You can obtain details about resources displayed in the E2E view.
Execution permission
Admin, Modify
Request line
POST baseURL/v1/services/E2EView/actions/getNodeDetail/invoke
Request body
The structure of the request body and the object attributes are as follows:Action
{ "name":"...", "href":"...", "method":"...", "type":"...", "parameters":["...", ...] }
Action (Type: Action)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
name |
string |
Name of the action. |
href |
string |
URL for the action. |
method |
string |
Name of the method. |
type |
string |
Data format for the object. |
parameters |
anyType[] |
A list of E2ENodeDetailParam objects necessary to execute an operation. For details, see the table below. |
{ "targetNodeID":"...", "targetNodeType":"..." }
E2ENodeDetailParam (Type: E2ENodeDetailParam)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
targetNodeID |
string |
ID of the resources for which details are to be obtained |
targetNodeType |
enum |
Type of the resources for which details are to be obtained (For details about the valid values, see the table E2ENodeType in List of enumerators.) |
Response body
The structure of the response body and the object attributes is as follows:E2ENodeDetailData
{ "nodeInformation":{ "name":"...", "status":"...", "description":"...", "powerstatus":"...", "vendor":"...", "operatingSystem":"...", "processor":"...", "memory":"...", "hypervisorName":"...", "hypervisorType":"...", "model":"...", "serialNumber":"...", "firmware":"...", "managementIPAddress":"...", "numberOfPorts":"...", "subnet":"...", "fabric":"...", "capacity":"...", "cluster":"...", "hostName":"...", "uuid":"...", "totalCache":"...", "storage":"...", "label":"...", "copyType":"...", "storageTotalEfficiencyRatio":"...", "storageDataReductionRatio":"...", "storageSoftwareSavingRatio":"...", "storageAcSavingRatio":"...", "storageSnapshotEfficiencyRatio":"...", "storageProvisioningEfficiency":"...", "storageCalculationTimeRange":{ "calculationStartTime":, "calculationEndTime": }, "poolName":"...", "poolType":"...", "poolID":"...", "poolTouchedCapacity":"...", "poolUsageRate":"...", "poolPhysicalCapacity":"...", "poolPhysicalCapacityUsed":"...", "poolPhysicalCapacityUsageRate":"...", "poolDataSaving":"...", "poolUserDataCapacity":"...", "poolSavingRatio":"...", "poolSavingCapacity":"...", "dkcSavingRatio":"...", "dkcCompressionRatio":"...", "dkcDedupRatio":"...", "dkcSavingCapacity":"...", "dkcCompressionCapacity":"...", "dkcDedupCapacity":"...", "dkcReclaimCapacity":"...", "dkcSystemCapacity":"...", "dkcPreProcCapacity":"...", "fmcSavingCapacity":"...", "fmcCompressionRatio":"...", "fmcCompressionCapacity":"...", "fmcReclaimCapacity":"...", "fmcPhysicalCapacity":"...", "fmcPhysicalCapacityUsed":"...", "fmcLogicalCapacity":"...", "fmcLogicalCapacityUsed":"...", "poolAutoExpansion":"...", "poolTotalEfficiencyRatio":"...", "poolDataReductionRatio":"...", "poolSoftwareSavingRatio":"...", "poolAcSavingRatio":"...", "poolSnapshotEfficiencyRatio":"...", "poolProvisioningEfficiency":"...", "poolCalculationTimeRange":{ "calculationStartTime":, "calculationEndTime": }, "driveType":"...", "displayDriveType":"...", "driveSpeed":"...", "raidLevel":"...", "driveStatus":"...", "usedSpareDriveCount":"...", "usedEnduranceIndicator":"...", "batteryLifeIndicator":"...", "chipType":"...", "consumerName":"...", "gradeName":"...", "userResourceThresholdProfile":"...", "systemResourceThresholdProfile":"...", "hostGroupIDs":["...", ...], "hostGroupNames":["...", ...], "lunOwnerIDs":["...", ...], "lunOwnerNames":["...", ...], "assignmentSchedule":"...", "datastoreType":"...", "datastoreCapacity":"...", "datastoreCapacityUsed":"...", "datastoreUsageRate":"...", "datastoreFreeSpace