Disable by deleting the replication group and primary volumes

Ops Center Administrator High Availability User Guide

Part Number

You can disable high availability functions by deleting the replication group and primary volumes.

  1. Delete all GAD pairs by deleting the replication group:
    On Replication Groups page, select the replication group, then click Delete.
  2. Detach primary volumes in one of the following ways:
    • On the detail page for the server, select all primary volumes, then click Detach Volume.
    • On the Volumes page, select all primary volumes, then click Detach Volume.
  3. Delete primary volumes in one of the following ways:
    • On the Volumes page, select the primary volumes, then click Delete.
    • One the detail page for each primary volume, click Delete.
  4. (Optional) Delete the host group created by Ops Center Protector.
  5. (Optional) Remove volume IDs and host group IDs in the secondary virtual storage machine.
    1. Open the Virtual Storage Machines page and select the secondary VSM.
    2. Click Actions > Remove VSM > Remove Undefined Resources from VSM.
    3. Specify the number of volumes, the range of volume IDs, or both, then click the plus sign (+). Click Next.
    4. Specify the number of host group IDs to delete, then click the plus sign (+). Click Submit.
  6. Delete the secondary VSM

    On the Virtual Storage Machines page, select the secondary VSM, then click Delete.