Protecting volumes by cloning

Ops Center Administrator User Guide

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After creating and attaching volumes, you can implement data protection by creating a clone

The Clone Now method can be useful if maintenance or testing of a volume is needed. You can clone the primary volume and perform testing when the clone is complete. If any data is lost, you can retrieve it from the secondary volume.

You can create up to three clones for a volume. Using Ops Center Administrator, you can do this performing the cloning function on a set of volumes three times.

Note: The Clone Now method is available for volumes that exist and are attached to a server. It is not available when the create-and-attach workflow is used to create, attach, and protect volumes in a single window.
  1. In the Protect Volumes window, select the volumes you want to protect, then click Clone Now.
  2. Choose whether to use Consistency.
    Using Consistency means that copy functions will run on all pairs in the group simultaneously. Consistency, schedule and retention policy are all filters for replication groups, so your choices might affect the availability of replication groups.
  3. Select a replication group from the options in the Replication Group Name list or enter a new name.
    Up to 26 alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed. Spaces are not allowed.
  4. Click Submit to clone the volumes.
A job is created and a summary message is displayed.