":"...", "portType":"...", "attribute":"...", "speedInGB":"...", "loopId":"...", "topology":"...", "lunSecurity":"...", "wwn":"...", "negotiatedPortSpeed":"...", "portMode":"...", "nvmSubsystemID":"...", "nvmSubsystemNQN":"...", "nvmSubsystemNickname":"...", "nvmNamespaceSecurity":"...", "nvmNamespaceID":"...", "nvmNamespaceNickname":"...", "nvmHostNQNs":["...", ...], "nvmHostNicknames":["...", ...], "portId":"...", "portStatus":"...", "protocol":"...", "wwnIscsiName":"...", "storageNode":"...", "driveId":"...", "vssbDriveStatus":"...", "driveWwid":"...", "driveCapacity":"...", "storageNodes":["...", ...], "volumeId":"...", "volumeTotalCapacity":"...", "volumeUsedCapacity":"...", "nickname":"...", "volumeNumber":"...", "computeNodes":["...", ...], "volumeStatus":"...", "storageId":"...", "storageServiceId":"...", "storageInternalId":"...", "storageTotalCapacity":"...", "storageFreeCapacity":"...", "storageClusterStatus":"...", "volumeCompressedCapacity":"...", "volumeDataReductionCapacity":"...", "volumeDataReductionRate":"...", "volumePostCapacityDataReduction":"...", "volumePreCapacityDataReductionWithoutSystemData":"...", "volumeReclaimedCapacity":"...", "volumeSystemDataCapacity":"...", "volumeSavingSetting":"...", "volumeSavingMode":"...", "volumeDataReductionStatus":"...", "vssbStorageDataReductionWithoutSystemData":"...", "vssbStorageDataReductionWithoutSystemDataStatus":"...", "vssbStoragePostCapacityDataReductionWithoutSystemData":"...", "vssbStoragePreCapacityDataReductionWithoutSystemData":"...", "vssbStorageTotalEfficiency":"..." }, "vsmInformation":{ "volumeName":"...", "storage":"..." }, "pairInformation":{ "copyType":"...", "physicalVolumeName":"...", "physicalStorage":"...", "virtualVolumeName":"...", "virtualStorage":"..." }, "poolInformation":{ "name":"...", "status":"...", "capacity":"...", "poolName":"...", "poolType":"...", "poolID":"...", "tierNumber":"...", "driveType":"...", "driveSpeed":"...", "raidLevel":"...", "chipType":"...", "userResourceThresholdProfile":"...", "systemResourceThresholdProfile":"...", "touchedCapacity":"...", "usageRate":"...", "physicalCapacity":"...", "physicalCapacityUsed":"...", "physicalCapacityUsageRate":"...", "dataSaving":"...", "userDataCapacity":"...", "savingRatio":"...", "savingCapacity":"...", "dkcSavingRatio":"...", "dkcCompressionRatio":"...", "dkcDedupRatio":"...", "dkcSavingCapacity":"...", "dkcCompressionCapacity":"...", "dkcDedupCapacity":"...", "dkcReclaimCapacity":"...", "dkcSystemCapacity":"...", "dkcPreProcCapacity":"...", "fmcSavingCapacity":"...", "fmcCompressionRatio":"...", "fmcCompressionCapacity":"...", "fmcReclaimCapacity":"...", "fmcPhysicalCapacity":"...", "fmcPhysicalCapacityUsed":"...", "fmcLogicalCapacity":"...", "fmcLogicalCapacityUsed":"...", "autoExpansion":"...", "totalEfficiencyRatio":"...", "dataReductionRatio":"...", "softwareSavingRatio":"...", "acSavingRatio":"...", "snapshotEfficiencyRatio":"...", "provisioningEfficiency":"...", "calculationTimeRange":{ "calculationStartTime":, "calculationEndTime": } }, "pgInformation":{ "name":"...", "status":"...", "capacity":"...", "driveType":"...", "driveSpeed":"...", "raidLevel":"...", "chipType":"...", "userResourceThresholdProfile":"...", "systemResourceThresholdProfile":"..." }, "tierInformation":[{ "instanceID":"...", "tierNumber":"...", "driveType":"...", "driveSpeed":"...", "raidLevel":"...", "chipType":"..." }, : ], "ipNetworkInformation":[{ "instanceID":"...", "adapter":"...", "mac":"...", "ipAddress":"..." }, : ], "fcNetworkInformation":[{ "instanceID":"...", "adapter":"...", "wwn":"..." }, : ], "diskInformation":[{ "instanceID":"...", "name":"...", "capacity":"...", "adapterNumber":"...", "busID":"...", "targetID":"...", "lunID":"..." }, : ], "driveCapacity":[{ "instanceID":"...", "category":"...", "driveName":"...", "totalCapacity":"...", "fileSystem":"...", "driveType":"..." }, : ], "virtualDisk":[{ "instanceID":"...", "diskName":"...", "totalCapacity":"..." }, : ] }
