Configuring the Network Time Protocol server settings

Ops Center Administrator Getting Started Guide

Part Number

NTP servers ensure time synchronization between network resources. To configure the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server settings, see your OS manual.

If you originally installed using the stand-alone preconfigured media, configure these settings from the Virtual Appliance Manager using the following procedure:

  1. Open a browser and enter the following URL in the address bar:


    • ip-address is the IP address of the Ops Center Administrator server.
    • port is the port number of the Ops Center Administrator. The default port number is 443 or 20961.

    The default login credentials are sysadmin/sysadmin

  2. To add NTP servers to the virtual machine, click Time Settings. Adding NTP servers ensures that the Ops Center Administrator server is synchronized with the storage system environment.

    Virtual Application Manager Time Settings

  3. To add an NTP server, click +.
  4. Enter the NTP server host name.
  5. Click Submit.