Obtaining performance data

Ops Center Analyzer REST API Reference Guide

Part Number

You can obtain the performance data that RAID Agent collected from the monitored targets. Note that performance data is provided in CSV format.

HTTP request syntax (URI)

GET <scheme>://<host>:<port>/<application>/<version>/objects/<object-type>?<query-string>
Additional note
  • The object-type under the objects domain is formated as "RAID_record-name". For example, if the object-type is RAID_PD_RGC, you can obtain the PD_RGC record information from RAID Agent.
  • For query-string, enter a key and its value in pairs in the key=value format. You can enter multiple query strings. To enter multiple query strings, use an ampersand (&) as a separator. An example of specifying the query strings is indicated in "Query string". In addition, the keys and types of values that can be specified are indicated in "Specifiable keys and values in the query strings for obtaining performance data". Note that query strings must be percent-encoded.

Query string

Example of specifying the query strings:

Table. Specifiable keys and values in the query strings for obtaining performance data




Specifiable value



Host name

The name of the RAID Agent host



RAID Agent instance name

The value that uniquely identifies a RAID Agent instance



A value that follows the following convention (the extended ISO8601 format) can be specified (Example: startTime=2013-11-20T19:54Z):

value = year-month-dayThour:minuteZ2

  • year = 4DIGIT (0000-9999)
  • month = 2DIGIT (01-12)
  • day = 2DIGIT (01-31)
  • hour = 2DIGIT (00-23)
  • minute = 2DIGIT (00-59)

Note: DIGIT represents a decimal number (0-9) in the ABNF convention.

The start time (in UTC) of the period for which performance data is to be obtained



Same as startTime (Example: endTime=2013-11-21T19:54Z)

The end time (in UTC) of the period for which performance data is to be obtained



A value that has the following convention can be specified.

value = 1*VCHAR / value


To specify multiple values3, use %1F as a separator4.

Record field names

For details, see RAID Agent records.



A value that follows the following convention can be specified.

value = *VCHAR ; 2, 5

To specify multiple values3, use %1F as a separator4.

Specify the name of a field as a key, and the value of the field as the value for the key.



Specify raw or specify no value. When no value is specified, raw is assumed. Note that this value is not case-sensitive.

The time granularity of the performance data to be obtained



Specify s. Note that this value is not case-sensitive.

Obtaining data by executing a query


  1. When you specify startTime and endTime, note the following:

    • Specify both startTime and endTime, or neither of them. You cannot specify only one of these keys.

      If you specify neither startTime nor endTime, the performance data of the latest date (for one snapshot) is returned.

    • For startTime, specify a value smaller than that for endTime.

  2. Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF).
  3. If multiple values can be specified for a key, you can separate the values by %1F, and you can also specify the values by specifying the same key name on multiple lines. These different notations have the same meaning. The different notations can be mixed in one request.

    The following shows examples of specifying multiple values.

    • When separating the values by using %1F:

    • When separating the values by using %1F:

  4. %1F is a unit separator in ASCII code (non-printable).
  5. When specifying a type (double and float) that includes a decimal point as a value for a condition, regardless of the Web server or the Web client locale, use a period (.) for a decimal point. If a comma (,) is used for a decimal point, an error occurs.

Request structure

Not applicable.

Response structure

The configuration of the response body is as follows:

FILE = NAME <RecordDelimiter> TYPE <RecordDelimiter> DATA_LINES
<RecordDelimiter> <RecordDelimiter> ;
NAME = <SelectedFieldName> | NAME <FieldDelimiter> NAME ;
TYPE = <DataType> | TYPE <FieldDelimiter> TYPE ;
DATA = <SelectedFieldValue> | DATA <FieldDelimiter> DATA ;

The response body contains performance data in CSV format. The following table describes the variables used in the response body.

Variable name



The name of a specific field1


The field separator.

A comma (0x09) is used as recommended by RFC4180.


The data line separator.

An extra delimiter is added to the end of the data to show that the data ends.

A CR-LF code (0x0D 0x0A) is used as recommended by RFC4180.


The data type of a specific field1


The value of a specific field that is selected by the function that selects data to be obtained1, 2, 3, 4


  1. m represents the selected field number.
  2. l represents the line number of the selection results.
  3. If a value of a type (double and float) that includes a decimal point is obtained, regardless of the Web server or the Web client locale, a period (.) is used as the decimal point.
  4. If the data model of the storage system to be monitored is upgraded and a new field is added to the existing records, an empty character string (a zero byte character string) will be output to the added field.

Example 1 (when obtaining the PD record information)

Request message by using the curl command

curl -v -u system:manager -X GET https://server_1:22016/Analytics/RAIDAgent/v1/objects/RAID_PD?hostName=agent_1%26agentInstanceName=VSPG1000_instance

Execution result for the request:

Request header

GET /Analytics/RAIDAgent/v1/objects/RAID_PD?
hostName=agent_1%26agentInstanceName=VSPG1000_instance HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic c3lzdGVtOm1hbmFnZXI=
User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (i386-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7
NSS/ zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.2.2
Host: server_1:22016
Accept: */*

Response header

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 13:09:05 GMT
Server: Cosminexus HTTP Server
Last-Modified: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 13:00:07 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=3, max=100
Cache-Control: no-cache
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/csv;charset=utf-8
X-Pad: avoid browser bug

Response body

"10051","HITACHI","VSP G1000",469504,0,"",2014-06-20 13:00:07,3600,"PD",2014-06-20 13:00:07

Example 2 (when obtaining the PI_LDS record information)

Request message by using the curl command

curl -v -u system:manager -X GET https://server_1:22016/Analytics/RAIDAgent/v1/objects/RAID_PI_LDS?hostName=agent_1%26agentInstanceName=VSPG1000_instance