E2ENodeDetailData (Type: E2ENodeDetailData)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
nodeInformation |
E2ENodeInformation |
Details about a resource |
vsmInformation |
E2EVSMInformation |
VSM information. This item is set only if the resource is a volume. |
pairInformation |
E2EPairInformation |
Pair information. This item is set only if the resource is a volume. |
poolInformation |
E2EPoolInformation |
Pool information. This item is set only if the resource is a volume. |
pgInformation |
E2EPGInformation |
Parity group information. This item is set only if the resource is a volume. |
tierInformation |
E2ETierInformation[] |
Pool tier information. This item is set only if the resource is a volume. |
ipNetworkInformation |
E2EIPNerwork[] |
IP network information. This item is set only if the resource is a hyoervisor or host. |
fcNetworkInformation |
E2EFCNetwork[] |
FC network information. This item is set only if the resource is a hypervisor or host. |
diskInformation |
E2EDisk[] |
Disk information. This item is set only if the resource is a hypervisor or host. |
driveCapacity |
E2EDriveCapacity[] |
File system information. This item is set only if the resource is a hypervisor or host. |
virtualDisk |
E2EVirtualDisk[] |
Information about the virtual disks that a virtual machine has. This item is set only if the resource is a virtual machine. |
nodeInformation (Type: E2ENodeInformation)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
name |
string |
Name of the resource. |
status |
enum |
Status of the resource. (For details about the valid values, see the table NodeStatusType in List of enumerators.)
description |
string |
Description. |
powerstatus |
enum |
Power status of a virtual machine. (For details about the valid values, see the table PowerStatusType in List of enumerators.) |
vendor |
string |
Name of the vendor. |
operatingSystem |
string |
Name of the OS. |
processor |
string |
Processor. |
memory |
string |
Memory (MB). |
hypervisorName |
string |
Name of the hypervisor. |
hypervisorType |
enum |
Type of the hypervisor. (For details about the valid values, see the table ArgusNodeType in List of enumerators.) |
model |
string |
Model. |
serialNumber |
string |
Serial number. |
firmware |
string |
Firmware. |
managementIPAddress |
string |
IP address for managed. |
numberOfPorts |
string |
Number of ports of a switch. |
subnet |
string |
Subnet of the switch. |
fabric |
string |
Fabric of the switch. |
capacity |
string |
Disk capacity (GB). |
cluster |
string |
Cluster Name. |
hostName |
string |
Host name. |
uuid |
string |
UUID of the virtual machine. |
totalCache |
string |
Total cache size (MB). |
storage |
string |
Name of the storage system. |
label |
string |
Label. |
copyType |
string |
Copy Type. |
storageTotalEfficiencyRatio |
float |
The ratio of the total saving effect achieved by accelerated compression, capacity saving (compression and deduplication), snapshot, and Dynamic Provisioning of the storage. |
storageDataReductionRatio |
float |
The data reduction ratio before and after accelerated compression and capacity saving (compression and deduplication) of the storage. |
storageSoftwareSavingRatio |
float |
The capacity reduction ratio before and after capacity saving. |
storageAcSavingRatio |
float |
The data reduction efficiency ratio of the total storage by accelerated compression. |
storageSnapshotEfficiencyRatio |
float |
The efficiency ratio achieved by snapshot of the storage. |
