Adding servers

Ops Center Administrator User Guide

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Add servers so you can attach volumes. You can add multiple server parameters from a file or add one server at a time.

You can add servers using one of the following methods:

  • Manually add information for one server at a time.
  • Import a CSV (comma-separated values) file with information for one server in each row.

    The CSV file must have the following headings:

    • For Fibre:
      • Name, OSType, WWNs (comma-separated list of WWNs)
      • Description, IPAddress and WWNsUserDefinedNames (comma-separated list of user-defined names for WWNs) are optional headings.
    • For FC-NVMe:
      • Name, OSType, Host NQN
      • Description, IPAddress, WWNs (comma-separated list of WWNs), and WWNsUserDefinedNames (comma-separated list of user-defined names for WWNs) are optional headings.
    • For iSCSI:
      • Name, OSType, IscsiName (comma-separated list of names)
      • Description, IPAddress, ChapUser, ChapSecret and IscsiNamesUserDefinedNames (comma-separated list of user-defined names for iSCSI Names) are optional headings.

    Valid OSType values are as follows:

    • AIX
    • HP_UX
    • LINUX
    • OVMS
    • TRU64
    • VMWARE
    • WIN
    • WIN_EX
  1. On the Ops Center Administrator dashboard, click Servers. Then click the plus sign (+) to open the Add Server window.

    add servers

  2. In the Add Server window, do one of the following:
    • Click the upper plus sign (+) to browse for the CSV file or drag the file to the plus sign. The values from the file populate the window. Example:
      Esxi,ESXI HOST,,VMWARE_EX,10:00:00:05:33:26:f7:21,Esxi_HBA_1
      ESXi_Cisco_1,ESXi HOST connected to Cisco
      ESXi_Cisco_2,ESXi HOST connected to Cisco
    • To add Fibre, FC-NVMe, and iSCSI servers at the same time, use the following format:
      linux-iscsi,test dummy host,,Linux,,,"iqn. linuxiscsi-1,iqn. linux-iscsi-2,eui.1234567890abCDef","linux- iscsi-HBA-1,linux-iscsi-HBA-2,linux-iscsi-HBA-3",,
      -windows-iscsi-uni-chap,test dummy host,,Win,,,iqn.-windows-iscsi-unichap,"""host- HBA-1""",chapUserName,chapUserSecret
      -windows-iscsi-bi-chap,test dummy host,,Win,,,iqn.- windows-iscsi-bichap,"""windows-iscsi-bi-chap-
      -vmware-iscsi-longest,test dummy host,,VMWARE,,,"iqn.123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789,eui.3234567890abCDef" ed801h,Windows,,WIN,10:00:00:90:fa:b4:a8:71,"ed801 h-HBA-1"
      ed800n,ESX Host,,VMWARE,10:00:00:90:fa:55:85:5d,"ed800n-HBA-1"
      -linux,test dummy host,,Linux,10:10:10:10:10:10:10:10,"ed801h-HBA-1"
      -windows,test dummy host,,Win,10:10:10:10:10:10:10:20,"host-HBA-1"
      -vmware,test dummy host,,VMWARE,10:10:10:10:10:10:10:30
      nvme-linux,test dummy nvme host,,LINUX, 10:10:10:10:10:10:20:10,”nvme-linux-hba-1”,,,,,nqn.test-01
      nvme-vmware,test dummy nvme host,,VMWARE, 10:10:10:10:10:10:20:20,,,,,,nqn.test-02
      nvme-vmware-ex,test dummy nvme host,,VMWARE_EX,,,,,,,nqn.test-03
    • Click the plus sign (+) in the table to add a row and enter the required information for Fibre Channel, FC-NVMe, or iSCSI. You can add more servers by clicking the plus sign again.
    • (Optional) You can use the WWN List or iSCSI List to add/edit a server.
    • (Optional) You can add comma-separated user-defined names for WWNs or iSCSI names in the order they are specified.
  3. Click Submit to add the servers.

Create volumes and attach them to the server.