Execution result for the request:

Request header

GET /Analytics/RAIDAgent/v1/objects/RAID_PI_LDS?
hostName=agent_1%26agentInstanceName=VSPG1000_instance HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic c3lzdGVtOm1hbmFnZXI=
User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (i386-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7
NSS/ zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.2.2
Host: server_1:22016
Accept: */*

Response header

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 13:20:15 GMT
Server: Cosminexus HTTP Server
Last-Modified: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 13:20:01 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=3, max=100
Cache-Control: no-cache
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/csv;charset=utf-8
X-Pad: avoid browser bug

Response body

"00:00:00",0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0.000000000000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.000000000000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,"","","",301,"LDS",2014-06-20 13:20:01
"00:00:01",0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0.000000000000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.000000000000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,"","","",301,"LDS",2014-06-20 13:20:01
"00:00:02",0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0.000000000000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.000000000000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,"","","",301,"LDS",2014-06-20 13:20:01
"00:AF:00",0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0,0.0000000E+000,0.000000000000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.000000000000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,0.0000000E+000,"","","",301,"LDS2",2014-06-20 13:20:01

Example 3 (when obtaining the PD_PTC record information)

Request message by using the curl command

curl -v -u system:manager -X GET https://server_1:22016/Analytics/RAIDAgent/v1/objects/RAID_PD_PTC?hostName=agent_1%26agentInstanceName=VSPG1000_instance

Execution result for the request:

Request header

GET /Analytics/RAIDAgent/v1/objects/RAID_PD_PTC?
hostName=agent_1%26agentInstanceName=VSPG1000_instance HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic c3lzdGVtOm1hbmFnZXI=
User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (i386-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7
NSS/ zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.2.2
Host: server_1:22016
Accept: */*

Response header

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 12:36:36 GMT
Server: Cosminexus HTTP Server
Last-Modified: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 12:00:07 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=3, max=100
Cache-Control: no-cache
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/csv;charset=utf-8
X-Pad: avoid browser bug

Response body

"0","CL1-A","CHA-1EU","50060E8007274300","FIBRE","Target","Auto","",2014-06-20 12:00:07,3600,"PTC",2014-06-20 12:00:07
"1","CL1-B","CHA-1EU","50060E8007274301","FIBRE","Target","Auto","",2014-06-20 12:00:07,3600,"PTC",2014-06-20 12:00:07
"2","CL1-C","CHA-1EL","50060E8007274302","FIBRE","External","8Gbps","",2014-06-20 12:00:07,3600,"PTC",2014-06-20 12:00:07
"3","CL1-D","CHA-1EL","50060E8007274303","FIBRE","Target","Auto","",2014-06-20 12:00:07,3600,"PTC",2014-06-20 12:00:07
"116","CL8-E","CHA-2RU","","FICON","Target","","",2014-06-20 12:00:07,3600,"PTC",2014-06-20 12:00:07
"117","CL8-F","CHA-2RU","","FICON","Target","","",2014-06-20 12:00:07,3600,"PTC",2014-06-20 12:00:07
"118","CL8-G","CHA-2RL","50060E8007274376","FCoE","Target","10Gbps","",2014-06-20 12:00:07,3600,"PTC",2014-06-20 12:00:07
"119","CL8-H","CHA-2RL","50060E8007274377","FCoE","Target","10Gbps","",2014-06-20 12:00:07,3600,"PTC",2014-06-20 12:00:07

Example 4 (when obtaining the PI_PRCS record information by specifying startTime and endTime)

Request message by using the curl command

curl -v -u system:manager -X GET https://server_1:22016/Analytics/RAIDAgent/v1/objects/RAID_PI_PRCS?hostName=agent_1%26agentInstanceName=VSPG1000_instance

Execution result for the request:

Request header

GET /Analytics/RAIDAgent/v1/objects/RAID_PI_PRCS?
%26startTime=2014-06-19T01:00Z%26endTime=2014-06-19T02:30Z HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic c3lzdGVtOm1hbmFnZXI=
User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (i386-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7
NSS/ zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.2.2
Host: server_1:22016
Accept: */*

Response header

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 13:10:42 GMT
Server: Cosminexus HTTP Server
Last-Modified: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 02:29:01 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=3, max=100
Cache-Control: private, max-age=864000
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/csv;charset=utf-8

Response body

"00","MPB0","","MP",8.8735523E-001,8.8735523E-001,6.5535002E+004,1.0000000E+000,1.0000000E+000,1.5259022E-003,1.5259022E-003,54,"PRCS",2014-06-19 01:14:01
"01","MPB0","","MP",1.2086518E+000,1.2086518E+000,6.5535002E+004,1.0000000E+000,1.0000000E+000,1.5259022E-003,1.5259022E-003,54,"PRCS",2014-06-19 01:14:01
"02","MPB0","","MP",9.0272198E-001,9.0272198E-001,6.5535002E+004,1.0000000E+000,1.0000000E+000,1.5259022E-003,1.5259022E-003,54,"PRCS",2014-06-19 01:14:01
"2E","MPB5","","MP",3.0648675E+000,3.0648675E+000,6.5535002E+004,1.0000000E+000,1.0000000E+000,1.5259022E-003,1.5259022E-003,61,"PRCS",2014-06-19 02:29:01
"2F","MPB5","","MP",3.1383426E+000,3.1383426E+000,6.5535002E+004,1.0000000E+000,1.0000000E+000,1.5259022E-003,1.5259022E-003,61,"PRCS",2014-06-19 02:29:01
"_Total","MPB5","","MPB",3.0528414E+000,3.0528414E+000,6.5535002E+004,1.0000000E+000,1.0000000E+000,1.5259022E-003,1.5259022E-003,61,"PRCS",2014-06-19 02:29:01