storageProvisioningEfficiency |
float |
The efficiency ratio achieved by Dynamic Provisioning of the storage. |
storageCalculationTimeRange |
CalculationTimeRange |
The start and end times for the calculation. The time based on the system date and time (date, time, and timezone) of the storage system is displayed. |
poolName |
string |
Pool name. |
poolType |
enum |
Pool type. (For details about the valid values, see the table E2EPoolType in List of enumerators.) |
poolID |
string |
Pool ID. |
poolTouchedCapacity |
long |
Pool capacity used. |
poolUsageRate |
float |
Pool capacity usage rate. |
poolPhysicalCapacity |
long |
Pool physical capacity. |
poolPhysicalCapacityUsed |
long |
Pool physical capacity used. |
poolPhysicalCapacityUsageRate |
float |
Pool physical capacity usage rate. |
poolDataSaving |
string |
The capability of data deduplication. |
poolUserDataCapacity |
float |
Total used capacity of data volumes (DP-VOLs). |
poolSavingRatio |
float |
The storage capacity savings ratio with the controller-based capacity saving and accelerated compression functions in a pool. |
poolSavingCapacity |
float |
The storage capacity savings with the controller-based capacity saving and accelerated compression functions in a pool. |
dkcSavingRatio |
float |
The saving ratio with the capacity saving function (deduplication and compression) in a pool. |
dkcCompressionRatio |
float |
The saving ratio with the capacity saving function (compression) in a pool. |
dkcDedupRatio |
float |
The saving ratio with the capacity saving function (deduplication) in a pool. |
dkcSavingCapacity |
float |
The saved capacity with the capacity saving function (deduplication and compression) in a pool. |
dkcCompressionCapacity |
float |
The saved capacity with the capacity saving function (compression) in a pool. |
dkcDedupCapacity |
float |
The saved capacity with the capacity saving function (deduplication) in a pool. |
dkcReclaimCapacity |
float |
The reclaimed capacity with the capacity saving function. |
dkcSystemCapacity |
float |
The system data capacity (=Meta data capacity + Garbage data capacity) saved with the capacity saving function. |
dkcPreProcCapacity |
float |
The preprocessed data capacity with the capacity saving function. |
fmcSavingCapacity |
float |
The saved capacity with the accelerated compression function. |
fmcCompressionRatio |
float |
The saved capacity ratio with the accelerated compression function. |
fmcCompressionCapacity |
float |
The compressed capacity with the accelerated compression function. |
fmcReclaimCapacity |
float |
The reclaimed capacity with the accelerated compression function. |
fmcPhysicalCapacity |
float |
The total physical capacity with the accelerated compression function. |
fmcPhysicalCapacityUsed |
float |
The used physical capacity with the accelerated compression function. |
fmcLogicalCapacity |
float |
The total capacity with the accelerated compression function. |
fmcLogicalCapacityUsed |
float |
The total used capacity with the accelerated compression function. |
poolAutoExpansion |
string |
The capability of expanding the pool automatically. |
poolTotalEfficiencyRatio |
float |
The ratio of the total saving effect achieved by accelerated compression, capacity saving (compression and deduplication), snapshot, and Dynamic Provisioning for the pool. |
poolDataReductionRatio |
float |
The data reduction ratio of the pool before and after accelerated compression and capacity saving (compression and deduplication). |
poolSoftwareSavingRatio |
float |
The capacity reduction ratio in the pool before and after capacity saving. |
poolAcSavingRatio |
float |
The reduction efficiency ratio of the pool using accelerated compression. |
poolSnapshotEfficiencyRatio |
