When migrating host information, it's important to understand how the Scan Host Groups feature functions depending on the environment parameters:
- If you select multiple storage systems, server creation runs in ascending order of the storage system serial number. Ops Center Administrator ignores host groups without WWNs because it only sees host group configuration and cannot determine whether a host group contains WWNs of clustered servers.
- The Ops Center Administrator server cannot have both FC and iSCSI protocols. Different protocols in host groups result in different servers. If the host mode conflicts between host groups, Ops Center Administrator creates only one server based on the host group found first.
- When Ops Center Administrator finds a host group with an external array connection and both storage systems are already onboarded, the host groups are ignored. If only the external storage system is onboarded, Ops Center Administrator creates a server. (Ops Center Administrator cannot check if the host group is used by an external array or a host.) For host groups with the same WWNs set, Ops Center Administrator creates a single server. Even if the name of each host group is different, they are treated as a single server.
- Ops Center Administrator determines the port to use when attaching the volume to the newly created server. If the same WWN is found in multiple host groups during a single scan, the result depends on the order of storage systems in the scan.
In addition, be aware of the following WWN-related information:
- You may need to edit the mapping between servers and WWNs after scanning completes.
- If a server already exists with the same WWNs as scanned host groups, Ops Center Administrator does nothing.
- Ops Center Administrator adds newly found WWNs to existing servers if the server name and host group name are the same.
- Ops Center Administrator creates a new server with the scanned WWNs if there is no matching server name and the host group contains WWNs that no other existing servers use.
- Existing servers are never deleted (new WWNs may be added, but there is no WWN removal or server deletion).
- If host groups over multiple storage systems are scanned and the host groups have volumes provisioned from each storage system:
- After scanning both storage systems, Ops Center Administrator creates a server from the host groups over the multiple storage arrays.
- A scan reconciles servers and host groups based on a set of WWNs in each host group.
If a server is created following the scan of one storage system and if it has volumes provisioned from a second (or additional) storage system:
- Create a server object after scanning the first storage system.
- During the scan of the second storage system, reconcile its host groups with the existing server.