Records are listed in alphabetical order. Each record includes the following information.
Provides an overview of the performance data that is stored in the record and includes important notes.
Collection Interval
Indicates the performance data collection interval (in seconds).
Sync Collection With
Indicates a record that is synchronized during performance data collection.
Key Fields
Indicates fields that work as keys to identify an instance of a multi-instance record. There are two types of key fields: those common to all records, and those unique to a record. Key Fields only indicates the fields unique to the record.
Indicates the period during which consistency is guaranteed for the performance data that is collected in the record.
Provides a table that describes the fields of each record. The table contains the following items.
Reserved fields are indicated by "--" in columns other than the Field Name column or the Description column.
- Field Name
Indicates the field name.
- Description
Explanation of the value stored in the field.
- Access Type
Indicates the Access Type that can be acquired for each field.
- Format
Data type of the field value, such as double.