float |
The efficiency ratio of the pool achieved by snapshot. |
poolProvisioningEfficiency |
float |
The DP-Volume reduction rate of the pool. |
poolCalculationTimeRange |
CalculationTimeRange |
The start and end times for the calculation. The time based on the system date and time (date, time, and timezone) of the storage system is displayed. |
driveType |
enum |
Type of disk drive such as SAS, SATA and SSD. (For details about the valid values, see the table E2EDriveType in List of enumerators.) |
displayDriveType |
string |
Type of disk drive such as SAS, SATA and SSD. |
driveSpeed |
string |
Drive speed. |
raidLevel |
string |
RAID level. |
driveStatus |
string |
Summary drive status of all data drives that compose the parity group. |
usedSpareDriveCount |
integer |
The number of spare drives among the data drives that compose the parity group. |
usedEnduranceIndicator |
integer |
The greatest SSD endurance indicator (%) among all of the data drives that compose the parity group. |
batteryLifeIndicator |
integer |
The greatest FMD battery life indicator (%) among all of the batteries for the data drives that compose the parity group. |
chipType |
enum |
Chip type. (For details about the valid values, see the table E2EChipType in List of enumerators.) |
consumerName |
string |
Consumer name. |
gradeName |
string |
Grade. |
userResourceThresholdProfile |
string |
Name of threshold profile for user resource. |
systemResourceThresholdProfile |
string |
Name of threshold profile for system resource. |
hostGroupIDs |
string[] |
ID of the host group that a volume belongs to. |
hostGroupNames |
string[] |
Name of the host group that a volume belongs to. |
lunOwnerIDs |
string[] |
ID of the LUN Owner that a volume is associated with. |
lunOwnerNames |
string[] |
Name of the LUN Owner that a volume is associated with. |
assignmentSchedule |
dateTime |
Time that an assignement rule is applied. |
datastoreType |
string |
Datastore type. |
datastoreCapacity |
float |
Datastore capacity. |
datastoreCapacityUsed |
float |
Datastore capacity used. |
datastoreUsageRate |
float |
Datastore usage rate. |
datastoreFreeSpace |
float |
Datastore free space. |
portType |
string |
Port type. |
attribute |
string |
Port attribute. |
speedInGB |
string |
Port speed. |
loopId |
string |
Port loop ID. |
topology |
string |
Port topology. |
lunSecurity |
string |
Port LUN security. |
wwn |
string |
Port WWN. |
negotiatedPortSpeed |
string |
Port negotiated speed. |
portMode |
string |
Operation mode of the storage system port. |
nvmSubsystemID |
string |
NVM subsystem ID of volume. |
nvmSubsystemNQN |
string |
NVM subsystem NQN of volume. |
nvmSubsystemNickname |
string |
NVM subsystem nickname of volume. |
nvmNamespaceSecurity |
string |
Setting whether to use the namespace security. If enabled, "Enabled" is set. If disabled, "Disabled" is set. |
nvmNamespaceID |
string |
NVM namespace ID of volume. |
nvmNamespaceNickname |
string |
NVM namespace nickname of volume. |
nvmHostNQNs |
string[] |
NVM host NQN of volume. |
nvmHostNicknames |
string[] |
NVM host nickname of volume. |
portId |
string |
Port id. |
portStatus |
string |
Port status. |
protocol |
string |
Port type. |
wwnIscsiName |
string |
storageNode |
string |
Storage Node. |
driveId |
string |
Drive id. |
vssbDriveStatus |
string |
Drive status. |
driveWwid |
string |
Drive WWID. |
driveCapacity |
long |
Drive Capacity. |
storageNodes |
string[] |
Storage nodes. |
volumeId |
string |
Volume ID. |
volumeTotalCapacity |
long |
Total capacity of volume. |
volumeUsedCapacity |
long |
Used capacity of volume. |
nickname |
string |
Volume nickname. |
volumeNumber |
string |
Volume number. |
computeNodes |
string[] |
Compute nodes. |
