Monitoring jobs

Ops Center Administrator User Guide

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You can view the Jobs window to get an update on the status of a task, download the details of a job, perform a job search by keyword, user, or target resource IDs, or view the errors associated with a job.

In this window you see two types of jobs or tasks by switching the displayed tab. In Ops Center Administrator Jobs tab, you can verify submitted jobs and their statuses in Ops Center Administrator. In the System Tasks tab, you can verify tasks submitted in Storage Navigator which runs on the onboarded storage system's SVP.

Note: If too many jobs are run simultaneously, it can exceed the processing capacity of the Ops Center Administrator server. Also, the jobs might hang up in the In Progress state and fail to complete. If this occurs, restart the Ops Center Administrator service and run the jobs at different times.
  1. If there is a red circle with a number in the Jobs Alert tile, it reflects the number of failed jobs and jobs that succeeded with errors. Access the Jobs window in one of these ways:
    • From the dashboard, click Jobs Alerts to open the Jobs window, or click the Jobs tab.
    • On the dashboard, click Storage Systems to open the storage systems inventory. If the Jobs Alert tile has a red circle with a number, click it to view the Jobs window.
  2. Click the Export Jobs in CSV Format icon (download icon) to download the details of a job and its tasks.
  3. Use the Search function to view job status and search by keyword, start date, end date, resource, or user.

    jobs inventory

    Common search terms include:
    • Volume
    • Pool
    • Storage
    • Create
    • Provision
    • Expand
    • Delete
    The Status column displays the job status.
    Icon Description
    Success The job completed successfully.
    Success With Errors The job completed successfully, but there were errors.
    * In Progress The job is still in progress.
    Schedule The job is scheduled to run at the specified date and time.
    Failed The job failed.
    *: If the job status does not change from "In Progress" for more than 20 minutes, verify that storage system is not locked.
  4. Click a job to open the Job Details window where you can view any child jobs, reports, target resources, and request information associated with each job. Reports are the messages that the Ops Center Administrator service returns regarding the progress of each job. Child jobs serve to track jobs that start multiple, smaller tasks (such as creating multiple volumes).
  • If the job failed, review the job reports to determine the cause of the failure.
  • If the job completed successfully with errors, click the job to view the error message.