter {name} is not specified. | Alert name is not specified. |
A1020003 | Mandatory parameter {metric} is not specified . | Metric is not specified. |
A1020008 | Attribute definition with id:[unknownAttribute] does not exist. | Specified metric does not exist. |
A1020004 | At least one of {resource_type, resource_mql} parameters must be specified. | Parameters resource_type and resource_mql are not specified. |
A1020009 | Resource definition with type:[unknownResourceType] does not exist. | Specified resource_type does not exist. |
A102000A | Resource definition with type [vm] does not contain [diskMaxTotalLatency] metric. | Specified resource type does not contain the given metric. |
A1020003 | Mandatory parameter {condition} is not specified. | Condition is not specified. |
A1020003 | Mandatory parameter {criteria} not specified. | Criteria is not specified. |
A1020006 | Invalid {criteria} is specified. | Criteria:m, Criteria:n are not specified. |
A1010003 | Mandatory parameter {default_threshold} is not specified. | Parameter default_threshold is not specified |
A1020006 | Invalid {condition} is specified. | Invalid condition is specified. |
A1020006 | Invalid {resource_mql} is specified. | Invalid resource_mql is specified. |
A1010007 | Invalid {threshold} specified for resource [vm#vm1]. | Invalid threshold is specified for any resource. |
A104000C | Failed to add resource [vm#vm10] as resource does not exist. | Resource does not exist for the specified resource signature. |
A1010006 | Invalid {monitoring_window} is specified. | Invalid value is specified for monitoring window. |
A1010005 | Invalid {emailIds} specified [yyy,]. | Invalid value is specified for email IDs. |
A1010006 | Invalid {damping} specified. | Invalid value is specified for email damping. |
A1010005 | Invalid {sysLogServer} specified [hostName]. | Invalid Syslog server details. |
A1020018 | Resource [ldev#sig2] is not present. | Resource on which you want to apply the alert definition and alert definition does not exist. |
A1020019 | Found unknown properties [resource, unknownKey]. | Unknown key is specified. |
A1020021 | Invalid attribute specified [attribute_id]. | Specified attribute is of the scalar type and cannot generate an alert on the specified attribute ID. |
A1020022 | Invalid condition specified [condition]. | Invalid condition is specified. |