volumeStatus |
string |
Volume status. |
storageId |
string |
Storage ID. |
storageServiceId |
string |
Storage service ID. |
storageInternalId |
string |
Storage internal ID. |
storageTotalCapacity |
long |
Pool total capacity of storage. |
storageFreeCapacity |
long |
Pool free capacity of storage. |
storageClusterStatus |
string |
Storage cluster status. |
volumeCompressedCapacity |
string |
Compressed Capacity (KiB). |
volumeDataReductionCapacity |
string |
Data Reduction Capacity (KiB). |
volumeDataReductionRate |
float |
Data Reduction Rate (ratio). |
volumePostCapacityDataReduction |
string |
Post Capacity Data Reduction (KiB). |
volumePreCapacityDataReductionWithoutSystemData |
string |
Post Capacity Data Reduction (KiB). |
volumeReclaimedCapacity |
string |
Reclaimed Capacity (KiB). |
volumeSystemDataCapacity |
string |
System Data Capacity (KiB). |
volumeSavingSetting |
string |
Saving Setting. |
volumeSavingMode |
string |
Saving Mode. |
volumeDataReductionStatus |
string |
Data Reduction Status. |
vssbStorageDataReductionWithoutSystemData |
float |
Data Reduction without System Data (ratio). |
vssbStorageDataReductionWithoutSystemDataStatus |
string |
Data Reduction Without System Data Status. |
vssbStoragePostCapacityDataReductionWithoutSystemData |
string |
Post Capacity Data Reduction without System Data (KiB). |
vssbStoragePreCapacityDataReductionWithoutSystemData |
string |
Pre Capacity Data Reduction without System Data (KiB). |
vssbStorageTotalEfficiency |
float |
Total Efficiency (ratio). |
storageCalculationTimeRange (Type: CalculationTimeRange)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
calculationStartTime |
datetime |
Calculation start time. |
calculationEndTime |
datetime |
Calculation end time. |
poolCalculationTimeRange (Type: CalculationTimeRange)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
calculationStartTime |
datetime |
Calculation start time. |
calculationEndTime |
datetime |
Calculation end time. |
vsmInformation (Type: E2EVSMInformation)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
volumeName |
string |
Volume name of VSM |
storage |
string |
Storage name of VSM |
pairInformation (Type: E2EPairInformation)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
copyType |
string |
Copy Type |
physicalVolumeName |
string |
Name of physical volume |
physicalStorage |
string |
Name of physical storage |
virtualVolumeName |
string |
Name of virtual volume |
virtualStorage |
string |
Name of virtual storage |
poolInformation (Type: E2EPoolInformation)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
name |
string |
Name of the pool. |
status |
enum |
Status of the pool. (For details about the valid values, see the table NodeStatusType in List of enumerators.)
capacity |
string |
Capacity of the pool. |
poolName |
string |
Name of the pool. |
poolType |
enum |
Type of the pool. (For details about the valid values, see the table E2EPoolType in List of enumerators.) |
poolID |
string |
ID of the pool. |
tierNumber |
string |
Tier number. |
driveType |
enum |
Type of disk drive such as SAS, SATA and SSD. (For details about the valid values, see the table E2EDriveType in List of enumerators.) |
driveSpeed |
string |
Drive speed. |
raidLevel |
string |
RAID level. |
chipType |
enum |
Chip type. (For details about the valid values, see the table E2EChipType in List of enumerators.) |
userResourceThresholdProfile |
string |
Name of the threshold profile for user resource. |
systemResourceThresholdProfile |
string |
Name of the threshold profile for system resource. |
touchedCapacity |
long |
Capacity used. |
usageRate |
float |
Capacity usage rate. |
physicalCapacity |
long |
Physical capacity. |
physicalCapacityUsed |
