Configuring remote paths for VSP 5000 series, VSP F series, and VSP G series

Ops Center Administrator High Availability User Guide

Part Number
Use Storage Navigator to configure remote paths between the primary and secondary storage systems.
  • Storage Administrator (Remote Copy) role is required.
  • Physical paths are set between the primary and secondary storage systems.
  • The port attributes of local and remote storage systems are defined for high availability.
  • You know the remote storage system model, serial number, and path group ID.
  1. Navigate to the Storage Systems window click Actions > High Availability Setup.
  2. On the High Availability Setup window, select the primary and secondary storage systems, then click Proceed.
  3. Click Remote Paths to expand the window, then click Launch for Primary Storage or Launch for Secondary Storage to open the Remote Connections window in Device Manager - Storage Navigator.
  4. Click Add Remote Connection to open the Add Remote Connection window.
    • Model: Select the remote storage system model.
      • For VSP G1x00, F1500 storage systems, select 7.
      • For VSP G200, G/F400, G/F600, G/F800 and VSP E series storage systems, select 18.
      • For VSP 5000 series storage systems, select 8.
    • Serial Number: Enter the five- or six-digit serial number for the remote storage system.
  5. Set the items in Remote Paths.
    • Path Group ID: Select the ID for the path group.
    • Minimum Number of Paths: Specify the minimum number or paths that are required for each remote storage system that is connected to the current local storage system. When the number of normal paths become fewer than the value specified in Minimum Number of Paths, the local storage system suspends all GAD pairs that will be affected and prevents the server performance from being harmed due to insufficient number of paths.
    • For Select Type, select the port type. Then select the port to be used for both the local storage system and the remote storage system. These are the ports by which the storage systems are already physically connected. To add more paths, click Add Path. You can also add and delete paths later as needed using the Add Remote Paths window.
  6. (Optional) Enter the RIO MIH Time.

    You can enter a value between 10 and 100. The default setting is 15.

    The RIO MIH (Remote I/O Missing Interrupt Handler) is the waiting time from when copy starts until when it ends. This value applies to the slots which received the request of copying data between storage systems.

  7. (Optional) Enter Round Trip Time in milliseconds, if necessary.

    The round-trip time is a time limit for data to travel from the P-VOL to the S-VOL. This value is the reference value to control the copy pace of the initial copy automatically when the initial copy is performed, and to lessen the impact to the response time of the remote I/O for the update I/O.

  8. Click Finish.
  9. In the Confirm window, verify the settings you made, and then enter the task name in Task Name.
  10. Click Apply.

    The task is registered. The Tasks window appears if the Go to tasks window for status check box is selected.

  11. On the Tasks & Alerts tab, you can click the task name to view progress and other details.