long |
Physical capacity used. |
physicalCapacityUsageRate |
float |
Physical capacity usage rate. |
dataSaving |
string |
The capability of data deduplication. |
userDataCapacity |
float |
Total used capacity of data volumes (DP-VOLs). |
savingRatio |
float |
The storage capacity savings ratio with the controller-based capacity saving and accelerated compression in a pool. |
savingCapacity |
float |
The storage capacity savings with the controller-based capacity saving and accelerated compression in a pool. |
dkcSavingRatio |
float |
The saving ratio with the capacity saving feature (deduplication and compression) in a pool. |
dkcCompressionRatio |
float |
The saving ratio with the capacity saving feature (compression) in a pool. |
dkcDedupRatio |
float |
The saving ratio with the capacity saving feature (deduplication) in a pool. |
dkcSavingCapacity |
float |
The saved capacity with the capacity saving feature (deduplication and compression) in a pool. |
dkcCompressionCapacity |
float |
The saved capacity with the capacity saving feature (compression) in a pool. |
dkcDedupCapacity |
float |
The saved capacity with the capacity saving feature (deduplication) in a pool. |
dkcReclaimCapacity |
float |
The reclaimed capacity with the capacity saving feature. |
dkcSystemCapacity |
float |
The system data capacity (metadata capacity + garbage data capacity) saved with the capacity saving feature. |
dkcPreProcCapacity |
float |
The preprocessed data capacity with the capacity saving feature. |
fmcSavingCapacity |
float |
The saved capacity with accelerated compression. |
fmcCompressionRatio |
float |
The saved capacity ratio with accelerated compression. |
fmcCompressionCapacity |
float |
The compressed capacity with accelerated compression. |
fmcReclaimCapacity |
float |
The reclaimed capacity with accelerated compression. |
fmcPhysicalCapacity |
float |
The total physical capacity with accelerated compression. |
fmcPhysicalCapacityUsed |
float |
The used physical capacity with accelerated compression. |
fmcLogicalCapacity |
float |
The total capacity with accelerated compression. |
fmcLogicalCapacityUsed |
float |
The total used capacity with accelerated compression. |
autoExpansion |
string |
The capability of expanding the pool automatically. |
totalEfficiencyRatio |
float |
The ratio of the total saving effect achieved by accelerated compression, capacity saving (compression and deduplication), snapshot, and Dynamic Provisioning of the pool. |
dataReductionRatio |
float |
The data reduction ratio of the pool before and after accelerated compression and capacity saving (compression and deduplication). |
softwareSavingRatio |
float |
The capacity reduction ratio of the pool before and after capacity saving. |
acSavingRatio |
float |
The reduction efficiency ratio of the pool using accelerated compression. |
snapshotEfficiencyRatio |
float |
The efficiency ratio achieved by snapshot for the pool. |
provisioningEfficiency |
float |
The efficiency ratio achieved by Dynamic Provisioning for the pool. |
calculationTimeRange |
CalculationTimeRange |
The start and end times for the calculation. The time based on the system date and time (date, time, and timezone) of the storage system is displayed. |
calculationTimeRange (Type: CalculationTimeRange)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
calculationStartTime |
datetime |
Calculation start time. |
calculationEndTime |
datetime |
Calculation end time. |
pgInformation (Type: E2EPGInformation)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
name |
string |
Name of the parity group |
status |
enum |
Status of the parity group (For details about the valid values, see the table NodeStatusType in List of enumerators.)
capacity |
string |
Capacity of the parity group |
driveType |
enum |
Drive type (For details about the valid values, see the table E2EDriveType in List of enumerators.) |
driveSpeed |
string |
Drive speed |
raidLevel |
string |
RAID level |
chipType |
enum |
Chip type (For details about the valid values, see the table E2EChipType in List of enumerators.) |
userResourceThresholdProfile |
string |
Name of threshold profile for user resource |
systemResourceThresholdProfile |
string |
Name of threshold profile for system resource |
tierInformation (Type: E2ETierInformation)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
instanceID |
string |
ID of the tier |
tierNumber |
string |
Tier number |
driveType |
string |
Drive tipe |
driveSpeed |
string |
Drive speed |
raidLevel |
string |
RAID level |
chipType |
string |
Chip type |
ipNetworkInformation (Type: E2EIPNerwork)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
instanceID |
string |
ID of the resource |
adapter |
string |
Name of the network adapter |
mac |
string |
Mac address of the resource |
ipAddress |
string |
IP address of the resource |
fcNetworkInformation (Type: E2EFCNetwork)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
instanceID |
string |
ID of the resource. |
adapter |
string |
Name of the network adapter. |
wwn |
string |
Value of WWN. |
diskInformation (Type: E2EDisk)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
instanceID |
string |
ID of the disk. |
name |
string |
Name of the disk. |
capacity |
long |
Disk capacity in GB. |
adapterNumber |
int |
Adapter number. This item is set only if ScsiDiskDrive is set. |
busID |
int |
Bus ID. This item is set only if ScsiDiskDrive is set. |
targetID |
int |
ID. This item is set only if ScsiDiskDrive is set. |
lunID |
int |
LUN ID. This item is set only if ScsiDiskDrive is set. |
driveCapacity (Type: E2EDriveCapacity)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
instanceID |
string |
ID of the file system |
category |
string |
Category |
driveName |
string |
Drive name |
totalCapacity |
string |
Total capacity (GB) |
fileSystem |
string |
Type of the file system |
driveType |
enum |
Type of the drive (For details about the valid values, see the table E2ENodeDriveType in List of enumerators.) |
virtualDisk (Type: E2EVirtualDisk)
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
instanceID |
string |
ID of the virtual disk |
diskName |
string |
Disk name |
totalCapacity |
string |
Total capacity (GB) |
Status codes
Status code |
Reason phrase |
Description |
200 |
OK |
Success. |
400 |
Bad Request |
The format of the request body is invalid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No login privilege. |
412 |
Precondition Failed |
The server is not available. |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Server processing error. |
Example code
[Request Header] POST /Analytics/v1/services/E2EView/actions/getNodeDetail/invoke Authorization: Basic c3lzdGVtOm1hbmFnZXI= Host: localhost:22015 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json [Request Body] { "name": "getNodeDetail", "href": "http://localhost:22015/Analytics/v1/services/E2EView/actions/getNodeDetail/invoke", "method": "POST", "type": "application/json", "parameters":[{ "targetNodeID":"h#ABC_172.17.17.115_host-195", "targetNodeType":"HYPERVISOR" }] } [Response Header] HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 02:51:50 GMT Server: Cosminexus HTTP Server Cache-Control: no-cache WWW-Authenticate: HSSO 33659a74fcee4358dc272b34eca6ded1bf1131ec_YXZvNFIMehp3UB4jbmVyPGUgT3Q=_V0810 X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Transfer-Encoding: chunked Content-Type: application/json [Response Body] { "instanceID" : "9432e298-818c-40cd-bbb3-7be5f3cece91", "created" : "2016-07-20T11:51:50.945+09:00", "updated" : "2016-07-20T11:51:52.769+09:00", "completed" : "2016-07-20T11:51:52.769+09:00", "state" : "success", "affectedResource" : [ ], "result" : [ { "nodeInformation" : { "name" : "", "status" : "Unknown", "vendor" : "VMware, Inc.", "operatingSystem" : { "osName" : "VMware ESXi", "osVersion" : "5.5.0" }, "processor" : { "cpuName" : "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz", "clockSpeed" : "2600", "processors" : "8" }, "memory" : 16776692, "hypervisorType" : "SERVER_ESX", "model" : "VMware Virtual Platform", "systemResourceThresholdProfile" : [ "Default Profile for Hypervisor (VMware)" ] }, "ipNetworkInformation" : [ { "adapter" : "vmnic0 : e1000" } ], "diskInformation" : [ { "name" : "mpx.vmhba1:C0:T0:L0", "capacity" : 167772160 } ], "driveCapacity" : [ { "driveName" : "datastore1 : ds:///vmfs/volumes/54f014c4-a73a50dd-ed19-005056a34b21/", "totalCapacity" : 159907840, "fileSystem" : "VMFS" } ] } ] }